* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Map;
import org.xml.sax.AttributeList;
import org.xml.sax.HandlerBase;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
* Inner class used by EjbJar to facilitate the parsing of deployment
* descriptors and the capture of appropriate information. Extends
* HandlerBase so it only implements the methods needed. During parsing
* creates a hashtable consisting of entries mapping the name it should be
* inserted into an EJB jar as to a File representing the file on disk. This
* list can then be accessed through the getFiles() method.
public class DescriptorHandler extends HandlerBase {
private static final int DEFAULT_HASH_TABLE_SIZE = 10;
private static final int STATE_LOOKING_EJBJAR = 1;
private static final int STATE_IN_EJBJAR = 2;
private static final int STATE_IN_BEANS = 3;
private static final int STATE_IN_SESSION = 4;
private static final int STATE_IN_ENTITY = 5;
private static final int STATE_IN_MESSAGE = 6;
private Task owningTask;
private String publicId = null;
* Bunch of constants used for storing entries in a hashtable, and for
* constructing the filenames of various parts of the ejb jar.
private static final String EJB_REF = "ejb-ref";
private static final String EJB_LOCAL_REF = "ejb-local-ref";
private static final String HOME_INTERFACE = "home";
private static final String REMOTE_INTERFACE = "remote";
private static final String LOCAL_HOME_INTERFACE = "local-home";
private static final String LOCAL_INTERFACE = "local";
private static final String BEAN_CLASS = "ejb-class";
private static final String PK_CLASS = "prim-key-class";
private static final String EJB_NAME = "ejb-name";
private static final String EJB_JAR = "ejb-jar";
private static final String ENTERPRISE_BEANS = "enterprise-beans";
private static final String ENTITY_BEAN = "entity";
private static final String SESSION_BEAN = "session";
private static final String MESSAGE_BEAN = "message-driven";
* The state of the parsing
private int parseState = STATE_LOOKING_EJBJAR;
// CheckStyle:VisibilityModifier OFF - bc
* Instance variable used to store the name of the current element being
* processed by the SAX parser. Accessed by the SAX parser call-back methods
* startElement() and endElement().
protected String currentElement = null;
* The text of the current element
protected String currentText = null;
* Instance variable that stores the names of the files as they will be
* put into the jar file, mapped to File objects Accessed by the SAX
* parser call-back method characters().
protected Hashtable<String, File> ejbFiles = null;
* Instance variable that stores the value found in the <ejb-name> element
protected String ejbName = null;
private Map<String, File> fileDTDs = new Hashtable<>();
private Map<String, String> resourceDTDs = new Hashtable<>();
private boolean inEJBRef = false;
private Map<String, URL> urlDTDs = new Hashtable<>();
// CheckStyle:VisibilityModifier OFF - bc
* The directory containing the bean classes and interfaces. This is
* used for performing dependency file lookups.
private File srcDir;
* Constructor for DescriptorHandler.
* @param task the task that owns this descriptor
* @param srcDir the source directory
public DescriptorHandler(Task task, File srcDir) {
this.owningTask = task;
this.srcDir = srcDir;
* Register a dtd with a location.
* The location is one of a filename, a resource name in the classpath, or
* a URL.
* @param publicId the public identity of the dtd
* @param location the location of the dtd
public void registerDTD(String publicId, String location) {
if (location == null) {
File fileDTD = new File(location);
if (!fileDTD.exists()) {
// resolve relative to project basedir
fileDTD = owningTask.getProject().resolveFile(location);
if (fileDTD.exists()) {
if (publicId != null) {
fileDTDs.put(publicId, fileDTD);
owningTask.log("Mapped publicId " + publicId + " to file "
+ fileDTD, Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
if (getClass().getResource(location) != null) {
if (publicId != null) {
resourceDTDs.put(publicId, location);
owningTask.log("Mapped publicId " + publicId + " to resource "
+ location, Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
try {
if (publicId != null) {
URL urldtd = new URL(location);
urlDTDs.put(publicId, urldtd);
} catch ( e) {
* Resolve the entity.
* @see org.xml.sax.EntityResolver#resolveEntity(String, String)
* @param publicId The public identifier, or <code>null</code>
* if none is available.
* @param systemId The system identifier provided in the XML
* document. Will not be <code>null</code>.
* @return an inputsource for this identifier
* @throws SAXException if there is a problem.
public InputSource resolveEntity(String publicId, String systemId)
throws SAXException {
this.publicId = publicId;
File dtdFile = fileDTDs.get(publicId);
if (dtdFile != null) {
try {
owningTask.log("Resolved " + publicId + " to local file "
+ dtdFile, Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
return new InputSource(Files.newInputStream(dtdFile.toPath()));
} catch (IOException ex) {
// ignore
String dtdResourceName = resourceDTDs.get(publicId);
if (dtdResourceName != null) {
InputStream is = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(dtdResourceName);
if (is != null) {
owningTask.log("Resolved " + publicId + " to local resource "
+ dtdResourceName, Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
return new InputSource(is);
URL dtdUrl = urlDTDs.get(publicId);
if (dtdUrl != null) {
try {
InputStream is = dtdUrl.openStream();
owningTask.log("Resolved " + publicId + " to url "
+ dtdUrl, Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
return new InputSource(is);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
owningTask.log("Could not resolve (publicId: " + publicId
+ ", systemId: " + systemId + ") to a local entity", Project.MSG_INFO);
return null;
* Getter method that returns the set of files to include in the EJB jar.
* @return the map of files
public Hashtable<String, File> getFiles() {
return ejbFiles == null ? new Hashtable<>() : ejbFiles;
* Get the publicId of the DTD
* @return the public id
public String getPublicId() {
return publicId;
* Getter method that returns the value of the <ejb-name> element.
* @return the ejb name
public String getEjbName() {
return ejbName;
* SAX parser call-back method that is used to initialize the values of some
* instance variables to ensure safe operation.
* @throws SAXException on error
public void startDocument() throws SAXException {
this.ejbFiles = new Hashtable<>(DEFAULT_HASH_TABLE_SIZE, 1);
this.currentElement = null;
inEJBRef = false;
* SAX parser call-back method that is invoked when a new element is entered
* into. Used to store the context (attribute name) in the currentAttribute
* instance variable.
* @param name The name of the element being entered.
* @param attrs Attributes associated to the element.
* @throws SAXException on error
public void startElement(String name, AttributeList attrs)
throws SAXException {
this.currentElement = name;
currentText = "";
if (EJB_REF.equals(name) || EJB_LOCAL_REF.equals(name)) {
inEJBRef = true;
} else if (parseState == STATE_LOOKING_EJBJAR && EJB_JAR.equals(name)) {
parseState = STATE_IN_EJBJAR;
} else if (parseState == STATE_IN_EJBJAR && ENTERPRISE_BEANS.equals(name)) {
parseState = STATE_IN_BEANS;
} else if (parseState == STATE_IN_BEANS && SESSION_BEAN.equals(name)) {
parseState = STATE_IN_SESSION;
} else if (parseState == STATE_IN_BEANS && ENTITY_BEAN.equals(name)) {
parseState = STATE_IN_ENTITY;
} else if (parseState == STATE_IN_BEANS && MESSAGE_BEAN.equals(name)) {
parseState = STATE_IN_MESSAGE;
* SAX parser call-back method that is invoked when an element is exited.
* Used to blank out (set to the empty string, not nullify) the name of
* the currentAttribute. A better method would be to use a stack as an
* instance variable, however since we are only interested in leaf-node
* data this is a simpler and workable solution.
* @param name The name of the attribute being exited. Ignored
* in this implementation.
* @throws SAXException on error
public void endElement(String name) throws SAXException {
currentText = "";
this.currentElement = "";
if (name.equals(EJB_REF) || name.equals(EJB_LOCAL_REF)) {
inEJBRef = false;
} else if (parseState == STATE_IN_ENTITY && name.equals(ENTITY_BEAN)) {
parseState = STATE_IN_BEANS;
} else if (parseState == STATE_IN_SESSION && name.equals(SESSION_BEAN)) {
parseState = STATE_IN_BEANS;
} else if (parseState == STATE_IN_MESSAGE && name.equals(MESSAGE_BEAN)) {
parseState = STATE_IN_BEANS;
} else if (parseState == STATE_IN_BEANS && name.equals(ENTERPRISE_BEANS)) {
parseState = STATE_IN_EJBJAR;
} else if (parseState == STATE_IN_EJBJAR && name.equals(EJB_JAR)) {
* SAX parser call-back method invoked whenever characters are located within
* an element. currentAttribute (modified by startElement and endElement)
* tells us whether we are in an interesting element (one of the up to four
* classes of an EJB). If so then converts the classname from the format
* to the convention for storing such a class,
* org/apache/tools/ant/Parser.class. This is then resolved into a file
* object under the srcdir which is stored in a Hashtable.
* @param ch A character array containing all the characters in
* the element, and maybe others that should be ignored.
* @param start An integer marking the position in the char
* array to start reading from.
* @param length An integer representing an offset into the
* char array where the current data terminates.
* @throws SAXException on error
public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length)
throws SAXException {
currentText += new String(ch, start, length);
* Called when an endelement is seen.
* This may be overridden in derived classes.
* This updates the ejbfiles if the element is an interface or a bean class.
* This updates the ejbname if the element is an ejb name.
protected void processElement() {
if (inEJBRef
|| (parseState != STATE_IN_ENTITY
&& parseState != STATE_IN_SESSION
&& parseState != STATE_IN_MESSAGE)) {
if (HOME_INTERFACE.equals(currentElement)
|| REMOTE_INTERFACE.equals(currentElement)
|| LOCAL_INTERFACE.equals(currentElement)
|| LOCAL_HOME_INTERFACE.equals(currentElement)
|| BEAN_CLASS.equals(currentElement)
|| PK_CLASS.equals(currentElement)) {
// Get the filename into a String object
String className = currentText.trim();
// If it's a primitive wrapper then we shouldn't try and put
// it into the jar, so ignore it.
if (!className.startsWith("java.")
&& !className.startsWith("javax.")) {
// Translate periods into path separators, add .class to the
// name, create the File object and add it to the Hashtable.
className = className.replace('.', File.separatorChar);
className += ".class";
ejbFiles.put(className, new File(srcDir, className));
// Get the value of the <ejb-name> tag. Only the first occurrence.
if (currentElement.equals(EJB_NAME)) {
if (ejbName == null) {
ejbName = currentText.trim();