
 * Copyright 2009 The Closure Compiler Authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.google.javascript.jscomp;

import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument;

import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import com.google.common.base.Supplier;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
import com.google.javascript.jscomp.deps.ModuleLoader;
import com.google.javascript.jscomp.parsing.Config;
import com.google.javascript.jscomp.parsing.parser.FeatureSet;
import com.google.javascript.jscomp.parsing.parser.trees.Comment;
import com.google.javascript.jscomp.type.ReverseAbstractInterpreter;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.ErrorReporter;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.InputId;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.Node;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.TypeIRegistry;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.jstype.JSTypeRegistry;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;

 * An abstract compiler, to help remove the circular dependency of
 * passes on JSCompiler.
 * This is an abstract class, so that we can make the methods package-private.
 * @author nicksantos@google.com (Nick Santos)
public abstract class AbstractCompiler implements SourceExcerptProvider {
  static final DiagnosticType READ_ERROR = DiagnosticType.error(
      "JSC_READ_ERROR", "Cannot read file {0}: {1}");

  protected Map<String, Object> annotationMap = new HashMap<>();

  /** Will be called before each pass runs. */
  abstract void beforePass(String passName);

   * Will be called after each pass finishes.
  abstract void afterPass(String passName);

  private LifeCycleStage stage = LifeCycleStage.RAW;

  // TODO(nicksantos): Decide if all of these are really necessary.
  // Many of them are just accessors that should be passed to the
  // CompilerPass's constructor.

   * Looks up an input (possibly an externs input) by input id.
   * May return null.
  public abstract CompilerInput getInput(InputId inputId);

  /** Looks up a source file by name. May return null. */
  abstract SourceFile getSourceFileByName(String sourceName);

  abstract Node getScriptNode(String filename);

   * Gets the module graph. May return null if there aren't at least two
   * modules.
  abstract JSModuleGraph getModuleGraph();

   * Gets the inputs in the order in which they are being processed.
   * Only for use by {@code AbstractCompilerRunner}.
  abstract List<CompilerInput> getInputsInOrder();

   * Gets the total number of inputs.
   * <p>This can be useful as a guide for the initial allocated size for data structures.
  abstract int getNumberOfInputs();

  // Intermediate state and results produced and needed by particular passes.
  // TODO(rluble): move these into the general structure for keeping state between pass runs.
  /** Adds exported names to keep track. */
  public abstract void addExportedNames(Set<String> exportedVariableNames);

  /** Gets the names that have been exported. */
  public abstract Set<String> getExportedNames();

  /** Sets the variable renaming map */
  public abstract void setVariableMap(VariableMap variableMap);

  /** Sets the property renaming map */
  public abstract void setPropertyMap(VariableMap propertyMap);

  /** Sets the string replacement map */
  public abstract void setStringMap(VariableMap stringMap);

  /** Sets the fully qualified function name and globally unique id mapping. */
  public abstract void setFunctionNames(FunctionNames functionNames);

  /** Gets the fully qualified function name and globally unique id mapping. */
  public abstract FunctionNames getFunctionNames();

  /** Sets the css names found during compilation. */
  public abstract void setCssNames(Map<String, Integer> newCssNames);

  /** Sets the id generator for cross-module motion. */
  public abstract void setIdGeneratorMap(String serializedIdMappings);

  /** Gets the id generator for cross-module motion. */
  public abstract IdGenerator getCrossModuleIdGenerator();

  /** Sets the naming map for anonymous functions */
  public abstract void setAnonymousFunctionNameMap(VariableMap functionMap);
  // End of intermediate state needed by passes.

  static enum MostRecentTypechecker {

   * Sets the type-checking pass that ran most recently.
  abstract void setMostRecentTypechecker(MostRecentTypechecker mostRecent);

  /** Gets the type-checking pass that ran most recently. */
  abstract MostRecentTypechecker getMostRecentTypechecker();

   * Gets a central registry of type information from the compiled JS.
  public abstract JSTypeRegistry getTypeRegistry();

  public abstract TypeIRegistry getTypeIRegistry();

  public abstract void clearTypeIRegistry();

  abstract void forwardDeclareType(String typeName);

   * Gets a memoized scope creator with type information. Only used by jsdev.
  abstract ScopeCreator getTypedScopeCreator();

   * Gets the top scope.
  public abstract TypedScope getTopScope();

   * Gets a memoized scope creator without type information, used by the checks and optimization
   * passes to avoid continuously recreating the entire scope.
  abstract IncrementalScopeCreator getScopeCreator();

   * Stores a memoized scope creator without type information, used by the checks and optimization
   * passes to avoid continuously recreating the entire scope.
  abstract void putScopeCreator(IncrementalScopeCreator creator);

   * Report an error or warning.
  public abstract void report(JSError error);

   * Report an internal error.
  abstract void throwInternalError(String msg, Throwable cause);

   * Gets the current coding convention.
  public abstract CodingConvention getCodingConvention();

   * Passes that make modifications in a scope that is different than the Compiler.currentScope use
   * this (eg, InlineVariables and many others)
  public abstract void reportChangeToEnclosingScope(Node n);

   * Mark modifications in a scope that is different than the Compiler.currentScope use this (eg,
   * InlineVariables and many others)
  public abstract void reportChangeToChangeScope(Node changeScopeRoot);

   * Mark a specific function node as known to be deleted. Is part of having accurate change
   * tracking which is necessary to streamline optimizations.
  abstract void reportFunctionDeleted(Node node);

   * Sets the CssRenamingMap.
  abstract void setCssRenamingMap(CssRenamingMap map);

   * Gets the CssRenamingMap.
  abstract CssRenamingMap getCssRenamingMap();

   * Gets a suitable SCRIPT node to serve as a parent for code insertion. If
   * {@code module} contains any inputs, the returned node will be the SCRIPT
   * node corresponding to its first input. If {@code module} is empty, on the
   * other hand, then the returned node will be the first SCRIPT node in a
   * non-empty module that {@code module} depends on (the deepest one possible).
   * @param module A module. If null, will return the first SCRIPT node of all
   *     modules.
   * @return A SCRIPT node (never null).
  abstract Node getNodeForCodeInsertion(@Nullable JSModule module);

   * Only used by passes in the old type checker.
  abstract TypeValidator getTypeValidator();

   * Gets the central registry of type violations.
  abstract Iterable<TypeMismatch> getTypeMismatches();

   * Gets all types that are used implicitly as a
   * matching interface type. These are
   * recorded as TypeMismatchs only for convenience
  abstract Iterable<TypeMismatch> getImplicitInterfaceUses();

   * Global type registry used by NTI.
  abstract <T extends TypeIRegistry> T getGlobalTypeInfo();

  abstract void setExternExports(String externExports);

   * Parses code for injecting.
  abstract Node parseSyntheticCode(String code);

   * Parses code for injecting, and associate it with a given source file.
  abstract Node parseSyntheticCode(String filename, String code);

   * Parses code for testing.
  abstract Node parseTestCode(String code);

   * Prints a node to source code.
  public abstract String toSource();

   * Prints a node to source code.
  public abstract String toSource(Node root);

   * Gets a default error reporter for injecting into Rhino.
  abstract ErrorReporter getDefaultErrorReporter();

   * Get an interpreter for type analysis.
  public abstract ReverseAbstractInterpreter getReverseAbstractInterpreter();

   * @return The current life-cycle stage of the AST we're working on.
  LifeCycleStage getLifeCycleStage() {
    return stage;

   * Generates unique ids.
  abstract Supplier<String> getUniqueNameIdSupplier();

   * @return Whether any errors have been encountered that
   *     should stop the compilation process.
  abstract boolean hasHaltingErrors();

   * Register a listener for code change events.
  abstract void addChangeHandler(CodeChangeHandler handler);

   * Remove a listener for code change events.
  abstract void removeChangeHandler(CodeChangeHandler handler);

  /** Register a provider for some type of index. */
  abstract void addIndexProvider(IndexProvider<?> indexProvider);

   * Returns, from a provider, the desired index of type T, otherwise null if no provider is
   * registered for the given type.
  abstract <T> T getIndex(Class<T> type);

  /** A monotonically increasing value to identify a change */
  abstract int getChangeStamp();

   * An accumulation of changed scope nodes since the last time the given pass was run. A returned
   * empty list means no scope nodes have changed since the last run and a returned null means this
   * is the first time the pass has run.
  abstract List<Node> getChangedScopeNodesForPass(String passName);

   * An accumulation of deleted scope nodes since the last time the given pass was run. A returned
   * null or empty list means no scope nodes have been deleted since the last run or this is the
   * first time the pass has run.
  abstract List<Node> getDeletedScopeNodesForPass(String passName);

  /** Called to indicate that the current change stamp has been used */
  abstract void incrementChangeStamp();

  /** Returns the root of the source tree, ignoring externs */
  abstract Node getJsRoot();

  /** True iff a function changed since the last time a pass was run */
  abstract boolean hasScopeChanged(Node n);

   * Represents the different contexts for which the compiler could have
   * distinct configurations.
  static enum ConfigContext {
     * Normal JavaScript.

     * Externs files.

   * Returns the parser configuration for the specified context.
  abstract Config getParserConfig(ConfigContext context);

   * Normalizes the types of AST nodes in the given tree, and
   * annotates any nodes to which the coding convention applies so that passes
   * can read the annotations instead of using the coding convention.
  abstract void prepareAst(Node root);

   * Gets the error manager.
  public abstract ErrorManager getErrorManager();

   * Set the current life-cycle state.
  void setLifeCycleStage(LifeCycleStage stage) {
    this.stage = stage;

   * Are the nodes equal for the purpose of inlining?
   * If type aware optimizations are on, type equality is checked.
  abstract boolean areNodesEqualForInlining(Node n1, Node n2);

   * Set if RegExp global properties are used.
   * @param references Whether there are references to the RegExp global object
   *     properties.
  abstract void setHasRegExpGlobalReferences(boolean references);

   * @return Whether the AST contains references to the RegExp global object
   *     properties.
  abstract boolean hasRegExpGlobalReferences();

   * @return The error level the given error object will be reported at.
  abstract CheckLevel getErrorLevel(JSError error);

  static enum LifeCycleStage implements Serializable {

    // See constraints put on the tree by Normalize.java

    // The normalize pass has put constraints on the tree,
    // but variables and properties have been renamed so
    // coding conventions no longer apply.

    boolean isNormalized() {
      return this == NORMALIZED || this == NORMALIZED_OBFUSCATED;

    boolean isNormalizedUnobfuscated() {
      return this == NORMALIZED;

    boolean isNormalizedObfuscated() {
      return this == NORMALIZED_OBFUSCATED;

   * Runs a given compiler-pass by calling its {@code process()} method.
   * @param pass The pass to be run.
  abstract void process(CompilerPass pass);

   * Returns the root node of the AST, which includes both externs and source.
  public abstract Node getRoot();

  abstract CompilerOptions getOptions();

  abstract FeatureSet getFeatureSet();

  abstract void setFeatureSet(FeatureSet fs);

  // TODO(bashir) It would be good to extract a single dumb data object with
  // only getters and setters that keeps all global information we keep for a
  // compiler instance. Then move some of the functions of this class there.

   * Updates the list of references for variables in global scope.
   * @param refMapPatch Maps each variable to all of its references; may contain
   *     references collected from the whole AST or only a SCRIPT sub-tree.
   * @param collectionRoot The root of sub-tree in which reference collection
   *     has been done. This should either be a SCRIPT node (if collection is
   *     done on a single file) or it is assumed that collection is on full AST.
  abstract void updateGlobalVarReferences(Map<Var, ReferenceCollection>
      refMapPatch, Node collectionRoot);

   * This can be used to get the list of all references to all global variables
   * based on all previous calls to {@code updateGlobalVarReferences}.
   * @return The reference collection map associated to global scope variable.
  abstract GlobalVarReferenceMap getGlobalVarReferences();

   * @return a CompilerInput that can be modified to add additional extern
   * definitions to the beginning of the externs AST
  abstract CompilerInput getSynthesizedExternsInput();

   * @return a CompilerInput that can be modified to add additional extern
   * definitions to the end of the externs AST
  abstract CompilerInput getSynthesizedExternsInputAtEnd();

   * @return a number in [0,1] range indicating an approximate progress of the
   * last compile. Note this should only be used as a hint and no assumptions
   * should be made on accuracy, even a completed compile may choose not to set
   * this to 1.0 at the end.
  public abstract double getProgress();

   * Gets the last pass name set by setProgress.
  abstract String getLastPassName();

   * Sets the progress percentage as well as the name of the last pass that
   * ran (if available).
   * @param progress A percentage expressed as a double in the range [0, 1].
   *     Use -1 if you just want to set the last pass name.
  abstract void setProgress(double progress, @Nullable String lastPassName);

   * The subdir js/ contains libraries of code that we inject
   * at compile-time only if requested by this function.
   * Notice that these libraries will almost always create global symbols.
   * @param resourceName The name of the library. For example, if "base" is
   *     is specified, then we load js/base.js
   * @param force Inject the library even if compiler options say not to.
   * @return The last node of the most-recently-injected runtime library.
   *     If new code was injected, this will be the last expression node of the
   *     library. If the caller needs to add additional code, they should add
   *     it as the next sibling of this node. If no runtime libraries have been
   *     injected, then null is returned.
  abstract Node ensureLibraryInjected(String resourceName, boolean force);

   * Sets the names of the properties defined in externs.
   * @param externProperties The set of property names defined in externs.
  abstract void setExternProperties(Set<String> externProperties);

   * Gets the names of the properties defined in externs or null if
   * GatherExternProperties pass was not run yet.
  abstract Set<String> getExternProperties();

   * Adds a {@link SourceMapInput} for the given {@code sourceFileName}, to be used for error
   * reporting and source map combining.
  public abstract void addInputSourceMap(String name, SourceMapInput sourceMap);

  abstract void addComments(String filename, List<Comment> comments);

   * Returns all the comments from the given file.
  abstract List<Comment> getComments(String filename);

    * Stores a map of default @define values.  These values
    * can be overridden by values specifically set in the CompilerOptions.
   abstract void setDefaultDefineValues(ImmutableMap<String, Node> values);

    * Gets a map of default @define values.  These values
    * can be overridden by values specifically set in the CompilerOptions.
   abstract ImmutableMap<String, Node> getDefaultDefineValues();

   * Gets the module loader.
  abstract ModuleLoader getModuleLoader();

  /** Lookup the type of a module from its name. */
  abstract CompilerInput.ModuleType getModuleTypeByName(String moduleName);

   * Sets an annotation for the given key.
   * @param key the annotation key
   * @param object the object to store as the annotation
  void setAnnotation(String key, Object object) {
    checkArgument(object != null, "The stored annotation value cannot be null.");
        !annotationMap.containsKey(key), "Cannot overwrite the existing annotation '%s'.", key);
    annotationMap.put(key, object);

   * Gets the annotation for the given key.
   * @param key the annotation key
   * @return the annotation object for the given key if it has been set, or null
  Object getAnnotation(String key) {
    return annotationMap.get(key);

  private @Nullable PersistentInputStore persistentInputStore;

  void setPersistentInputStore(PersistentInputStore persistentInputStore) {
    this.persistentInputStore = persistentInputStore;

  PersistentInputStore getPersistentInputStore() {
    return persistentInputStore;