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import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;

 * Utility class to handle reflection on java objects.
 * The class is a holder class for an object and
 * uses java reflection to call methods on the objects.
 * If things go wrong, BuildExceptions are thrown.

public class ReflectWrapper {
    private Object obj;

     * Construct a wrapped object using the no arg constructor.
     * @param loader the classloader to use to construct the class.
     * @param name the classname of the object to construct.
    public ReflectWrapper(ClassLoader loader, String name) {
        try {
            Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(name, true, loader);
            Constructor<?> constructor = clazz.getConstructor();
            obj = constructor.newInstance();
        } catch (Exception t) {

     * Constructor using a passed in object.
     * @param obj the object to wrap.
    public ReflectWrapper(Object obj) {
        this.obj = obj;

     * @param <T> desired type
     * @return the wrapped object.
    public <T> T getObject() {
        return (T) obj;

     * Call a method on the object with no parameters.
     * @param <T> desired type
     * @param methodName the name of the method to call
     * @return the object returned by the method
    public <T> T invoke(String methodName) {
        return ReflectUtil.invoke(obj, methodName);

     * Call a method on the object with one argument.
     * @param <T> desired type
     * @param methodName the name of the method to call
     * @param argType    the type of argument.
     * @param arg        the value of the argument.
     * @return the object returned by the method
    public <T> T invoke(String methodName, Class<?> argType, Object arg) {
        return ReflectUtil.invoke(obj, methodName, argType, arg);

     * Call a method on the object with one argument.
     * @param <T> desired type
     * @param methodName the name of the method to call
     * @param argType1   the type of the first argument.
     * @param arg1       the value of the first argument.
     * @param argType2   the type of the second argument.
     * @param arg2       the value of the second argument.
     * @return the object returned by the method
    public <T> T invoke(String methodName, Class<?> argType1, Object arg1,
        Class<?> argType2, Object arg2) {
        return ReflectUtil.invoke(obj, methodName, argType1, arg1, argType2,