* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.bcel.generic;
import org.apache.bcel.Const;
* Instances of this class may be used, e.g., to generate typed
* versions of instructions. Its main purpose is to be used as the
* byte code generating backend of a compiler. You can subclass it to
* add your own create methods.
* <p>
* Note: The static createXXX methods return singleton instances
* from the {@link InstructionConst} class.
* @version $Id: 1806200 2017-08-25 16:33:06Z ggregory $
* @see Const
* @see InstructionConst
public class InstructionFactory implements InstructionConstants {
// N.N. These must agree with the order of Constants.T_CHAR through T_LONG
private static final String[] short_names = {
"C", "F", "D", "B", "S", "I", "L"
* @deprecated (since 6.0) will be made private; do not access directly, use getter/setter
protected ClassGen cg;
* @deprecated (since 6.0) will be made private; do not access directly, use getter/setter
protected ConstantPoolGen cp;
public InstructionFactory(final ClassGen cg, final ConstantPoolGen cp) { = cg;
this.cp = cp;
/** Initialize with ClassGen object
public InstructionFactory(final ClassGen cg) {
this(cg, cg.getConstantPool());
/** Initialize just with ConstantPoolGen object
public InstructionFactory(final ConstantPoolGen cp) {
this(null, cp);
/** Create an invoke instruction. (Except for invokedynamic.)
* @param class_name name of the called class
* @param name name of the called method
* @param ret_type return type of method
* @param arg_types argument types of method
* @param kind how to invoke, i.e., INVOKEINTERFACE, INVOKESTATIC, INVOKEVIRTUAL,
* @see Const
public InvokeInstruction createInvoke( final String class_name, final String name, final Type ret_type,
final Type[] arg_types, final short kind ) {
int index;
int nargs = 0;
final String signature = Type.getMethodSignature(ret_type, arg_types);
for (final Type arg_type : arg_types) {
nargs += arg_type.getSize();
if (kind == Const.INVOKEINTERFACE) {
index = cp.addInterfaceMethodref(class_name, name, signature);
} else {
index = cp.addMethodref(class_name, name, signature);
switch (kind) {
return new INVOKESPECIAL(index);
return new INVOKEVIRTUAL(index);
return new INVOKESTATIC(index);
return new INVOKEINTERFACE(index, nargs + 1);
return new INVOKEDYNAMIC(index);
throw new RuntimeException("Oops: Unknown invoke kind: " + kind);
/** Create an invokedynamic instruction.
* @param bootstrap_index index into the bootstrap_methods array
* @param name name of the called method
* @param ret_type return type of method
* @param arg_types argument types of method
* @see Constants
* createInvokeDynamic only needed if instrumention code wants to generate
* a new invokedynamic instruction. I don't think we need. (markro)
public InvokeInstruction createInvokeDynamic( int bootstrap_index, String name, Type ret_type,
Type[] arg_types) {
int index;
int nargs = 0;
String signature = Type.getMethodSignature(ret_type, arg_types);
for (int i = 0; i < arg_types.length; i++) {
nargs += arg_types[i].getSize();
// UNDONE - needs to be added to ConstantPoolGen
//index = cp.addInvokeDynamic(bootstrap_index, name, signature);
index = 0;
return new INVOKEDYNAMIC(index);
/** Create a call to the most popular System.out.println() method.
* @param s the string to print
public InstructionList createPrintln( final String s ) {
final InstructionList il = new InstructionList();
final int out = cp.addFieldref("java.lang.System", "out", "Ljava/io/PrintStream;");
final int println = cp.addMethodref("", "println", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V");
il.append(new GETSTATIC(out));
il.append(new PUSH(cp, s));
il.append(new INVOKEVIRTUAL(println));
return il;
/** Uses PUSH to push a constant value onto the stack.
* @param value must be of type Number, Boolean, Character or String
public Instruction createConstant( final Object value ) {
PUSH push;
if (value instanceof Number) {
push = new PUSH(cp, (Number) value);
} else if (value instanceof String) {
push = new PUSH(cp, (String) value);
} else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
push = new PUSH(cp, (Boolean) value);
} else if (value instanceof Character) {
push = new PUSH(cp, (Character) value);
} else {
throw new ClassGenException("Illegal type: " + value.getClass());
return push.getInstruction();
private static class MethodObject {
final Type[] arg_types;
final Type result_type;
final String class_name;
final String name;
MethodObject(final String c, final String n, final Type r, final Type[] a) {
class_name = c;
name = n;
result_type = r;
arg_types = a;
private InvokeInstruction createInvoke( final MethodObject m, final short kind ) {
return createInvoke(m.class_name,, m.result_type, m.arg_types, kind);
private static final MethodObject[] append_mos = {
new MethodObject("java.lang.StringBuffer", "append", Type.STRINGBUFFER, new Type[] {
new MethodObject("java.lang.StringBuffer", "append", Type.STRINGBUFFER, new Type[] {
null, // indices 2, 3
new MethodObject("java.lang.StringBuffer", "append", Type.STRINGBUFFER, new Type[] {
new MethodObject("java.lang.StringBuffer", "append", Type.STRINGBUFFER, new Type[] {
new MethodObject("java.lang.StringBuffer", "append", Type.STRINGBUFFER, new Type[] {
new MethodObject("java.lang.StringBuffer", "append", Type.STRINGBUFFER, new Type[] {
new MethodObject("java.lang.StringBuffer", "append", Type.STRINGBUFFER, new Type[] {
new MethodObject("java.lang.StringBuffer", "append", Type.STRINGBUFFER, // No append(byte)
new Type[] {
new MethodObject("java.lang.StringBuffer", "append", Type.STRINGBUFFER, // No append(short)
new Type[] {
new MethodObject("java.lang.StringBuffer", "append", Type.STRINGBUFFER, new Type[] {
private static boolean isString( final Type type ) {
return (type instanceof ObjectType) &&
((ObjectType) type).getClassName().equals("java.lang.String");
public Instruction createAppend( final Type type ) {
final byte t = type.getType();
if (isString(type)) {
return createInvoke(append_mos[0], Const.INVOKEVIRTUAL);
switch (t) {
case Const.T_BOOLEAN:
case Const.T_CHAR:
case Const.T_FLOAT:
case Const.T_DOUBLE:
case Const.T_BYTE:
case Const.T_SHORT:
case Const.T_INT:
case Const.T_LONG:
return createInvoke(append_mos[t], Const.INVOKEVIRTUAL);
case Const.T_ARRAY:
case Const.T_OBJECT:
return createInvoke(append_mos[1], Const.INVOKEVIRTUAL);
throw new RuntimeException("Oops: No append for this type? " + type);
/** Create a field instruction.
* @param class_name name of the accessed class
* @param name name of the referenced field
* @param type type of field
* @param kind how to access, i.e., GETFIELD, PUTFIELD, GETSTATIC, PUTSTATIC
* @see Const
public FieldInstruction createFieldAccess( final String class_name, final String name, final Type type, final short kind ) {
int index;
final String signature = type.getSignature();
index = cp.addFieldref(class_name, name, signature);
switch (kind) {
case Const.GETFIELD:
return new GETFIELD(index);
case Const.PUTFIELD:
return new PUTFIELD(index);
case Const.GETSTATIC:
return new GETSTATIC(index);
case Const.PUTSTATIC:
return new PUTSTATIC(index);
throw new RuntimeException("Oops: Unknown getfield kind:" + kind);
/** Create reference to `this'
public static Instruction createThis() {
return new ALOAD(0);
/** Create typed return
public static ReturnInstruction createReturn( final Type type ) {
switch (type.getType()) {
case Const.T_ARRAY:
case Const.T_OBJECT:
return InstructionConst.ARETURN;
case Const.T_INT:
case Const.T_SHORT:
case Const.T_BOOLEAN:
case Const.T_CHAR:
case Const.T_BYTE:
return InstructionConst.IRETURN;
case Const.T_FLOAT:
return InstructionConst.FRETURN;
case Const.T_DOUBLE:
return InstructionConst.DRETURN;
case Const.T_LONG:
return InstructionConst.LRETURN;
case Const.T_VOID:
return InstructionConst.RETURN;
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid type: " + type);
private static ArithmeticInstruction createBinaryIntOp( final char first, final String op ) {
switch (first) {
case '-':
return InstructionConst.ISUB;
case '+':
return InstructionConst.IADD;
case '%':
return InstructionConst.IREM;
case '*':
return InstructionConst.IMUL;
case '/':
return InstructionConst.IDIV;
case '&':
return InstructionConst.IAND;
case '|':
return InstructionConst.IOR;
case '^':
return InstructionConst.IXOR;
case '<':
return InstructionConst.ISHL;
case '>':
return op.equals(">>>") ? InstructionConst.IUSHR : InstructionConst.ISHR;
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid operand " + op);
private static ArithmeticInstruction createBinaryLongOp( final char first, final String op ) {
switch (first) {
case '-':
return InstructionConst.LSUB;
case '+':
return InstructionConst.LADD;
case '%':
return InstructionConst.LREM;
case '*':
return InstructionConst.LMUL;
case '/':
return InstructionConst.LDIV;
case '&':
return InstructionConst.LAND;
case '|':
return InstructionConst.LOR;
case '^':
return InstructionConst.LXOR;
case '<':
return InstructionConst.LSHL;
case '>':
return op.equals(">>>") ? InstructionConst.LUSHR : InstructionConst.LSHR;
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid operand " + op);
private static ArithmeticInstruction createBinaryFloatOp( final char op ) {
switch (op) {
case '-':
return InstructionConst.FSUB;
case '+':
return InstructionConst.FADD;
case '*':
return InstructionConst.FMUL;
case '/':
return InstructionConst.FDIV;
case '%':
return InstructionConst.FREM;
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid operand " + op);
private static ArithmeticInstruction createBinaryDoubleOp( final char op ) {
switch (op) {
case '-':
return InstructionConst.DSUB;
case '+':
return InstructionConst.DADD;
case '*':
return InstructionConst.DMUL;
case '/':
return InstructionConst.DDIV;
case '%':
return InstructionConst.DREM;
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid operand " + op);
* Create binary operation for simple basic types, such as int and float.
* @param op operation, such as "+", "*", "<<", etc.
public static ArithmeticInstruction createBinaryOperation( final String op, final Type type ) {
final char first = op.charAt(0);
switch (type.getType()) {
case Const.T_BYTE:
case Const.T_SHORT:
case Const.T_INT:
case Const.T_CHAR:
return createBinaryIntOp(first, op);
case Const.T_LONG:
return createBinaryLongOp(first, op);
case Const.T_FLOAT:
return createBinaryFloatOp(first);
case Const.T_DOUBLE:
return createBinaryDoubleOp(first);
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid type " + type);
* @param size size of operand, either 1 (int, e.g.) or 2 (double)
public static StackInstruction createPop( final int size ) {
return (size == 2) ? InstructionConst.POP2 : InstructionConst.POP;
* @param size size of operand, either 1 (int, e.g.) or 2 (double)
public static StackInstruction createDup( final int size ) {
return (size == 2) ? InstructionConst.DUP2 : InstructionConst.DUP;
* @param size size of operand, either 1 (int, e.g.) or 2 (double)
public static StackInstruction createDup_2( final int size ) {
return (size == 2) ? InstructionConst.DUP2_X2 : InstructionConst.DUP_X2;
* @param size size of operand, either 1 (int, e.g.) or 2 (double)
public static StackInstruction createDup_1( final int size ) {
return (size == 2) ? InstructionConst.DUP2_X1 : InstructionConst.DUP_X1;
* @param index index of local variable
public static LocalVariableInstruction createStore( final Type type, final int index ) {
switch (type.getType()) {
case Const.T_BOOLEAN:
case Const.T_CHAR:
case Const.T_BYTE:
case Const.T_SHORT:
case Const.T_INT:
return new ISTORE(index);
case Const.T_FLOAT:
return new FSTORE(index);
case Const.T_DOUBLE:
return new DSTORE(index);
case Const.T_LONG:
return new LSTORE(index);
case Const.T_ARRAY:
case Const.T_OBJECT:
return new ASTORE(index);
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid type " + type);
* @param index index of local variable
public static LocalVariableInstruction createLoad( final Type type, final int index ) {
switch (type.getType()) {
case Const.T_BOOLEAN:
case Const.T_CHAR:
case Const.T_BYTE:
case Const.T_SHORT:
case Const.T_INT:
return new ILOAD(index);
case Const.T_FLOAT:
return new FLOAD(index);
case Const.T_DOUBLE:
return new DLOAD(index);
case Const.T_LONG:
return new LLOAD(index);
case Const.T_ARRAY:
case Const.T_OBJECT:
return new ALOAD(index);
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid type " + type);
* @param type type of elements of array, i.e., array.getElementType()
public static ArrayInstruction createArrayLoad( final Type type ) {
switch (type.getType()) {
case Const.T_BOOLEAN:
case Const.T_BYTE:
return InstructionConst.BALOAD;
case Const.T_CHAR:
return InstructionConst.CALOAD;
case Const.T_SHORT:
return InstructionConst.SALOAD;
case Const.T_INT:
return InstructionConst.IALOAD;
case Const.T_FLOAT:
return InstructionConst.FALOAD;
case Const.T_DOUBLE:
return InstructionConst.DALOAD;
case Const.T_LONG:
return InstructionConst.LALOAD;
case Const.T_ARRAY:
case Const.T_OBJECT:
return InstructionConst.AALOAD;
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid type " + type);
* @param type type of elements of array, i.e., array.getElementType()
public static ArrayInstruction createArrayStore( final Type type ) {
switch (type.getType()) {
case Const.T_BOOLEAN:
case Const.T_BYTE:
return InstructionConst.BASTORE;
case Const.T_CHAR:
return InstructionConst.CASTORE;
case Const.T_SHORT:
return InstructionConst.SASTORE;
case Const.T_INT:
return InstructionConst.IASTORE;
case Const.T_FLOAT:
return InstructionConst.FASTORE;
case Const.T_DOUBLE:
return InstructionConst.DASTORE;
case Const.T_LONG:
return InstructionConst.LASTORE;
case Const.T_ARRAY:
case Const.T_OBJECT:
return InstructionConst.AASTORE;
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid type " + type);
/** Create conversion operation for two stack operands, this may be an I2C, instruction, e.g.,
* if the operands are basic types and CHECKCAST if they are reference types.
public Instruction createCast( final Type src_type, final Type dest_type ) {
if ((src_type instanceof BasicType) && (dest_type instanceof BasicType)) {
final byte dest = dest_type.getType();
byte src = src_type.getType();
if (dest == Const.T_LONG
&& (src == Const.T_CHAR || src == Const.T_BYTE || src == Const.T_SHORT)) {
src = Const.T_INT;
final String name = "org.apache.bcel.generic." + short_names[src - Const.T_CHAR] + "2"
+ short_names[dest - Const.T_CHAR];
Instruction i = null;
try {
i = (Instruction) java.lang.Class.forName(name).newInstance();
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not find instruction: " + name, e);
return i;
} else if ((src_type instanceof ReferenceType) && (dest_type instanceof ReferenceType)) {
if (dest_type instanceof ArrayType) {
return new CHECKCAST(cp.addArrayClass((ArrayType) dest_type));
return new CHECKCAST(cp.addClass(((ObjectType) dest_type).getClassName()));
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Can not cast " + src_type + " to " + dest_type);
public GETFIELD createGetField( final String class_name, final String name, final Type t ) {
return new GETFIELD(cp.addFieldref(class_name, name, t.getSignature()));
public GETSTATIC createGetStatic( final String class_name, final String name, final Type t ) {
return new GETSTATIC(cp.addFieldref(class_name, name, t.getSignature()));
public PUTFIELD createPutField( final String class_name, final String name, final Type t ) {
return new PUTFIELD(cp.addFieldref(class_name, name, t.getSignature()));
public PUTSTATIC createPutStatic( final String class_name, final String name, final Type t ) {
return new PUTSTATIC(cp.addFieldref(class_name, name, t.getSignature()));
public CHECKCAST createCheckCast( final ReferenceType t ) {
if (t instanceof ArrayType) {
return new CHECKCAST(cp.addArrayClass((ArrayType) t));
return new CHECKCAST(cp.addClass((ObjectType) t));
public INSTANCEOF createInstanceOf( final ReferenceType t ) {
if (t instanceof ArrayType) {
return new INSTANCEOF(cp.addArrayClass((ArrayType) t));
return new INSTANCEOF(cp.addClass((ObjectType) t));
public NEW createNew( final ObjectType t ) {
return new NEW(cp.addClass(t));
public NEW createNew( final String s ) {
return createNew(ObjectType.getInstance(s));
/** Create new array of given size and type.
* @return an instruction that creates the corresponding array at runtime, i.e. is an AllocationInstruction
public Instruction createNewArray( final Type t, final short dim ) {
if (dim == 1) {
if (t instanceof ObjectType) {
return new ANEWARRAY(cp.addClass((ObjectType) t));
} else if (t instanceof ArrayType) {
return new ANEWARRAY(cp.addArrayClass((ArrayType) t));
} else {
return new NEWARRAY(t.getType());
ArrayType at;
if (t instanceof ArrayType) {
at = (ArrayType) t;
} else {
at = new ArrayType(t, dim);
return new MULTIANEWARRAY(cp.addArrayClass(at), dim);
/** Create "null" value for reference types, 0 for basic types like int
public static Instruction createNull( final Type type ) {
switch (type.getType()) {
case Const.T_ARRAY:
case Const.T_OBJECT:
return InstructionConst.ACONST_NULL;
case Const.T_INT:
case Const.T_SHORT:
case Const.T_BOOLEAN:
case Const.T_CHAR:
case Const.T_BYTE:
return InstructionConst.ICONST_0;
case Const.T_FLOAT:
return InstructionConst.FCONST_0;
case Const.T_DOUBLE:
return InstructionConst.DCONST_0;
case Const.T_LONG:
return InstructionConst.LCONST_0;
case Const.T_VOID:
return InstructionConst.NOP;
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid type: " + type);
/** Create branch instruction by given opcode, except LOOKUPSWITCH and TABLESWITCH.
* For those you should use the SWITCH compound instruction.
public static BranchInstruction createBranchInstruction( final short opcode, final InstructionHandle target ) {
switch (opcode) {
case Const.IFEQ:
return new IFEQ(target);
case Const.IFNE:
return new IFNE(target);
case Const.IFLT:
return new IFLT(target);
case Const.IFGE:
return new IFGE(target);
case Const.IFGT:
return new IFGT(target);
case Const.IFLE:
return new IFLE(target);
case Const.IF_ICMPEQ:
return new IF_ICMPEQ(target);
case Const.IF_ICMPNE:
return new IF_ICMPNE(target);
case Const.IF_ICMPLT:
return new IF_ICMPLT(target);
case Const.IF_ICMPGE:
return new IF_ICMPGE(target);
case Const.IF_ICMPGT:
return new IF_ICMPGT(target);
case Const.IF_ICMPLE:
return new IF_ICMPLE(target);
case Const.IF_ACMPEQ:
return new IF_ACMPEQ(target);
case Const.IF_ACMPNE:
return new IF_ACMPNE(target);
case Const.GOTO:
return new GOTO(target);
case Const.JSR:
return new JSR(target);
case Const.IFNULL:
return new IFNULL(target);
case Const.IFNONNULL:
return new IFNONNULL(target);
case Const.GOTO_W:
return new GOTO_W(target);
case Const.JSR_W:
return new JSR_W(target);
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid opcode: " + opcode);
public void setClassGen( final ClassGen c ) {
cg = c;
public ClassGen getClassGen() {
return cg;
public void setConstantPool( final ConstantPoolGen c ) {
cp = c;
public ConstantPoolGen getConstantPool() {
return cp;