* Copyright 2009 The Closure Compiler Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.google.javascript.jscomp;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState;
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.US_ASCII;
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
import com.google.common.annotations.GwtIncompatible;
import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import com.google.common.base.Function;
import com.google.common.base.Joiner;
import com.google.common.base.Strings;
import com.google.common.base.Supplier;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;
import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
import com.google.common.io.ByteStreams;
import com.google.gson.Gson;
import com.google.gson.stream.JsonReader;
import com.google.gson.stream.JsonWriter;
import com.google.javascript.jscomp.CompilerOptions.JsonStreamMode;
import com.google.javascript.jscomp.CompilerOptions.OutputJs;
import com.google.javascript.jscomp.CompilerOptions.TweakProcessing;
import com.google.javascript.jscomp.deps.ModuleLoader;
import com.google.javascript.jscomp.deps.SourceCodeEscapers;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.Node;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.TokenStream;
import com.google.protobuf.CodedOutputStream;
import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.Closeable;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.Flushable;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.zip.ZipEntry;
import java.util.zip.ZipInputStream;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Implementations of AbstractCommandLineRunner translate flags into Java
* API calls on the Compiler. AbstractCompiler contains common flags and logic
* to make that happen.
* This class may be extended and used to create other Java classes
* that behave the same as running the Compiler from the command line. Example:
* <pre>
* class MyCommandLineRunner extends
* AbstractCommandLineRunner<MyCompiler, MyOptions> {
* MyCommandLineRunner(String[] args) {
* super(args);
* }
* @Override
* protected MyOptions createOptions() {
* MyOptions options = new MyOptions();
* CompilerFlagTranslator.setOptionsFromFlags(options);
* addMyCrazyCompilerPassThatOutputsAnExtraFile(options);
* return options;
* }
* @Override
* protected MyCompiler createCompiler() {
* return new MyCompiler();
* }
* public static void main(String[] args) {
* (new MyCommandLineRunner(args)).run();
* }
* }
* </pre>
* @author bolinfest@google.com (Michael Bolin)
public abstract class AbstractCommandLineRunner<A extends Compiler,
B extends CompilerOptions> {
static final DiagnosticType OUTPUT_SAME_AS_INPUT_ERROR = DiagnosticType.error(
"Bad output file (already listed as input file): {0}");
static final DiagnosticType COULD_NOT_SERIALIZE_AST = DiagnosticType.error(
"Could not serialize ast to: {0}");
static final DiagnosticType COULD_NOT_DESERIALIZE_AST = DiagnosticType.error(
"Could not deserialize ast from: {0}");
static final DiagnosticType NO_TREE_GENERATED_ERROR = DiagnosticType.error(
"Code contains errors. No tree was generated.");
static final DiagnosticType INVALID_MODULE_SOURCEMAP_PATTERN =
"When using --module flags, the --create_source_map flag must contain "
+ "%outname% in the value.");
static final DiagnosticType CONFLICTING_DUPLICATE_ZIP_CONTENTS = DiagnosticType.error(
"Two zip entries containing conflicting contents with the same relative path.\n"
+ "Entry 1: {0}\n"
+ "Entry 2: {1}");
static final String WAITING_FOR_INPUT_WARNING =
"The compiler is waiting for input via stdin.";
private final CommandLineConfig config;
private final InputStream in;
private final PrintStream defaultJsOutput;
private final PrintStream err;
private A compiler;
private Charset inputCharset;
// NOTE(nicksantos): JSCompiler has always used ASCII as the default
// output charset. This was done to solve legacy problems with
// bad proxies, etc. We are not sure if these issues are still problems,
// and changing the encoding would require a big obnoxious migration plan.
// New outputs should use outputCharset2, which is how I would have
// designed this if I had a time machine.
private Charset outputCharset2;
private Charset legacyOutputCharset;
private boolean testMode = false;
private Supplier<List<SourceFile>> externsSupplierForTesting = null;
private Supplier<List<SourceFile>> inputsSupplierForTesting = null;
private Supplier<List<JSModule>> modulesSupplierForTesting = null;
private Function<Integer, Void> exitCodeReceiver = SystemExitCodeReceiver.INSTANCE;
private Map<String, String> rootRelativePathsMap = null;
private Map<String, String> parsedModuleWrappers = null;
private final Gson gson;
static final String OUTPUT_MARKER = "%output%";
private static final String OUTPUT_MARKER_JS_STRING = "%output|jsstring%";
private final List<JsonFileSpec> filesToStreamOut = new ArrayList<>();
AbstractCommandLineRunner() {
this(System.in, System.out, System.err);
AbstractCommandLineRunner(PrintStream out, PrintStream err) {
this(System.in, out, err);
AbstractCommandLineRunner(InputStream in, PrintStream out, PrintStream err) {
this.config = new CommandLineConfig();
this.in = checkNotNull(in);
this.defaultJsOutput = checkNotNull(out);
this.err = checkNotNull(err);
this.gson = new Gson();
* Put the command line runner into test mode. In test mode,
* all outputs will be blackholed.
* @param externsSupplier A provider for externs.
* @param inputsSupplier A provider for source inputs.
* @param modulesSupplier A provider for modules. Only one of inputsSupplier
* and modulesSupplier may be non-null.
* @param exitCodeReceiver A receiver for the status code that would
* have been passed to System.exit in non-test mode.
void enableTestMode(
Supplier<List<SourceFile>> externsSupplier,
Supplier<List<SourceFile>> inputsSupplier,
Supplier<List<JSModule>> modulesSupplier,
Function<Integer, Void> exitCodeReceiver) {
checkArgument(inputsSupplier == null ^ modulesSupplier == null);
testMode = true;
this.externsSupplierForTesting = externsSupplier;
this.inputsSupplierForTesting = inputsSupplier;
this.modulesSupplierForTesting = modulesSupplier;
this.exitCodeReceiver = exitCodeReceiver;
* @param newExitCodeReceiver receives a non-zero integer to indicate a
* problem during execution or 0i to indicate success.
public void setExitCodeReceiver(Function<Integer, Void> newExitCodeReceiver) {
this.exitCodeReceiver = checkNotNull(newExitCodeReceiver);
* Returns whether we're in test mode.
protected boolean isInTestMode() {
return testMode;
* Returns whether output should be a JSON stream.
private boolean isOutputInJson() {
return config.jsonStreamMode == JsonStreamMode.OUT
|| config.jsonStreamMode == JsonStreamMode.BOTH;
* Get the command line config, so that it can be initialized.
protected CommandLineConfig getCommandLineConfig() {
return config;
* Returns the instance of the Compiler to use when {@link #run()} is
* called.
protected abstract A createCompiler();
* Performs any transformation needed on the given compiler input and appends it to the given
* output bundle.
protected abstract void prepForBundleAndAppendTo(
Appendable out, CompilerInput input, String content) throws IOException;
* Returns the instance of the Options to use when {@link #run()} is called. createCompiler() is
* called before createOptions(), so getCompiler() will not return null when createOptions() is
* called.
protected abstract B createOptions();
* The warning classes that are available from the command-line.
protected DiagnosticGroups getDiagnosticGroups() {
if (compiler == null) {
return new DiagnosticGroups();
return compiler.getDiagnosticGroups();
* A helper function for creating the dependency options object.
static DependencyOptions createDependencyOptions(
CompilerOptions.DependencyMode dependencyMode,
List<ModuleIdentifier> entryPoints) {
if (dependencyMode == CompilerOptions.DependencyMode.STRICT) {
if (entryPoints.isEmpty()) {
throw new FlagUsageException(
"When dependency_mode=STRICT, you must " + "specify at least one entry_point");
return new DependencyOptions()
} else if (dependencyMode == CompilerOptions.DependencyMode.LOOSE || !entryPoints.isEmpty()) {
return new DependencyOptions()
return null;
protected abstract void addWhitelistWarningsGuard(
CompilerOptions options, File whitelistFile);
protected static void setWarningGuardOptions(
CompilerOptions options,
ArrayList<FlagEntry<CheckLevel>> warningGuards,
DiagnosticGroups diagnosticGroups) {
if (warningGuards != null) {
for (FlagEntry<CheckLevel> entry : warningGuards) {
if ("*".equals(entry.value)) {
Set<String> groupNames = diagnosticGroups.getRegisteredGroups().keySet();
for (String groupName : groupNames) {
if (!DiagnosticGroups.wildcardExcludedGroups.contains(groupName)) {
diagnosticGroups.setWarningLevel(options, groupName, entry.flag);
} else {
diagnosticGroups.setWarningLevel(options, entry.value, entry.flag);
* Sets options based on the configurations set flags API.
* Called during the run() run() method.
* If you want to ignore the flags API, or interpret flags your own way,
* then you should override this method.
protected void setRunOptions(CompilerOptions options) throws IOException {
DiagnosticGroups diagnosticGroups = getDiagnosticGroups();
setWarningGuardOptions(options, config.warningGuards, diagnosticGroups);
if (!config.warningsWhitelistFile.isEmpty()) {
addWhitelistWarningsGuard(options, new File(config.warningsWhitelistFile));
if (!config.hideWarningsFor.isEmpty()) {
options.addWarningsGuard(new ShowByPathWarningsGuard(
config.hideWarningsFor.toArray(new String[] {}),
createDefineOrTweakReplacements(config.define, options, false);
createDefineOrTweakReplacements(config.tweak, options, true);
DependencyOptions depOptions =
createDependencyOptions(config.dependencyMode, config.entryPoints);
if (depOptions != null) {
options.devMode = config.jscompDevMode;
legacyOutputCharset = options.outputCharset = getLegacyOutputCharset();
outputCharset2 = getOutputCharset2();
inputCharset = getInputCharset();
if (config.jsOutputFile.length() > 0) {
if (config.skipNormalOutputs) {
throw new FlagUsageException("skip_normal_outputs and js_output_file"
+ " cannot be used together.");
if (config.skipNormalOutputs && config.printAst) {
throw new FlagUsageException("skip_normal_outputs and print_ast cannot"
+ " be used together.");
if (config.skipNormalOutputs && config.printTree) {
throw new FlagUsageException("skip_normal_outputs and print_tree cannot"
+ " be used together.");
if (config.createSourceMap.length() > 0) {
options.sourceMapOutputPath = config.createSourceMap;
} else if (isOutputInJson()) {
options.sourceMapOutputPath = "%outname%";
options.sourceMapDetailLevel = config.sourceMapDetailLevel;
options.sourceMapFormat = config.sourceMapFormat;
options.sourceMapLocationMappings = config.sourceMapLocationMappings;
options.parseInlineSourceMaps = config.parseInlineSourceMaps;
options.applyInputSourceMaps = config.applyInputSourceMaps;
ImmutableMap.Builder<String, SourceMapInput> inputSourceMaps
= new ImmutableMap.Builder<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, String> files :
config.sourceMapInputFiles.entrySet()) {
SourceFile sourceMap = SourceFile.fromFile(files.getValue());
files.getKey(), new SourceMapInput(sourceMap));
options.inputSourceMaps = inputSourceMaps.build();
if (!config.variableMapInputFile.isEmpty()) {
options.inputVariableMap =
if (!config.propertyMapInputFile.isEmpty()) {
options.inputPropertyMap =
if (!config.outputManifests.isEmpty()) {
Set<String> uniqueNames = new HashSet<>();
for (String filename : config.outputManifests) {
if (!uniqueNames.add(filename)) {
throw new FlagUsageException("output_manifest flags specify " +
"duplicate file names: " + filename);
if (!config.outputBundles.isEmpty()) {
Set<String> uniqueNames = new HashSet<>();
for (String filename : config.outputBundles) {
if (!uniqueNames.add(filename)) {
throw new FlagUsageException("output_bundle flags specify " +
"duplicate file names: " + filename);
options.transformAMDToCJSModules = config.transformAMDToCJSModules;
options.processCommonJSModules = config.processCommonJSModules;
options.moduleRoots = config.moduleRoots;
options.angularPass = config.angularPass;
options.instrumentationTemplateFile = config.instrumentationTemplateFile;
if (config.errorFormat == CommandLineConfig.ErrorFormatOption.JSON) {
PrintStreamJSONErrorManager printer =
new PrintStreamJSONErrorManager(getErrorPrintStream(), compiler);
protected final A getCompiler() {
return compiler;
* @return a mutable list
* @throws IOException
public static List<SourceFile> getBuiltinExterns(CompilerOptions.Environment env)
throws IOException {
InputStream input = AbstractCommandLineRunner.class.getResourceAsStream(
if (input == null) {
// In some environments, the externs.zip is relative to this class.
input = AbstractCommandLineRunner.class.getResourceAsStream("externs.zip");
ZipInputStream zip = new ZipInputStream(input);
String envPrefix = env.toString().toLowerCase() + "/";
Map<String, SourceFile> mapFromExternsZip = new HashMap<>();
for (ZipEntry entry = null; (entry = zip.getNextEntry()) != null; ) {
String filename = entry.getName();
// Always load externs in the root folder.
// If the non-core-JS externs are organized in subfolders, only load
// the ones in a subfolder matching the specified environment. Strip the subfolder.
if (filename.contains("/")) {
if (!filename.startsWith(envPrefix)) {
filename = filename.substring(envPrefix.length()); // remove envPrefix, including '/'
BufferedInputStream entryStream = new BufferedInputStream(
ByteStreams.limit(zip, entry.getSize()));
// Give the files an odd prefix, so that they do not conflict
// with the user's files.
"externs.zip//" + filename,
return DefaultExterns.prepareExterns(env, mapFromExternsZip);
* Runs the Compiler and calls System.exit() with the exit status of the
* compiler.
public final void run() {
int result;
try {
result = doRun();
} catch (AbstractCommandLineRunner.FlagUsageException e) {
result = -1;
} catch (Throwable t) {
result = -2;
* Returns the PrintStream for writing errors associated with this
* AbstractCommandLineRunner.
protected final PrintStream getErrorPrintStream() {
return err;
* An exception thrown when command-line flags are used incorrectly.
public static class FlagUsageException extends RuntimeException {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public FlagUsageException(String message) {
public List<JsonFileSpec> parseJsonFilesFromInputStream() throws IOException {
List<JsonFileSpec> jsonFiles = new ArrayList<>();
try (JsonReader reader = new JsonReader(new InputStreamReader(this.in, inputCharset))) {
while (reader.hasNext()) {
JsonFileSpec jsonFile = gson.fromJson(reader, JsonFileSpec.class);
return jsonFiles;
* Creates inputs from a list of files.
* Can be overridden by subclasses who want to pull files from different
* places.
* @param files A list of flag entries indicates js and zip file names.
* @param allowStdIn Whether '-' is allowed appear as a filename to represent
* stdin. If true, '-' is only allowed to appear once.
* @param jsModuleSpecs A list js module specs.
* @return An array of inputs
protected List<SourceFile> createInputs(
List<FlagEntry<JsSourceType>> files, boolean allowStdIn, List<JsModuleSpec> jsModuleSpecs)
throws IOException {
return createInputs(files, null /* jsonFiles */, allowStdIn, jsModuleSpecs);
* Creates inputs from a list of source files and json files.
* Can be overridden by subclasses who want to pull files from different
* places.
* @param files A list of flag entries indicates js and zip file names.
* @param jsonFiles A list of json encoded files.
* @param jsModuleSpecs A list js module specs.
* @return An array of inputs
protected List<SourceFile> createInputs(
List<FlagEntry<JsSourceType>> files,
List<JsonFileSpec> jsonFiles,
List<JsModuleSpec> jsModuleSpecs)
throws IOException {
return createInputs(files, jsonFiles, false, jsModuleSpecs);
* Creates inputs from a list of source files, zips and json files.
* <p>Can be overridden by subclasses who want to pull files from different places.
* @param files A list of flag entries indicates js and zip file names
* @param jsonFiles A list of json encoded files.
* @param allowStdIn Whether '-' is allowed appear as a filename to represent stdin. If true, '-'
* is only allowed to appear once.
* @param jsModuleSpecs A list js module specs.
* @return An array of inputs
protected List<SourceFile> createInputs(
List<FlagEntry<JsSourceType>> files,
List<JsonFileSpec> jsonFiles,
boolean allowStdIn,
List<JsModuleSpec> jsModuleSpecs)
throws IOException {
List<SourceFile> inputs = new ArrayList<>(files.size());
boolean usingStdin = false;
int jsModuleIndex = 0;
JsModuleSpec jsModuleSpec = Iterables.getFirst(jsModuleSpecs, null);
int cumulatedInputFilesExpected =
jsModuleSpec == null ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : jsModuleSpec.numInputs;
for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) {
FlagEntry<JsSourceType> file = files.get(i);
String filename = file.value;
if (file.flag == JsSourceType.JS_ZIP) {
if (!"-".equals(filename)) {
List<SourceFile> newFiles = SourceFile.fromZipFile(filename, inputCharset);
// Update the manifest maps for new zip entries.
if (rootRelativePathsMap.containsKey(filename)) {
String rootFilename = rootRelativePathsMap.get(filename);
for (SourceFile zipEntry : newFiles) {
String zipEntryName = zipEntry.getName();
String zipmap = zipEntryName.replace(filename, rootFilename);
rootRelativePathsMap.put(zipEntryName, zipmap);
if (jsModuleSpec != null) {
jsModuleSpec.numJsFiles += newFiles.size() - 1;
} else if (!"-".equals(filename)) {
SourceFile newFile = SourceFile.fromFile(filename, inputCharset);
} else {
if (!allowStdIn) {
throw new FlagUsageException("Can't specify stdin.");
if (usingStdin) {
throw new FlagUsageException("Can't specify stdin twice.");
if (!config.outputManifests.isEmpty()) {
throw new FlagUsageException(
"Manifest files cannot be generated when the input is from stdin.");
if (!config.outputBundles.isEmpty()) {
throw new FlagUsageException(
"Bundle files cannot be generated when the input is from stdin.");
inputs.add(SourceFile.fromInputStream("stdin", this.in, inputCharset));
usingStdin = true;
if (i >= cumulatedInputFilesExpected - 1) {
if (jsModuleIndex < jsModuleSpecs.size()) {
jsModuleSpec = jsModuleSpecs.get(jsModuleIndex);
cumulatedInputFilesExpected += jsModuleSpec.numInputs;
if (jsonFiles != null) {
for (JsonFileSpec jsonFile : jsonFiles) {
inputs.add(SourceFile.fromCode(jsonFile.getPath(), jsonFile.getSrc()));
for (JSError error : removeDuplicateZipEntries(inputs, jsModuleSpecs)) {
return inputs;
* Check that relative paths inside zip files are unique, since multiple files with the same path
* inside different zips are considered duplicate inputs. Parameter {@code sourceFiles} may be
* modified if duplicates are removed.
public static ImmutableList<JSError> removeDuplicateZipEntries(
List<SourceFile> sourceFiles, List<JsModuleSpec> jsModuleSpecs) throws IOException {
ImmutableList.Builder<JSError> errors = ImmutableList.builder();
Map<String, SourceFile> sourceFilesByName = new HashMap<>();
Iterator<SourceFile> fileIterator = sourceFiles.iterator();
int currentFileIndex = 0;
Iterator<JsModuleSpec> moduleIterator = jsModuleSpecs.iterator();
// Tracks the total number of js files for current module and all the previous modules.
int cumulatedJsFileNum = 0;
JsModuleSpec currentModule = null;
while (fileIterator.hasNext()) {
SourceFile sourceFile = fileIterator.next();
// Check whether we reached the next module.
if (moduleIterator.hasNext() && currentFileIndex > cumulatedJsFileNum) {
currentModule = moduleIterator.next();
cumulatedJsFileNum += currentModule.numJsFiles;
String fullPath = sourceFile.getName();
if (!fullPath.contains("!/")) {
// Not a zip file
String relativePath = fullPath.split("!")[1];
if (!sourceFilesByName.containsKey(relativePath)) {
sourceFilesByName.put(relativePath, sourceFile);
} else {
SourceFile firstSourceFile = sourceFilesByName.get(relativePath);
if (firstSourceFile.getCode().equals(sourceFile.getCode())) {
if (currentModule != null) {
} else {
return errors.build();
* Creates JS source code inputs from a list of files.
private List<SourceFile> createSourceInputs(
List<JsModuleSpec> jsModuleSpecs,
List<FlagEntry<JsSourceType>> files,
List<JsonFileSpec> jsonFiles)
throws IOException {
if (isInTestMode()) {
return inputsSupplierForTesting != null ? inputsSupplierForTesting.get()
: null;
if (files.isEmpty() && jsonFiles == null) {
// Request to read from stdin.
files = Collections.singletonList(
new FlagEntry<JsSourceType>(JsSourceType.JS, "-"));
try {
if (jsonFiles != null) {
return createInputs(files, jsonFiles, jsModuleSpecs);
} else {
return createInputs(files, true, jsModuleSpecs);
} catch (FlagUsageException e) {
throw new FlagUsageException("Bad --js flag. " + e.getMessage());
* Creates JS extern inputs from a list of files.
private List<SourceFile> createExternInputs(List<String> files) throws IOException {
if (files.isEmpty()) {
return ImmutableList.of(SourceFile.fromCode("/dev/null", ""));
List<FlagEntry<JsSourceType>> externFiles = new ArrayList<>();
for (String file : files) {
externFiles.add(new FlagEntry<JsSourceType>(JsSourceType.EXTERN, file));
try {
return createInputs(externFiles, false, new ArrayList<JsModuleSpec>());
} catch (FlagUsageException e) {
throw new FlagUsageException("Bad --externs flag. " + e.getMessage());
* Creates module objects from a list of js module specifications.
* @param specs A list of js module specifications, not null or empty.
* @param inputs A list of JS file paths, not null
* @return An array of module objects
List<JSModule> createJsModules(List<JsModuleSpec> specs, List<SourceFile> inputs)
throws IOException {
if (isInTestMode()) {
return modulesSupplierForTesting.get();
checkState(specs != null);
checkState(inputs != null);
List<String> moduleNames = new ArrayList<>(specs.size());
Map<String, JSModule> modulesByName = new LinkedHashMap<>();
Map<String, Integer> modulesFileCountMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
int numJsFilesExpected = 0;
int minJsFilesRequired = 0;
for (JsModuleSpec spec : specs) {
if (modulesByName.containsKey(spec.name)) {
throw new FlagUsageException("Duplicate module name: " + spec.name);
JSModule module = new JSModule(spec.name);
for (String dep : spec.deps) {
JSModule other = modulesByName.get(dep);
if (other == null) {
throw new FlagUsageException("Module '" + spec.name
+ "' depends on unknown module '" + dep
+ "'. Be sure to list modules in dependency order.");
// We will allow modules of zero input.
if (spec.numJsFiles < 0) {
numJsFilesExpected = -1;
} else {
minJsFilesRequired += spec.numJsFiles;
if (numJsFilesExpected >= 0) {
numJsFilesExpected += spec.numJsFiles;
// Add modules in reverse order so that source files are allocated to
// modules in reverse order. This allows the first module
// (presumably the base module) to have a size of 'auto'
moduleNames.add(0, spec.name);
modulesFileCountMap.put(spec.name, spec.numJsFiles);
modulesByName.put(spec.name, module);
final int totalNumJsFiles = inputs.size();
if (numJsFilesExpected >= 0 || minJsFilesRequired > totalNumJsFiles) {
if (minJsFilesRequired > totalNumJsFiles) {
numJsFilesExpected = minJsFilesRequired;
if (numJsFilesExpected > totalNumJsFiles) {
throw new FlagUsageException("Not enough JS files specified. Expected "
+ numJsFilesExpected + " but found " + totalNumJsFiles);
} else if (numJsFilesExpected < totalNumJsFiles) {
throw new FlagUsageException("Too many JS files specified. Expected "
+ numJsFilesExpected + " but found " + totalNumJsFiles);
int numJsFilesLeft = totalNumJsFiles;
int moduleIndex = 0;
for (String moduleName : moduleNames) {
// Parse module inputs.
int numJsFiles = modulesFileCountMap.get(moduleName);
JSModule module = modulesByName.get(moduleName);
// Check if the first js module specified 'auto' for the number of files
if (moduleIndex == moduleNames.size() - 1 && numJsFiles == -1) {
numJsFiles = numJsFilesLeft;
List<SourceFile> moduleFiles =
inputs.subList(numJsFilesLeft - numJsFiles, numJsFilesLeft);
for (SourceFile input : moduleFiles) {
numJsFilesLeft -= numJsFiles;
return new ArrayList<>(modulesByName.values());
* Validates the module name. Can be overridden by subclasses.
* @param name The module name
protected void checkModuleName(String name) {
if (!TokenStream.isJSIdentifier(name)) {
throw new FlagUsageException("Invalid module name: '" + name + "'");
* Parses module wrapper specifications.
* @param specs A list of module wrapper specifications, not null. The spec
* format is: <code>name:wrapper</code>. Wrappers.
* @param modules The JS modules whose wrappers are specified
* @return A map from module name to module wrapper. Modules with no wrapper
* will have the empty string as their value in this map.
static Map<String, String> parseModuleWrappers(List<String> specs, List<JSModule> modules) {
checkState(specs != null);
Map<String, String> wrappers = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(modules.size());
// Prepopulate the map with module names.
for (JSModule m : modules) {
wrappers.put(m.getName(), "");
for (String spec : specs) {
// Format is "<name>:<wrapper>".
int pos = spec.indexOf(':');
if (pos == -1) {
throw new FlagUsageException("Expected module wrapper to have "
+ "<name>:<wrapper> format: " + spec);
// Parse module name.
String name = spec.substring(0, pos);
if (!wrappers.containsKey(name)) {
throw new FlagUsageException("Unknown module: '" + name + "'");
String wrapper = spec.substring(pos + 1);
// Support for %n% and %output%
wrapper = wrapper.replace("%output%", "%s").replace("%n%", "\n");
if (!wrapper.contains("%s")) {
throw new FlagUsageException("No %s placeholder in module wrapper: '"
+ wrapper + "'");
wrappers.put(name, wrapper);
return wrappers;
private String getModuleOutputFileName(JSModule m) {
return config.moduleOutputPathPrefix + m.getName() + ".js";
void writeModuleOutput(Appendable out, JSModule m) throws IOException {
if (parsedModuleWrappers == null) {
parsedModuleWrappers = parseModuleWrappers(
String fileName = getModuleOutputFileName(m);
String baseName = new File(fileName).getName();
writeOutput(out, compiler, m,
parsedModuleWrappers.get(m.getName()).replace("%basename%", baseName),
"%s", null);
* Writes code to an output stream, optionally wrapping it in an arbitrary
* wrapper that contains a placeholder where the code should be inserted.
* @param module Which module to write. If this is null, write the entire AST.
static void writeOutput(Appendable out, Compiler compiler, @Nullable JSModule module,
String wrapper, String codePlaceholder,
@Nullable Function<String, String> escaper)
throws IOException {
if (compiler.getOptions().outputJs == OutputJs.SENTINEL) {
out.append("// No JS output because the compiler was run in checks-only mode.\n");
checkState(compiler.getOptions().outputJs == OutputJs.NORMAL);
String code = module == null ? compiler.toSource() : compiler.toSource(module);
writeOutput(out, compiler, code, wrapper, codePlaceholder, escaper);
* Writes code to an output stream, optionally wrapping it in an arbitrary
* wrapper that contains a placeholder where the code should be inserted.
static void writeOutput(Appendable out, Compiler compiler, String code,
String wrapper, String codePlaceholder,
@Nullable Function<String, String> escaper)
throws IOException {
int pos = wrapper.indexOf(codePlaceholder);
if (pos != -1) {
String prefix = "";
if (pos > 0) {
prefix = wrapper.substring(0, pos);
out.append(escaper == null ? code : escaper.apply(code));
int suffixStart = pos + codePlaceholder.length();
if (suffixStart != wrapper.length()) {
// Something after placeholder?
// Make sure we always end output with a line feed.
// If we have a source map, adjust its offsets to match
// the code WITHIN the wrapper.
if (compiler != null && compiler.getSourceMap() != null) {
} else {
* Creates any directories necessary to write a file that will have a given
* path prefix.
private static void maybeCreateDirsForPath(String pathPrefix) {
if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(pathPrefix)) {
String dirName =
pathPrefix.charAt(pathPrefix.length() - 1) == File.separatorChar
? pathPrefix.substring(0, pathPrefix.length() - 1)
: new File(pathPrefix).getParent();
if (dirName != null) {
new File(dirName).mkdirs();
private Appendable createDefaultOutput() throws IOException {
boolean writeOutputToFile = !config.jsOutputFile.isEmpty();
if (writeOutputToFile) {
return fileNameToLegacyOutputWriter(config.jsOutputFile);
} else {
return streamToLegacyOutputWriter(defaultJsOutput);
private static void closeAppendable(Appendable output) throws IOException {
if (output instanceof Flushable) {
((Flushable) output).flush();
if (output instanceof Closeable) {
((Closeable) output).close();
* Parses command-line arguments and runs the compiler.
* @return system exit status
protected int doRun() throws IOException {
compiler = createCompiler();
B options = createOptions();
List<SourceFile> externs = createExterns(options);
List<JSModule> modules = null;
Result result = null;
rootRelativePathsMap = constructRootRelativePathsMap();
boolean writeOutputToFile = !config.jsOutputFile.isEmpty();
List<String> outputFileNames = new ArrayList<>();
if (writeOutputToFile) {
boolean createCommonJsModules = false;
if (options.processCommonJSModules
&& (config.module.size() == 1 && "auto".equals(config.module.get(0)))) {
createCommonJsModules = true;
List<JsModuleSpec> jsModuleSpecs = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < config.module.size(); i++) {
jsModuleSpecs.add(JsModuleSpec.create(config.module.get(i), i == 0));
List<JsonFileSpec> jsonFiles = null;
if (config.jsonStreamMode == JsonStreamMode.IN ||
config.jsonStreamMode == JsonStreamMode.BOTH) {
jsonFiles = parseJsonFilesFromInputStream();
ImmutableMap.Builder<String, SourceMapInput> inputSourceMaps
= new ImmutableMap.Builder<>();
ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String> inputPathByWebpackId = new ImmutableMap.Builder<>();
boolean foundJsonInputSourceMap = false;
for (JsonFileSpec jsonFile : jsonFiles) {
if (jsonFile.getSourceMap() != null && jsonFile.getSourceMap().length() > 0) {
String sourceMapPath = jsonFile.getPath() + ".map";
SourceFile sourceMap = SourceFile.fromCode(sourceMapPath,
inputSourceMaps.put(jsonFile.getPath(), new SourceMapInput(sourceMap));
foundJsonInputSourceMap = true;
if (jsonFile.getWebpackId() != null) {
inputPathByWebpackId.put(jsonFile.getWebpackId(), jsonFile.getPath());
if (foundJsonInputSourceMap) {
options.inputSourceMaps = inputSourceMaps.build();
} else {
ImmutableMap<String, String> emptyMap = ImmutableMap.of();
List<SourceFile> inputs =
createSourceInputs(jsModuleSpecs, config.mixedJsSources, jsonFiles);
if (!jsModuleSpecs.isEmpty()) {
modules = createJsModules(jsModuleSpecs, inputs);
for (JSModule m : modules) {
compiler.initModules(externs, modules, options);
} else {
compiler.init(externs, inputs, options);
if (options.printConfig) {
String saveAfterChecksFilename = config.getSaveAfterChecksFileName();
String continueSavedCompilationFilename = config.getContinueSavedCompilationFileName();
if (config.skipNormalOutputs) {
// TODO(bradfordcsmith): Should we be ignoring possible init/initModules() errors here?
} else if (compiler.hasErrors()) {
// init() or initModules() encountered an error.
result = compiler.getResult();
} else if (options.getInstrumentForCoverageOnly()) {
result = instrumentForCoverage();
} else if (saveAfterChecksFilename != null) {
result = performStage1andSave(saveAfterChecksFilename);
} else if (continueSavedCompilationFilename != null) {
result = restoreAndPerformStage2(continueSavedCompilationFilename);
if (modules != null) {
modules = compiler.getModules();
} else {
result = performFullCompilation();
if (createCommonJsModules) {
// For CommonJS modules construct modules from actual inputs.
modules = ImmutableList.copyOf(compiler.getDegenerateModuleGraph()
for (JSModule m : modules) {
for (String outputFileName : outputFileNames) {
if (compiler.getSourceFileByName(outputFileName) != null) {
JSError.make(OUTPUT_SAME_AS_INPUT_ERROR, outputFileName));
return 1;
return processResults(result, modules, options);
private Result performStage1andSave(String filename) {
Result result;
try (BufferedOutputStream serializedOutputStream =
new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(filename))) {
if (!compiler.hasErrors()) {
} catch (IOException e) {
compiler.report(JSError.make(COULD_NOT_SERIALIZE_AST, filename));
} finally {
// Make sure we generate a report of errors and warnings even if the compiler throws an
// exception somewhere.
result = compiler.getResult();
return result;
private Result restoreAndPerformStage2(String filename) {
Result result;
try (BufferedInputStream serializedInputStream =
new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(filename))) {
if (!compiler.hasErrors()) {
} catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException e) {
compiler.report(JSError.make(COULD_NOT_DESERIALIZE_AST, filename));
} finally {
// Make sure we generate a report of errors and warnings even if the compiler throws an
// exception somewhere.
result = compiler.getResult();
return result;
private Result performFullCompilation() {
Result result;
try {
if (!compiler.hasErrors()) {
if (!compiler.hasErrors()) {
} finally {
// Make sure we generate a report of errors and warnings even if the compiler throws an
// exception somewhere.
result = compiler.getResult();
return result;
private Result instrumentForCoverage() {
Result result;
try {
if (!compiler.hasErrors()) {
} finally {
result = compiler.getResult();
return result;
* Processes the results of the compile job, and returns an error code.
int processResults(Result result, List<JSModule> modules, B options) throws IOException {
if (config.printPassGraph) {
if (compiler.getRoot() == null) {
return 1;
} else {
Appendable jsOutput = createDefaultOutput();
return 0;
if (config.printAst) {
if (compiler.getRoot() == null) {
return 1;
} else {
Appendable jsOutput = createDefaultOutput();
ControlFlowGraph<Node> cfg = compiler.computeCFG();
compiler.getRoot().getLastChild(), cfg, jsOutput);
return 0;
if (config.printTree) {
if (compiler.getRoot() == null) {
return 1;
} else {
Appendable jsOutput = createDefaultOutput();
return 0;
if (config.skipNormalOutputs) {
// Output the manifest and bundle files if requested.
return 0;
} else if (options.outputJs != OutputJs.NONE && result.success) {
if (modules == null) {
// Output the source map if requested.
// If output files are being written to stdout as a JSON string,
// outputSingleBinary will have added the sourcemap to the output file
if (!isOutputInJson()) {
outputSourceMap(options, config.jsOutputFile);
} else {
DiagnosticType error = outputModuleBinaryAndSourceMaps(modules, options);
if (error != null) {
return 1;
// Output the externs if required.
if (options.externExportsPath != null) {
try (Writer eeOut = openExternExportsStream(options, config.jsOutputFile)) {
// Output the variable and property name maps if requested.
// Output the ReplaceStrings map if requested
// Output the manifest and bundle files if requested.
if (isOutputInJson()) {
// return 0 if no errors, the error count otherwise
return Math.min(result.errors.length, 0x7f);
Function<String, String> getJavascriptEscaper() {
return SourceCodeEscapers.javascriptEscaper().asFunction();
void outputSingleBinary(B options) throws IOException {
Function<String, String> escaper = null;
String marker = OUTPUT_MARKER;
if (config.outputWrapper.contains(OUTPUT_MARKER_JS_STRING)) {
escaper = getJavascriptEscaper();
if (isOutputInJson()) {
this.filesToStreamOut.add(createJsonFile(options, marker, escaper));
} else {
if (!config.jsOutputFile.isEmpty()) {
Appendable jsOutput = createDefaultOutput();
jsOutput, compiler, (JSModule) null, config.outputWrapper,
marker, escaper);
* Save the compiler output to a JsonFileSpec to be later written to
* stdout
JsonFileSpec createJsonFile(B options, String outputMarker,
Function<String, String> escaper) throws IOException {
Appendable jsOutput = new StringBuilder();
jsOutput, compiler, (JSModule) null, config.outputWrapper,
outputMarker, escaper);
JsonFileSpec jsonOutput = new JsonFileSpec(jsOutput.toString(),
Strings.isNullOrEmpty(config.jsOutputFile) ?
"compiled.js" : config.jsOutputFile);
if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(options.sourceMapOutputPath)) {
StringBuilder sourcemap = new StringBuilder();
compiler.getSourceMap().appendTo(sourcemap, jsonOutput.getPath());
return jsonOutput;
void outputJsonStream() throws IOException {
try (JsonWriter jsonWriter =
new JsonWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(defaultJsOutput, "UTF-8")))) {
for (JsonFileSpec jsonFile : this.filesToStreamOut) {
if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(jsonFile.getSourceMap())) {
private DiagnosticType outputModuleBinaryAndSourceMaps(List<JSModule> modules, B options)
throws IOException {
parsedModuleWrappers = parseModuleWrappers(
config.moduleWrapper, modules);
// If the source map path is in fact a pattern for each
// module, create a stream per-module. Otherwise, create
// a single source map.
Writer mapFileOut = null;
// When the json_streams flag is specified, sourcemaps are always generated
// per module
if (!(shouldGenerateMapPerModule(options)
|| options.sourceMapOutputPath == null
|| config.jsonStreamMode == JsonStreamMode.OUT
|| config.jsonStreamMode == JsonStreamMode.BOTH)) {
// warn that this is not supported
for (JSModule m : modules) {
if (isOutputInJson()) {
} else {
if (shouldGenerateMapPerModule(options)) {
mapFileOut = fileNameToOutputWriter2(expandSourceMapPath(options, m));
String moduleFilename = getModuleOutputFileName(m);
try (Writer writer = fileNameToLegacyOutputWriter(moduleFilename)) {
if (options.sourceMapOutputPath != null) {
writeModuleOutput(writer, m);
if (options.sourceMapOutputPath != null) {
compiler.getSourceMap().appendTo(mapFileOut, moduleFilename);
if (shouldGenerateMapPerModule(options) && mapFileOut != null) {
mapFileOut = null;
if (mapFileOut != null) {
return null;
/** Given an output module, convert it to a JSONFileSpec with associated sourcemap */
private JsonFileSpec createJsonFileFromModule(JSModule module) throws IOException {
StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
writeModuleOutput(output, module);
JsonFileSpec jsonFile = new JsonFileSpec(output.toString(),
StringBuilder moduleSourceMap = new StringBuilder();
return jsonFile;
* Query the flag for the input charset, and return a Charset object
* representing the selection.
* @return Charset to use when reading inputs
* @throws FlagUsageException if flag is not a valid Charset name.
private Charset getInputCharset() {
if (!config.charset.isEmpty()) {
if (!Charset.isSupported(config.charset)) {
throw new FlagUsageException(config.charset +
" is not a valid charset name.");
return Charset.forName(config.charset);
return UTF_8;
* Query the flag for the output charset.
* Let the outputCharset be the same as the input charset... except if
* we're reading in UTF-8 by default. By tradition, we've always
* output ASCII to avoid various hiccups with different browsers,
* proxies and firewalls.
* @return Name of the charset to use when writing outputs. Guaranteed to
* be a supported charset.
* @throws FlagUsageException if flag is not a valid Charset name.
private Charset getLegacyOutputCharset() {
if (!config.charset.isEmpty()) {
if (!Charset.isSupported(config.charset)) {
throw new FlagUsageException(config.charset + " is not a valid charset name.");
return Charset.forName(config.charset);
return US_ASCII;
* Query the flag for the output charset. Defaults to UTF-8.
* @throws FlagUsageException if flag is not a valid Charset name.
private Charset getOutputCharset2() {
if (!config.charset.isEmpty()) {
if (!Charset.isSupported(config.charset)) {
throw new FlagUsageException(config.charset +
" is not a valid charset name.");
return Charset.forName(config.charset);
return UTF_8;
protected List<SourceFile> createExterns(CompilerOptions options) throws IOException {
return isInTestMode() ? externsSupplierForTesting.get() : createExternInputs(config.externs);
* Returns true if and only if a source map file should be generated for each
* module, as opposed to one unified map. This is specified by having the
* source map pattern include the %outname% variable.
private boolean shouldGenerateMapPerModule(B options) {
return options.sourceMapOutputPath != null
&& options.sourceMapOutputPath.contains("%outname%");
* Returns a stream for outputting the generated externs file.
* @param options The options to the Compiler.
* @param path The path of the generated JS source file.
* @return The stream or null if no extern-ed exports are being generated.
private Writer openExternExportsStream(B options,
String path) throws IOException {
if (options.externExportsPath == null) {
return null;
String exPath = options.externExportsPath;
if (!exPath.contains(File.separator)) {
File outputFile = new File(path);
exPath = outputFile.getParent() + File.separatorChar + exPath;
return fileNameToOutputWriter2(exPath);
* Expand a file path specified on the command-line.
* Most file paths on the command-line allow an %outname% placeholder.
* The placeholder will expand to a different value depending on
* the current output mode. There are three scenarios:
* 1) Single JS output, single extra output: sub in jsOutputPath.
* 2) Multiple JS output, single extra output: sub in the base module name.
* 3) Multiple JS output, multiple extra output: sub in the module output
* file.
* Passing a JSModule to this function automatically triggers case #3.
* Otherwise, we'll use strategy #1 or #2 based on the current output mode.
private String expandCommandLinePath(
String path, JSModule forModule) {
String sub;
if (forModule != null) {
sub = config.moduleOutputPathPrefix + forModule.getName() + ".js";
} else if (!config.module.isEmpty()) {
sub = config.moduleOutputPathPrefix;
} else {
sub = config.jsOutputFile;
return path.replace("%outname%", sub);
/** Expansion function for source map. */
String expandSourceMapPath(B options, JSModule forModule) {
if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(options.sourceMapOutputPath)) {
return null;
return expandCommandLinePath(options.sourceMapOutputPath, forModule);
* Converts a file name into a Writer taking in account the output charset.
* Returns null if the file name is null.
private Writer fileNameToLegacyOutputWriter(String fileName)
throws IOException {
if (fileName == null) {
return null;
if (isInTestMode()) {
return new StringWriter();
return streamToLegacyOutputWriter(filenameToOutputStream(fileName));
* Converts a file name into a Writer taking in account the output charset.
* Returns null if the file name is null.
private Writer fileNameToOutputWriter2(String fileName) throws IOException {
if (fileName == null) {
return null;
if (isInTestMode()) {
return new StringWriter();
return streamToOutputWriter2(filenameToOutputStream(fileName));
* Converts a file name into a Outputstream.
* Returns null if the file name is null.
protected OutputStream filenameToOutputStream(String fileName)
throws IOException {
if (fileName == null){
return null;
return new FileOutputStream(fileName);
* Create a writer with the legacy output charset.
private Writer streamToLegacyOutputWriter(OutputStream stream)
throws IOException {
if (legacyOutputCharset == null) {
return new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(stream, UTF_8));
} else {
return new BufferedWriter(
new OutputStreamWriter(stream, legacyOutputCharset));
* Create a writer with the newer output charset.
private Writer streamToOutputWriter2(OutputStream stream) {
if (outputCharset2 == null) {
return new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(stream, UTF_8));
} else {
return new BufferedWriter(
new OutputStreamWriter(stream, outputCharset2));
* Outputs the source map found in the compiler to the proper path if one
* exists.
* @param options The options to the Compiler.
private void outputSourceMap(B options, String associatedName)
throws IOException {
if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(options.sourceMapOutputPath)
|| options.sourceMapOutputPath.equals("/dev/null")) {
String outName = expandSourceMapPath(options, null);
try (Writer out = fileNameToOutputWriter2(outName)) {
compiler.getSourceMap().appendTo(out, associatedName);
* Returns the path at which to output map file(s) based on the path at which
* the JS binary will be placed.
* @return The path in which to place the generated map file(s).
private String getMapPath(String outputFile) {
String basePath = "";
if (outputFile.isEmpty()) {
// If we have a js_module_binary rule, output the maps
// at modulename_props_map.out, etc.
if (!config.moduleOutputPathPrefix.isEmpty()) {
basePath = config.moduleOutputPathPrefix;
} else {
basePath = "jscompiler";
} else {
// Get the path of the output file.
File file = new File(outputFile);
String outputFileName = file.getName();
// Strip the .js from the name.
if (outputFileName.endsWith(".js")) {
outputFileName =
outputFileName.substring(0, outputFileName.length() - 3);
String fileParent = file.getParent();
if (fileParent == null) {
basePath = outputFileName;
} else {
basePath = file.getParent() + File.separatorChar + outputFileName;
return basePath;
* Outputs the variable and property name maps for the specified compiler if
* the proper FLAGS are set.
private void outputNameMaps() throws IOException {
String propertyMapOutputPath = null;
String variableMapOutputPath = null;
String functionInformationMapOutputPath = null;
// Check the create_name_map_files FLAG.
if (config.createNameMapFiles) {
String basePath = getMapPath(config.jsOutputFile);
propertyMapOutputPath = basePath + "_props_map.out";
variableMapOutputPath = basePath + "_vars_map.out";
functionInformationMapOutputPath = basePath + "_functions_map.out";
// Check the individual FLAGS.
if (!config.variableMapOutputFile.isEmpty()) {
if (variableMapOutputPath != null) {
throw new FlagUsageException("The flags variable_map_output_file and "
+ "create_name_map_files cannot both be used simultaneously.");
variableMapOutputPath = config.variableMapOutputFile;
if (!config.propertyMapOutputFile.isEmpty()) {
if (propertyMapOutputPath != null) {
throw new FlagUsageException("The flags property_map_output_file and "
+ "create_name_map_files cannot both be used simultaneously.");
propertyMapOutputPath = config.propertyMapOutputFile;
// Output the maps.
if (variableMapOutputPath != null && compiler.getVariableMap() != null) {
if (propertyMapOutputPath != null && compiler.getPropertyMap() != null) {
if (functionInformationMapOutputPath != null
&& compiler.getFunctionalInformationMap() != null) {
try (final OutputStream file = filenameToOutputStream(functionInformationMapOutputPath)) {
CodedOutputStream outputStream = CodedOutputStream.newInstance(file);
* Outputs the string map generated by the {@link ReplaceStrings} pass if an output path exists.
private void outputStringMap() throws IOException {
if (!config.stringMapOutputPath.isEmpty()) {
if (compiler.getStringMap() == null) {
// Ensure an empty file is created if there is no string map.
// This avoids confusing some build tools that expect to see the file, even if it is empty.
if (!(new File(config.stringMapOutputPath).createNewFile())) {
throw new IOException("Could not create file: " + config.stringMapOutputPath);
} else {
* Create a map of constant names to constant values from a textual
* description of the map.
* @param definitions A list of overriding definitions for defines in
* the form {@code <name>[=<val>]}, where {@code <val>} is a number, boolean, or
* single-quoted string without single quotes.
static void createDefineOrTweakReplacements(List<String> definitions,
CompilerOptions options, boolean tweaks) {
// Parse the definitions
for (String override : definitions) {
String[] assignment = override.split("=", 2);
String defName = assignment[0];
if (defName.length() > 0) {
String defValue = assignment.length == 1 ? "true" : assignment[1];
boolean isTrue = defValue.equals("true");
boolean isFalse = defValue.equals("false");
if (isTrue || isFalse) {
if (tweaks) {
options.setTweakToBooleanLiteral(defName, isTrue);
} else {
options.setDefineToBooleanLiteral(defName, isTrue);
} else if (defValue.length() > 1
&& ((defValue.charAt(0) == '\'' &&
defValue.charAt(defValue.length() - 1) == '\'')
|| (defValue.charAt(0) == '\"' &&
defValue.charAt(defValue.length() - 1) == '\"'))) {
// If the value starts and ends with a single quote,
// we assume that it's a string.
String maybeStringVal =
defValue.substring(1, defValue.length() - 1);
if (maybeStringVal.indexOf(defValue.charAt(0)) == -1) {
if (tweaks) {
options.setTweakToStringLiteral(defName, maybeStringVal);
} else {
options.setDefineToStringLiteral(defName, maybeStringVal);
} else {
try {
double value = Double.parseDouble(defValue);
if (tweaks) {
options.setTweakToDoubleLiteral(defName, value);
} else {
options.setDefineToDoubleLiteral(defName, value);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// do nothing, it will be caught at the end
if (defValue.length() > 0) {
if (tweaks) {
options.setTweakToStringLiteral(defName, defValue);
} else {
options.setDefineToStringLiteral(defName, defValue);
if (tweaks) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"--tweak flag syntax invalid: " + override);
throw new RuntimeException(
"--define flag syntax invalid: " + override);
* Returns true if and only if a manifest or bundle should be generated
* for each module, as opposed to one unified manifest.
private boolean shouldGenerateOutputPerModule(String output) {
return !config.module.isEmpty()
&& output != null && output.contains("%outname%");
private void outputManifest() throws IOException {
outputManifestOrBundle(config.outputManifests, true);
private void outputBundle() throws IOException {
outputManifestOrBundle(config.outputBundles, false);
* Writes the manifest or bundle of all compiler input files that were included
* as controlled by --dependency_mode, if requested.
private void outputManifestOrBundle(List<String> outputFiles,
boolean isManifest) throws IOException {
if (outputFiles.isEmpty()) {
for (String output : outputFiles) {
if (output.isEmpty()) {
if (shouldGenerateOutputPerModule(output)) {
// Generate per-module manifests or bundles
JSModuleGraph graph = compiler.getDegenerateModuleGraph();
Iterable<JSModule> modules = graph.getAllModules();
for (JSModule module : modules) {
try (Writer out = fileNameToOutputWriter2(expandCommandLinePath(output, module))) {
if (isManifest) {
printManifestTo(module.getInputs(), out);
} else {
printBundleTo(module.getInputs(), out);
} else {
// Generate a single file manifest or bundle.
try (Writer out = fileNameToOutputWriter2(expandCommandLinePath(output, null))) {
if (config.module.isEmpty()) {
if (isManifest) {
printManifestTo(compiler.getInputsInOrder(), out);
} else {
printBundleTo(compiler.getInputsInOrder(), out);
} else {
compiler.getDegenerateModuleGraph(), out, isManifest);
* Creates a file containing the current module graph in JSON serialization.
private void outputModuleGraphJson() throws IOException {
if (config.outputModuleDependencies != null &&
config.outputModuleDependencies.length() != 0) {
try (Writer out = fileNameToOutputWriter2(config.outputModuleDependencies)) {
* Prints the current module graph as JSON.
void printModuleGraphJsonTo(Appendable out) throws IOException {
* Prints a set of modules to the manifest or bundle file.
void printModuleGraphManifestOrBundleTo(JSModuleGraph graph,
Appendable out, boolean isManifest) throws IOException {
Joiner commas = Joiner.on(",");
boolean requiresNewline = false;
for (JSModule module : graph.getAllModules()) {
if (requiresNewline) {
if (isManifest) {
// See CommandLineRunnerTest to see what the format of this
// manifest looks like.
String dependencies = commas.join(module.getSortedDependencyNames());
dependencies.isEmpty() ? "" : ":" + dependencies));
printManifestTo(module.getInputs(), out);
} else {
printBundleTo(module.getInputs(), out);
requiresNewline = true;
* Prints a list of input names (using root-relative paths), delimited by
* newlines, to the manifest file.
void printManifestTo(Iterable<CompilerInput> inputs, Appendable out)
throws IOException {
for (CompilerInput input : inputs) {
String rootRelativePath = rootRelativePathsMap.get(input.getName());
String displayName = rootRelativePath != null
? rootRelativePath
: input.getName();
* Prints all the input contents, starting with a comment that specifies
* the input file name (using root-relative paths) before each file.
void printBundleTo(Iterable<CompilerInput> inputs, Appendable out)
throws IOException {
for (CompilerInput input : inputs) {
// Every module has an empty file in it. This makes it easier to implement
// cross-module code motion.
// But it also leads to a weird edge case because
// a) If we don't have a module spec, we create a singleton module, and
// b) If we print a bundle file, we copy the original input files.
// This means that in the (rare) case where we have no inputs, and no
// module spec, and we're printing a bundle file, we'll have a fake
// input file that shouldn't be copied. So we special-case this, to
// make all the other cases simpler.
if (input.getName().equals(
Compiler.createFillFileName(Compiler.SINGLETON_MODULE_NAME))) {
checkState(1 == Iterables.size(inputs));
String rootRelativePath = rootRelativePathsMap.get(input.getName());
String displayName = rootRelativePath != null
? rootRelativePath
: input.getName();
prepForBundleAndAppendTo(out, input, input.getSourceFile().getCode());
* Construct and return the input root path map. The key is the exec path of
* each input file, and the value is the corresponding root relative path.
private Map<String, String> constructRootRelativePathsMap() {
Map<String, String> rootRelativePathsMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (String mapString : config.manifestMaps) {
int colonIndex = mapString.indexOf(':');
checkState(colonIndex > 0);
String execPath = mapString.substring(0, colonIndex);
String rootRelativePath = mapString.substring(colonIndex + 1);
checkState(rootRelativePath.indexOf(':') == -1);
rootRelativePathsMap.put(execPath, rootRelativePath);
return rootRelativePathsMap;
* Configurations for the command line configs. Designed for easy
* building, so that we can decouple the flags-parsing library from
* the actual configuration options.
* By design, these configurations must match one-to-one with
* command-line flags.
protected static class CommandLineConfig {
private boolean printTree = false;
/** Prints out the parse tree and exits */
CommandLineConfig setPrintTree(boolean printTree) {
this.printTree = printTree;
return this;
private boolean printAst = false;
* Prints a dot file describing the internal abstract syntax tree
* and exits
public CommandLineConfig setPrintAst(boolean printAst) {
this.printAst = printAst;
return this;
private boolean printPassGraph = false;
/** Prints a dot file describing the passes that will get run and exits */
public CommandLineConfig setPrintPassGraph(boolean printPassGraph) {
this.printPassGraph = printPassGraph;
return this;
private CompilerOptions.DevMode jscompDevMode = CompilerOptions.DevMode.OFF;
/** Turns on extra validity checks */
public CommandLineConfig setJscompDevMode(CompilerOptions.DevMode jscompDevMode) {
this.jscompDevMode = jscompDevMode;
return this;
private String loggingLevel = Level.WARNING.getName();
* The logging level (standard java.util.logging.Level
* values) for Compiler progress. Does not control errors or
* warnings for the JavaScript code under compilation
public CommandLineConfig setLoggingLevel(String loggingLevel) {
this.loggingLevel = loggingLevel;
return this;
private final List<String> externs = new ArrayList<>();
* The file containing JavaScript externs. You may specify multiple.
public CommandLineConfig setExterns(List<String> externs) {
return this;
private final List<String> js = new ArrayList<>();
* The JavaScript filename. You may specify multiple.
public CommandLineConfig setJs(List<String> js) {
return this;
private final List<String> jsZip = new ArrayList<>();
* The JavaScript zip filename. You may specify multiple.
public CommandLineConfig setJsZip(List<String> zip) {
return this;
private final List<FlagEntry<JsSourceType>> mixedJsSources =
new ArrayList<>();
* The JavaScript source file names, including .js and .zip files. You may
* specify multiple.
public CommandLineConfig setMixedJsSources(
List<FlagEntry<JsSourceType>> mixedJsSources) {
return this;
private String jsOutputFile = "";
* Primary output filename. If not specified, output is written to stdout
public CommandLineConfig setJsOutputFile(String jsOutputFile) {
this.jsOutputFile = jsOutputFile;
return this;
private String continueSavedCompilationFileName = null;
* Set the compiler to resume a saved compilation state from a file.
public CommandLineConfig setContinueSavedCompilationFileName(String fileName) {
continueSavedCompilationFileName = fileName;
return this;
String getContinueSavedCompilationFileName() {
return continueSavedCompilationFileName;
private String saveAfterChecksFileName = null;
* Set the compiler to perform the first phase and save the intermediate result to a file.
public CommandLineConfig setSaveAfterChecksFileName(String fileName) {
saveAfterChecksFileName = fileName;
return this;
public String getSaveAfterChecksFileName() {
return saveAfterChecksFileName;
private final List<String> module = new ArrayList<>();
* A JavaScript module specification. The format is
* {@code <name>:<num-js-files>[:[<dep>,...][:]]]}. Module names must be
* unique. Each dep is the name of a module that this module
* depends on. Modules must be listed in dependency order, and JS
* source files must be listed in the corresponding order. Where
* --module flags occur in relation to --js flags is unimportant
public CommandLineConfig setModule(List<String> module) {
return this;
private Map<String, String> sourceMapInputFiles = new HashMap<>();
public CommandLineConfig setSourceMapInputFiles(
Map<String, String> sourceMapInputFiles) {
this.sourceMapInputFiles = sourceMapInputFiles;
return this;
private boolean parseInlineSourceMaps = false;
public CommandLineConfig setParseInlineSourceMaps(boolean parseInlineSourceMaps) {
this.parseInlineSourceMaps = parseInlineSourceMaps;
return this;
private String variableMapInputFile = "";
* File containing the serialized version of the variable renaming
* map produced by a previous compilation
public CommandLineConfig setVariableMapInputFile(String variableMapInputFile) {
this.variableMapInputFile = variableMapInputFile;
return this;
private String propertyMapInputFile = "";
* File containing the serialized version of the property renaming
* map produced by a previous compilation
public CommandLineConfig setPropertyMapInputFile(String propertyMapInputFile) {
this.propertyMapInputFile = propertyMapInputFile;
return this;
private String variableMapOutputFile = "";
* File where the serialized version of the variable renaming map
* produced should be saved
public CommandLineConfig setVariableMapOutputFile(String variableMapOutputFile) {
this.variableMapOutputFile = variableMapOutputFile;
return this;
private boolean createNameMapFiles = false;
* If true, variable renaming and property renaming map
* files will be produced as {binary name}_vars_map.out and
* {binary name}_props_map.out. Note that this flag cannot be used
* in conjunction with either variable_map_output_file or
* property_map_output_file
public CommandLineConfig setCreateNameMapFiles(boolean createNameMapFiles) {
this.createNameMapFiles = createNameMapFiles;
return this;
private String propertyMapOutputFile = "";
* File where the serialized version of the property renaming map
* produced should be saved
public CommandLineConfig setPropertyMapOutputFile(String propertyMapOutputFile) {
this.propertyMapOutputFile = propertyMapOutputFile;
return this;
private String stringMapOutputPath = "";
* File where the serialized version of the string map produced by the ReplaceStrings pass
* should be saved.
public CommandLineConfig setStringMapOutputFile(String stringMapOutputPath) {
this.stringMapOutputPath = stringMapOutputPath;
return this;
private CodingConvention codingConvention = CodingConventions.getDefault();
* Sets rules and conventions to enforce.
public CommandLineConfig setCodingConvention(CodingConvention codingConvention) {
this.codingConvention = codingConvention;
return this;
private int summaryDetailLevel = 1;
* Controls how detailed the compilation summary is. Values:
* 0 (never print summary), 1 (print summary only if there are
* errors or warnings), 2 (print summary if type checking is on,
* see --check_types), 3 (always print summary). The default level
* is 1
public CommandLineConfig setSummaryDetailLevel(int summaryDetailLevel) {
this.summaryDetailLevel = summaryDetailLevel;
return this;
private String outputWrapper = "";
* Interpolate output into this string at the place denoted
* by the marker token %output%, or %output|jsstring%
public CommandLineConfig setOutputWrapper(String outputWrapper) {
this.outputWrapper = outputWrapper;
return this;
private final List<String> moduleWrapper = new ArrayList<>();
* An output wrapper for a JavaScript module (optional). See the flag
* description for formatting requirements.
public CommandLineConfig setModuleWrapper(List<String> moduleWrapper) {
return this;
private String moduleOutputPathPrefix = "";
* Prefix for filenames of compiled JS modules.
* {@code <module-name>.js} will be appended to this prefix. Directories
* will be created as needed. Use with --module
public CommandLineConfig setModuleOutputPathPrefix(String moduleOutputPathPrefix) {
this.moduleOutputPathPrefix = moduleOutputPathPrefix;
return this;
private String createSourceMap = "";
* If specified, a source map file mapping the generated
* source files back to the original source file will be
* output to the specified path. The %outname% placeholder will
* expand to the name of the output file that the source map
* corresponds to.
public CommandLineConfig setCreateSourceMap(String createSourceMap) {
this.createSourceMap = createSourceMap;
return this;
private SourceMap.DetailLevel sourceMapDetailLevel =
* The detail supplied in the source map file, if generated.
public CommandLineConfig setSourceMapDetailLevel(SourceMap.DetailLevel level) {
this.sourceMapDetailLevel = level;
return this;
private SourceMap.Format sourceMapFormat =
* The source map format to use, if generated.
public CommandLineConfig setSourceMapFormat(SourceMap.Format format) {
this.sourceMapFormat = format;
return this;
private ImmutableList<SourceMap.LocationMapping> sourceMapLocationMappings =
* The source map location mappings to use, if generated.
public CommandLineConfig setSourceMapLocationMappings(
List<SourceMap.LocationMapping> locationMappings) {
this.sourceMapLocationMappings = ImmutableList.copyOf(locationMappings);
return this;
private boolean applyInputSourceMaps = false;
* Whether to apply input source maps to the output, i.e. map back to original inputs from
* input files that have source maps applied to them.
public CommandLineConfig setApplyInputSourceMaps(boolean applyInputSourceMaps) {
this.applyInputSourceMaps = applyInputSourceMaps;
return this;
private final ArrayList<FlagEntry<CheckLevel>> warningGuards = new ArrayList<>();
* Add warning guards.
public CommandLineConfig setWarningGuards(List<FlagEntry<CheckLevel>> warningGuards) {
return this;
private final List<String> define = new ArrayList<>();
* Override the value of a variable annotated @define. The format
* is {@code <name>[=<val>]}, where {@code <name>} is the name of
* a @define variable and {@code <val>} is a boolean, number, or a
* single-quoted string that contains no single quotes. If
* {@code [=<val>]} is omitted, the variable is marked true
public CommandLineConfig setDefine(List<String> define) {
return this;
private final List<String> tweak = new ArrayList<>();
* Override the default value of a registered tweak. The format is
* {@code <name>[=<val>]}, where {@code <name>} is the ID of a
* tweak and {@code <val>} is a boolean, number, or a
* single-quoted string that contains no single quotes. If
* {@code [=<val>]} is omitted, then true is assumed.
public CommandLineConfig setTweak(List<String> tweak) {
return this;
private TweakProcessing tweakProcessing = TweakProcessing.OFF;
* Sets the kind of processing to do for goog.tweak functions.
public CommandLineConfig setTweakProcessing(TweakProcessing tweakProcessing) {
this.tweakProcessing = tweakProcessing;
return this;
private String charset = "";
* Input charset for all files.
public CommandLineConfig setCharset(String charset) {
this.charset = charset;
return this;
private CompilerOptions.DependencyMode dependencyMode = CompilerOptions.DependencyMode.NONE;
* Sets whether to sort files by their goog.provide/require deps,
* and prune inputs that are not required.
public CommandLineConfig setDependencyMode(CompilerOptions.DependencyMode newVal) {
this.dependencyMode = newVal;
return this;
private List<ModuleIdentifier> entryPoints = ImmutableList.of();
* Set module entry points, which makes the compiler only include
* those files and sort them in dependency order.
public CommandLineConfig setEntryPoints(List<ModuleIdentifier> entryPoints) {
this.entryPoints = entryPoints;
return this;
* Helper method to convert the manage closure dependecy options to the new
* DependencyMode enum value
static CompilerOptions.DependencyMode depModeFromClosureDepOptions(
boolean onlyClosureDependencies, boolean manageClosureDependencies) {
if (onlyClosureDependencies) {
return CompilerOptions.DependencyMode.STRICT;
} else if (manageClosureDependencies) {
return CompilerOptions.DependencyMode.LOOSE;
} else {
return CompilerOptions.DependencyMode.NONE;
* Helper method to convert a list of closure entry points a list of the new
* ModuleIdentifier values
static List<ModuleIdentifier> entryPointsFromClosureEntryPoints(
List<String> closureEntryPoints) {
List<ModuleIdentifier> entryPoints = new ArrayList<>();
for (String closureEntryPoint : closureEntryPoints) {
return entryPoints;
private List<String> outputManifests = ImmutableList.of();
* Sets whether to print output manifest files.
* Filter out empty file names.
public CommandLineConfig setOutputManifest(List<String> outputManifests) {
this.outputManifests = new ArrayList<>();
for (String manifestName : outputManifests) {
if (!manifestName.isEmpty()) {
this.outputManifests = ImmutableList.copyOf(this.outputManifests);
return this;
private String outputModuleDependencies = null;
* Sets whether a JSON file representing the dependencies between modules
* should be created.
public CommandLineConfig setOutputModuleDependencies(String
outputModuleDependencies) {
this.outputModuleDependencies = outputModuleDependencies;
return this;
private List<String> outputBundles = ImmutableList.of();
* Sets whether to print output bundle files.
public CommandLineConfig setOutputBundle(List<String> outputBundles) {
this.outputBundles = outputBundles;
return this;
private boolean skipNormalOutputs = false;
* Sets whether the normal outputs of compilation should be skipped.
public CommandLineConfig setSkipNormalOutputs(boolean skipNormalOutputs) {
this.skipNormalOutputs = skipNormalOutputs;
return this;
private List<String> manifestMaps = ImmutableList.of();
* Sets the execPath:rootRelativePath mappings
public CommandLineConfig setManifestMaps(List<String> manifestMaps) {
this.manifestMaps = manifestMaps;
return this;
private boolean transformAMDToCJSModules = false;
* Set whether to transform AMD to CommonJS modules.
public CommandLineConfig setTransformAMDToCJSModules(
boolean transformAMDToCJSModules) {
this.transformAMDToCJSModules = transformAMDToCJSModules;
return this;
private boolean processCommonJSModules = false;
* Sets whether to process CommonJS modules.
public CommandLineConfig setProcessCommonJSModules(
boolean processCommonJSModules) {
this.processCommonJSModules = processCommonJSModules;
return this;
private List<String> moduleRoots = ImmutableList.of(ModuleLoader.DEFAULT_FILENAME_PREFIX);
* Sets the module roots.
public CommandLineConfig setModuleRoots(List<String> jsModuleRoots) {
this.moduleRoots = jsModuleRoots;
return this;
private String warningsWhitelistFile = "";
* Sets a whitelist file that suppresses warnings.
public CommandLineConfig setWarningsWhitelistFile(String fileName) {
this.warningsWhitelistFile = fileName;
return this;
private List<String> hideWarningsFor = ImmutableList.of();
* Sets the paths for which warnings will be hidden.
public CommandLineConfig setHideWarningsFor(List<String> hideWarningsFor) {
this.hideWarningsFor = hideWarningsFor;
return this;
private boolean angularPass = false;
* Sets whether to process AngularJS-specific annotations.
public CommandLineConfig setAngularPass(boolean angularPass) {
this.angularPass = angularPass;
return this;
private boolean useNewTypeInference = false;
public CommandLineConfig setNewTypeInference(boolean useNewTypeInference) {
this.useNewTypeInference = useNewTypeInference;
return this;
private String instrumentationTemplateFile = "";
public CommandLineConfig setInstrumentationTemplateFile(String fileName) {
this.instrumentationTemplateFile = fileName;
return this;
private JsonStreamMode jsonStreamMode = JsonStreamMode.NONE;
public CommandLineConfig setJsonStreamMode(JsonStreamMode mode) {
this.jsonStreamMode = mode;
return this;
/** Set of options that can be used with the --formatting flag. */
protected enum ErrorFormatOption {
private ErrorFormatOption errorFormat = ErrorFormatOption.STANDARD;
public CommandLineConfig setErrorFormat(ErrorFormatOption errorFormat) {
this.errorFormat = errorFormat;
return this;
* Representation of a source file from an encoded json stream input
protected static class JsonFileSpec {
private final String src;
private final String path;
private String sourceMap;
private final String webpackId;
public JsonFileSpec(String src, String path) {
this(src, path, null, null);
public JsonFileSpec(String src, String path, String sourceMap) {
this(src, path, sourceMap, null);
public JsonFileSpec(String src, String path, String sourceMap, @Nullable String webpackId) {
this.src = src;
this.path = path;
this.sourceMap = sourceMap;
this.webpackId = webpackId;
public String getSrc() {
return this.src;
public String getPath() {
return this.path;
public String getSourceMap() {
return this.sourceMap;
public String getWebpackId() {
return this.webpackId;
public void setSourceMap(String map) {
this.sourceMap = map;
* Flag types for js source files.
protected enum JsSourceType {
final String flagName;
private JsSourceType(String flagName) {
this.flagName = flagName;
* A pair from flag to its value.
protected static class FlagEntry<T> {
private final T flag;
private final String value;
protected FlagEntry(T flag, String value) {
this.flag = flag;
this.value = value;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o instanceof FlagEntry) {
FlagEntry<?> that = (FlagEntry<?>) o;
return that.flag.equals(this.flag)
&& that.value.equals(this.value);
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return flag.hashCode() + value.hashCode();
public T getFlag() {
return flag;
public String getValue() {
return value;
* Represents a specification for a js module.
public static class JsModuleSpec {
private final String name;
// Number of input files, including js and zip files.
private final int numInputs;
private final ImmutableList<String> deps;
// Number of input js files. All zip files should be expanded.
private int numJsFiles;
private JsModuleSpec(String name, int numInputs, ImmutableList<String> deps) {
this.name = name;
this.numInputs = numInputs;
this.deps = deps;
this.numJsFiles = numInputs;
* @param specString The spec format is:
* <code>name:num-js-files[:[dep,...][:]]</code>. Module names must
* not contain the ':' character.
* @param isFirstModule Whether the spec is for the first module.
* @return A parsed js module spec.
static JsModuleSpec create(String specString, boolean isFirstModule) {
// Format is "<name>:<num-js-files>[:[<dep>,...][:]]".
String[] parts = specString.split(":");
if (parts.length < 2 || parts.length > 4) {
throw new FlagUsageException("Expected 2-4 colon-delimited parts in "
+ "js module spec: " + specString);
// Parse module name.
String name = parts[0];
// Parse module dependencies.
String[] deps = parts.length > 2 && parts[2].length() > 0
? parts[2].split(",")
: new String[0];
// Parse module inputs.
int numInputs = -1;
try {
numInputs = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]);
} catch (NumberFormatException ignored) {
numInputs = -1;
// We will allow modules of zero input.
if (numInputs < 0) {
// A size of 'auto' is only allowed on the base module if
// and it must also be the first module
if (parts.length == 2 && "auto".equals(parts[1])) {
if (!isFirstModule) {
throw new FlagUsageException("Invalid JS file count '" + parts[1]
+ "' for module: " + name + ". Only the first module may specify "
+ "a size of 'auto' and it must have no dependencies.");
} else {
throw new FlagUsageException("Invalid JS file count '" + parts[1]
+ "' for module: " + name);
return new JsModuleSpec(name, numInputs, ImmutableList.copyOf(deps));
public String getName() {
return name;
public int getNumInputs() {
return numInputs;
public ImmutableList<String> getDeps() {
return deps;
public int getNumJsFiles() {
return numJsFiles;
static final class SystemExitCodeReceiver implements Function<Integer, Void> {
static final SystemExitCodeReceiver INSTANCE = new SystemExitCodeReceiver();
private SystemExitCodeReceiver() {
// singleton
public Void apply(Integer exitCode) {
int exitCodeValue = checkNotNull(exitCode);
// Don't spuriously report success.
// Posix conventions only guarantee that 8b are significant.
byte exitCodeByte = (byte) exitCodeValue;
if (exitCodeByte == 0 && exitCodeValue != 0) {
exitCodeByte = (byte) -1;
return null;