 * Copyright 2011 The Closure Compiler Authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import java.util.Arrays;

 * An immutable sparse bitset that deals well where the data is chunky:
 * where P(bit[x+1] == bit[x]).  E.g. [101,102,103,104,105,1001,1002,1003,1004]
 * is chunky.
 * @author (Mike Samuel)
final class CharRanges {
   * A strictly increasing set of bit indices where even members are the
   * inclusive starts of ranges, and odd members are the exclusive ends.
   * <p>
   * E.g., { 1, 5, 6, 10 } represents the set ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 ).
  private final int[] ranges;

  public static final CharRanges EMPTY = new CharRanges(new int[0]);

  public static final CharRanges ALL_CODE_UNITS
      = new CharRanges(new int[] { 0, 0x10000 });

  public static CharRanges inclusive(int start, int end) {
    if (start > end) {
      throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(start + " > " + end);
    return new CharRanges(new int[] { start, end + 1 });

   * Returns an instance containing all and only the given members.
  public static CharRanges withMembers(int... members) {
    return new CharRanges(intArrayToRanges(members));

   * Returns an instance containing the given ranges.
   * @param ranges An even-length ordered sequence of non-overlapping,
   *     non-contiguous, [inclusive start, exclusive end) ranges.
  public static CharRanges withRanges(int... ranges) {
    if ((ranges.length & 1) != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); }
    for (int i = 1; i < ranges.length; ++i) {
      if (ranges[i] <= ranges[i - 1]) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(ranges[i] + " > " + ranges[i - 1]);
    return new CharRanges(ranges);

  private CharRanges(int[] ranges) {
    this.ranges = ranges;

  private static int[] intArrayToRanges(int[] members) {
    int nMembers = members.length;
    if (nMembers == 0) {
      return new int[0];


    // Count the number of runs.
    int nRuns = 1;
    for (int i = 1; i < nMembers; ++i) {
      int current = members[i], last = members[i - 1];
      if (current == last) { continue; }
      if (current != last + 1) { ++nRuns; }

    int[] ranges = new int[nRuns * 2];
    ranges[0] = members[0];
    int k = 0;
    for (int i = 1; k + 2 < ranges.length; ++i) {
      int current = members[i], last = members[i - 1];
      if (current == last) { continue; }
      if (current != last + 1) {
        ranges[++k] = last + 1;  // add 1 to make end exclusive
        ranges[++k] = current;
    ranges[++k] = members[nMembers - 1] + 1;  // add 1 to make end exclusive
    return ranges;

  public boolean contains(int bit) {
    return (Arrays.binarySearch(ranges, bit) & 1) == 0;
    // By the contract of Arrays.binarySearch, its result is either the position
    // of bit in ranges or it is the bitwise inverse of the position of the
    // least element greater than bit.

    // Two cases
    // case (idx >= 0)
    //     We ended up exactly on a range boundary.
    //     Starts are inclusive and ends are both exclusive, so this contains
    //     bit iff idx is even.
    // case (idx < 0)
    //     If the least element greater than bit is an odd element,
    //     then bit must be greater than a start and less than an end, so
    //     contained.
    //     If bit is greater than all elements, then idx will be past the end of
    //     the array, and will be even since ranges.length is even.
    //     Otherwise, bit must be in the space between two runs, so not
    //     contained.
    //     In all cases, oddness is equivalent to containedness.

    // Those two cases lead to
    //     idx >= 0 ? ((idx & 1) == 0) : ((~idx & 1) == 1)

    // But ~n & bit == bit   <=>   n & bit == 0, so
    //     idx >= 0 ? ((idx & 1) == 0) : ((~idx & 1) == 1)
    // =>  idx >= 0 ? ((idx & 1) == 0) : ((idx & 1) == 0)
    // =>  (idx & 1) == 0

  public boolean isEmpty() {
    return ranges.length == 0;

  public int getNumRanges() { return ranges.length >> 1; }

  public int start(int i) { return ranges[i << 1]; }

  public int end(int i) { return ranges[(i << 1) | 1]; }

  public CharRanges union(CharRanges other) {
    // Index of the input ranges
    int[] q = this.ranges, r = other.ranges;
    // Lengths of the inputs
    int m = q.length, n = r.length;

    if (m == 0) { return other; }
    if (n == 0) { return this; }

    // The output array.  The length is m+n in the worst case when all the
    // ranges in a are disjoint from the ranges in b.
    int[] out = new int[m + n];

    // Indexes into the various arrays
    int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0;
    // Since there are three arrays, and indices into them the following
    // should never occur in this function:
    // (1) q[j] or q[k]                         -- q is indexed by i
    // (2) r[i] or r[k]                         -- r is indexed by j
    // (3) out[i] or out[j]                     -- out is indexed by k
    // (4) i < n or j < m                       -- index compared to wrong limit

    // This loop exits because we always increment at least one of i,j.
    while (i < m && j < n) {
      // Range starts and ends.
      int a0 = q[i], a1 = q[i + 1],
          b0 = r[j], b1 = r[j + 1];
      if (a1 < b0) {  // [a0, a1) ends before [b0, b1) starts
        out[k++] = a0;
        out[k++] = a1;
        i += 2;
      } else if (b1 < a0) {  // [b0, b1) ends before [a0, a1) starts
        out[k++] = b0;
        out[k++] = b1;
        j += 2;
      } else {  // ranges overlap
        // We need to compute a new range based on the set of ranges that
        // transitively overlap.
        //       AAAAAAAAA AAA
        //     BBB  BBB* BBB
        // In the range above, the start comes from one set, and the end from
        // another.  The range with the asterisk next to it is subsumed entirely
        // by a range from the other, and so not all ranges on the input
        // contribute a value to the output.
        // The last BBB run serves only as a bridge -- it overlaps two
        // disjoint ranges in the other one so establishes that they
        // transitively overlap.
        int start = Math.min(a0, b0);
        // Guess at the end, and lookahead to come up with a more complete
        // estimate.
        int end = Math.max(a1, b1);
        i += 2;
        j += 2;
        while (i < m || j < n) {
          if (i < m && q[i] <= end) {
            end = Math.max(end, q[i + 1]);
            i += 2;
          } else if (j < n && r[j] <= end) {
            end = Math.max(end, r[j + 1]);
            j += 2;
          } else {
        out[k++] = start;
        out[k++] = end;
    // There may be unprocessed ranges at the end of one of the inputs.
    if (i < m) {
      System.arraycopy(q, i, out, k, m - i);
      k += m - i;
    } else if (j < n) {
      System.arraycopy(r, j, out, k, n - j);
      k += n - j;
    // We guessed at the output length above.  Cut off the tail.
    if (k != out.length) {
      int[] clipped = Arrays.copyOf(out, k);
      out = clipped;
    return new CharRanges(out);

  public CharRanges intersection(CharRanges other) {
    int[] aRanges = ranges, bRanges = other.ranges;
    int aLen = aRanges.length, bLen = bRanges.length;
    if (aLen == 0) { return this; }
    if (bLen == 0) { return other; }
    int aIdx = 0, bIdx = 0;
    int[] intersection = new int[Math.min(aLen, bLen)];
    int intersectionIdx = 0;
    int pos = Math.min(aRanges[0], bRanges[0]);
    while (aIdx < aLen && bIdx < bLen) {
      if (aRanges[aIdx + 1] <= pos) {
        aIdx += 2;
      } else if (bRanges[bIdx + 1] <= pos) {
        bIdx += 2;
      } else {
        int start = Math.max(aRanges[aIdx], bRanges[bIdx]);
        if (pos < start) {  // Advance to start of common block.
          pos = start;
        } else {
          // Now we know that pos is less than the ends of the two ranges and
          // greater or equal to the starts of the two ranges.
          int end = Math.min(aRanges[aIdx + 1], bRanges[bIdx + 1]);
          if (intersectionIdx != 0
              && pos == intersection[intersectionIdx - 1]) {
            intersection[intersectionIdx - 1] = end;
          } else {
            if (intersectionIdx == intersection.length) {
              int[] newArr = new int[intersectionIdx * 2];
              System.arraycopy(intersection, 0, newArr, 0, intersectionIdx);
              intersection = newArr;
            intersection[intersectionIdx++] = pos;
            intersection[intersectionIdx++] = end;
          pos = end;
    if (intersectionIdx != intersection.length) {
      int[] newArr = Arrays.copyOf(intersection, intersectionIdx);
      intersection = newArr;
    return new CharRanges(intersection);

  public CharRanges difference(CharRanges subtrahendRanges) {
    // difference = minuend - subtrahend
    int[] minuend = this.ranges;
    int[] subtrahend = subtrahendRanges.ranges;

    int mn = minuend.length, sn = subtrahend.length;
    if (mn == 0 || sn == 0) { return this; }

    int[] difference = new int[minuend.length];

    // Indices into minuend.ranges, subtrahend.ranges, and difference.
    int mIdx = 0, sIdx = 0, dIdx = 0;

    int pos = minuend[0];
    while (mIdx < mn) {
      if (pos >= minuend[mIdx + 1]) {
        mIdx += 2;
      } else if (pos < minuend[mIdx]) {
        // Skip gaps in the minuend.
        pos = minuend[mIdx];
      } else if (sIdx < sn && pos >= subtrahend[sIdx]) {
        // Skip over a removed part.
        pos = subtrahend[sIdx + 1];
        sIdx += 2;
      } else {
        // Now we know that pos is between [minuend[i], minuend[i + 1])
        // and outside [subtrahend[j], subtrahend[j + 1]).
        int end = sIdx < sn
            ? Math.min(minuend[mIdx + 1], subtrahend[sIdx]) : minuend[mIdx + 1];
        if (dIdx != 0 && difference[dIdx - 1] == pos) {
          difference[dIdx - 1] = pos;
        } else {
          if (dIdx == difference.length) {
            int[] newArr = new int[dIdx * 2];
            System.arraycopy(difference, 0, newArr, 0, dIdx);
            difference = newArr;
          difference[dIdx++] = pos;
          difference[dIdx++] = end;
        pos = end;

    if (dIdx != difference.length) {
      int[] newArr = Arrays.copyOf(difference, dIdx);
      difference = newArr;

    return new CharRanges(difference);

  public boolean containsAll(CharRanges sub) {
    int[] superRanges = this.ranges;
    int[] subRanges = sub.ranges;

    int superIdx = 0, subIdx = 0;
    int superLen = superRanges.length, subLen = subRanges.length;
    while (subIdx < subLen) {
      if (superIdx == superLen) {
        return false;
      if (superRanges[superIdx + 1] <= subRanges[subIdx]) {
        // Super range ends before subRange starts.
        superIdx += 2;
      } else if (superRanges[superIdx] > subRanges[subIdx]) {
        // Uncontained portion at start of sub range.
        return false;
      } else if (superRanges[superIdx + 1] >= subRanges[subIdx + 1]) {
        // A sub range is completely contained in the super range.
        // We know this because of the above condition and we have already
        // ruled out that subRanges[subIdx] < superRanges[superIdx].
        subIdx += 2;
      } else {
        // Uncontained portion at end of sub range.
        return false;
    return subIdx == subLen;

   * Shifts the bits matched by the given delta.
   * So if this has the bits (a, b, c, ..., z) set then the result has the bits
   * ((a - delta), (b - delta), (c - delta), ...., (z - delta)) set.
   * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if shifting by delta would cause an
   *     overflow or underflow in a 32 bit {@code signed int} range boundary.
   *     Since the end boundaries of ranges are exclusive, even if there is no
   *     range containing {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}, shifting by a delta of 1
   *     can cause an overflow.
  public CharRanges shift(int delta) {
    int n = ranges.length;
    if (delta == 0 || n == 0) { return this; }
    // Test overflow/underflow
    if (delta < 0) {
      long lmin = ranges[0] + delta;
      if (lmin < Integer.MIN_VALUE) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); }
    } else {
      long lmax = ranges[n - 1] + delta;
      if (lmax > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); }
    // Create a shifted range.
    int[] shiftedRanges = new int[n];
    for (int i = n; --i >= 0;) {
      shiftedRanges[i] = ranges[i] + delta;
    return new CharRanges(shiftedRanges);

  public String toString() {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    for (int i = 0; i < ranges.length; ++i) {
      if ((i & 1) != 0 && ranges[i] == ranges[i - 1] + 1) { continue; }
      if (i != 0) { sb.append((i & 1) == 0 ? ' ' : '-'); }
      sb.append("0x").append(Integer.toString(ranges[i] - (i & 1), 16));
    return sb.toString();

  public boolean equals(Object o) {
    if (!(o instanceof CharRanges)) { return false; }
    return Arrays.equals(this.ranges, ((CharRanges) o).ranges);

  public int hashCode() {
    int hc = 0;
    for (int i = 0, n = Math.min(16, ranges.length); i < n; ++i) {
      hc = (hc << 2) + ranges[i];
    return hc;