
 * Copyright 2008 The Closure Compiler Authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.google.javascript.jscomp;

import com.google.common.annotations.GwtIncompatible;
import com.google.common.base.CaseFormat;
import com.google.debugging.sourcemap.proto.Mapping.OriginalMapping;
import com.google.javascript.jscomp.JsMessage.Builder;
import com.google.javascript.jscomp.NodeTraversal.AbstractPostOrderCallback;
import com.google.javascript.jscomp.parsing.parser.util.format.SimpleFormat;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.JSDocInfo;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.Node;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.Token;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;

 * Traverses across parsed tree and finds I18N messages. Then it passes it to
 * {@link JsMessageVisitor#processJsMessage(JsMessage, JsMessageDefinition)}.
 * @author anatol@google.com (Anatol Pomazau)
@GwtIncompatible("JsMessage, java.util.regex")
public abstract class JsMessageVisitor extends AbstractPostOrderCallback
    implements CompilerPass {

  private static final String MSG_FUNCTION_NAME = "goog.getMsg";
  private static final String MSG_FALLBACK_FUNCTION_NAME =

  static final DiagnosticType MESSAGE_HAS_NO_DESCRIPTION =
          "Message {0} has no description. Add @desc JsDoc tag.");

  static final DiagnosticType MESSAGE_HAS_NO_TEXT =
          "Message value of {0} is just an empty string. "
              + "Empty messages are forbidden.");

  static final DiagnosticType MESSAGE_TREE_MALFORMED =
          "Message parse tree malformed. {0}");

  static final DiagnosticType MESSAGE_HAS_NO_VALUE =
          "message node {0} has no value");

  static final DiagnosticType MESSAGE_DUPLICATE_KEY =
          "duplicate message variable name found for {0}, " +
              "initial definition {1}:{2}");

  static final DiagnosticType MESSAGE_NODE_IS_ORPHANED =
      DiagnosticType.warning("JSC_MSG_ORPHANED_NODE", MSG_FUNCTION_NAME +
          "() function could be used only with MSG_* property or variable");

          "message not initialized using " + MSG_FUNCTION_NAME);

  static final DiagnosticType BAD_FALLBACK_SYNTAX =
              "Bad syntax. " +
              "Expected syntax: %s(MSG_1, MSG_2)",

  static final DiagnosticType FALLBACK_ARG_ERROR =
          "Could not find message entry for fallback argument {0}");

  private static final String PH_JS_PREFIX = "{$";
  private static final String PH_JS_SUFFIX = "}";

  static final String MSG_PREFIX = "MSG_";

   * Pattern for unnamed messages.
   * <p>
   * All JS messages in JS code should have unique name but messages in
   * generated code (i.e. from soy template) could have duplicated message names.
   * Later we replace the message names with ids constructed as a hash of the
   * message content.
   * <p>
   * <a href="https://github.com/google/closure-templates">
   * Soy</a> generates messages with names MSG_UNNAMED.* . This
   * pattern recognizes such messages.
  private static final Pattern MSG_UNNAMED_PATTERN =

  private static final Pattern CAMELCASE_PATTERN =

  static final String HIDDEN_DESC_PREFIX = "@hidden";

  // For old-style JS messages
  private static final String DESC_SUFFIX = "_HELP";

  private final boolean needToCheckDuplications;
  private final JsMessage.Style style;
  private final JsMessage.IdGenerator idGenerator;
  final AbstractCompiler compiler;

   * The names encountered associated with their defining node and source. We
   * use it for tracking duplicated message ids in the source code.
  private final Map<String, MessageLocation> messageNames =
       new HashMap<>();

  private final Map<Var, JsMessage> unnamedMessages =
       new HashMap<>();

   * List of found goog.getMsg call nodes.
   * When we visit goog.getMsg() node we add it, and later
   * when we visit its parent we remove it. All nodes that are left at
   * the end of traversing are orphaned nodes. It means have no corresponding
   * var or property node.
  private final Set<Node> googMsgNodes = new HashSet<>();

  private final CheckLevel checkLevel;

   * Creates JS message visitor.
   * @param compiler the compiler instance
   * @param needToCheckDuplications whether to check duplicated messages in
   *        traversed
   * @param style style that should be used during parsing
   * @param idGenerator generator that used for creating unique ID for the
   *        message
  protected JsMessageVisitor(AbstractCompiler compiler,
      boolean needToCheckDuplications,
      JsMessage.Style style, JsMessage.IdGenerator idGenerator) {

    this.compiler = compiler;
    this.needToCheckDuplications = needToCheckDuplications;
    this.style = style;
    this.idGenerator = idGenerator;

    checkLevel = (style == JsMessage.Style.CLOSURE)
        ? CheckLevel.ERROR : CheckLevel.WARNING;

    // TODO(anatol): add flag that decides whether to process UNNAMED messages.
    // Some projects would not want such functionality (unnamed) as they don't
    // use SOY templates.

  public void process(Node externs, Node root) {
    NodeTraversal.traverseEs6(compiler, root, this);

    for (Node msgNode : googMsgNodes) {
          checkLevel, MESSAGE_NODE_IS_ORPHANED));

  public void visit(NodeTraversal traversal, Node node, Node parent) {
    String messageKey;
    String originalMessageKey;
    boolean isVar;
    Node msgNode;

    switch (node.getToken()) {
      case NAME:
        // var MSG_HELLO = 'Message'
        if ((parent != null) && (NodeUtil.isNameDeclaration(parent))) {
          messageKey = node.getString();
          originalMessageKey = node.getOriginalName();
          isVar = true;
        } else {

        msgNode = node.getFirstChild();
      case ASSIGN:
        // somenamespace.someclass.MSG_HELLO = 'Message'
        isVar = false;

        Node getProp = node.getFirstChild();
        if (!getProp.isGetProp()) {

        Node propNode = getProp.getLastChild();

        messageKey = propNode.getString();
        originalMessageKey = getProp.getOriginalName();
        msgNode = node.getLastChild();

      case STRING_KEY:
        if (node.isQuotedString() || node.getFirstChild() == null) {
        isVar = false;
        messageKey = node.getString();
        originalMessageKey = node.getOriginalName();
        msgNode = node.getFirstChild();

      case CALL:
        // goog.getMsg()
        if (node.getFirstChild().matchesQualifiedName(MSG_FUNCTION_NAME)) {
        } else if (node.getFirstChild().matchesQualifiedName(
          visitFallbackFunctionCall(traversal, node);

    if (originalMessageKey != null) {
      messageKey = originalMessageKey;

    // Is this a message name?
    boolean isNewStyleMessage =
        msgNode != null && msgNode.isCall();
    if (!isMessageName(messageKey, isNewStyleMessage)) {

    if (msgNode == null) {
          traversal.makeError(node, MESSAGE_HAS_NO_VALUE, messageKey));

    if (msgNode.isGetProp()
        && msgNode.isQualifiedName()
        && msgNode.getLastChild().getString().equals(messageKey)) {
      // foo.Thing.MSG_EXAMPLE = bar.OtherThing.MSG_EXAMPLE;
      // This kind of construct is created by Es6ToEs3ClassSideInheritance. Just ignore it; the
      // message will have already been extracted from the base class.

    // Report a warning if a qualified messageKey that looks like a message
    // (e.g. "a.b.MSG_X") doesn't use goog.getMsg().
    if (isNewStyleMessage) {
    } else if (style != JsMessage.Style.LEGACY) {
      // TODO(johnlenz): promote this to an error once existing conflicts have been
      // cleaned up.
      if (style == JsMessage.Style.CLOSURE) {
        // Don't extract the message if we aren't accepting LEGACY messages

    boolean isUnnamedMsg = isUnnamedMessageName(messageKey);

    Builder builder = new Builder(
        isUnnamedMsg ? null : messageKey);
    OriginalMapping mapping = compiler.getSourceMapping(
        traversal.getSourceName(), traversal.getLineNumber(),
    if (mapping != null) {
    } else {

    try {
      if (isVar) {
        extractMessageFromVariable(builder, node, parent, parent.getParent());
      } else {
        extractMessageFrom(builder, msgNode, node);
    } catch (MalformedException ex) {
          MESSAGE_TREE_MALFORMED, ex.getMessage()));

    JsMessage extractedMessage = builder.build(idGenerator);

    // If asked to check named internal messages.
    if (needToCheckDuplications
        && !isUnnamedMsg
        && !extractedMessage.isExternal()) {
      checkIfMessageDuplicated(messageKey, msgNode);
    trackMessage(traversal, extractedMessage,
        messageKey, msgNode, isUnnamedMsg);

    if (extractedMessage.isEmpty()) {
      // value of the message is an empty string. Translators do not like it.
      compiler.report(traversal.makeError(node, MESSAGE_HAS_NO_TEXT,

    // New-style messages must have descriptions. We don't emit a warning
    // for legacy-style messages, because there are thousands of
    // them in legacy code that are not worth the effort to fix, since they've
    // already been translated anyway.
    String desc = extractedMessage.getDesc();
    if (isNewStyleMessage
        && (desc == null || desc.trim().isEmpty())
        && !extractedMessage.isExternal()) {
      compiler.report(traversal.makeError(node, MESSAGE_HAS_NO_DESCRIPTION,

    JsMessageDefinition msgDefinition = new JsMessageDefinition(msgNode);
    processJsMessage(extractedMessage, msgDefinition);

   * Track a message for later retrieval.
   * This is used for tracking duplicates, and for figuring out message
   * fallback. Not all message types are trackable, because that would
   * require a more sophisticated analysis. e.g.,
   * function f(s) { s.MSG_UNNAMED_X = 'Some untrackable message'; }
  private void trackMessage(
      NodeTraversal t, JsMessage message, String msgName,
      Node msgNode, boolean isUnnamedMessage) {
    if (!isUnnamedMessage) {
      MessageLocation location = new MessageLocation(message, msgNode);
      messageNames.put(msgName, location);
    } else {
      Var var = t.getScope().getVar(msgName);
      if (var != null) {
        unnamedMessages.put(var, message);

  /** Get a previously tracked message. */
  private JsMessage getTrackedMessage(NodeTraversal t, String msgName) {
    boolean isUnnamedMessage = isUnnamedMessageName(msgName);
    if (!isUnnamedMessage) {
      MessageLocation location = messageNames.get(msgName);
      return location == null ? null : location.message;
    } else {
      Var var = t.getScope().getVar(msgName);
      if (var != null) {
        return unnamedMessages.get(var);
    return null;

   * Checks if message already processed. If so - it generates 'message
   * duplicated' compiler error.
   * @param msgName the name of the message
   * @param msgNode the node that represents JS message
  private void checkIfMessageDuplicated(String msgName, Node msgNode) {
    if (messageNames.containsKey(msgName)) {
      MessageLocation location = messageNames.get(msgName);
      compiler.report(JSError.make(msgNode, MESSAGE_DUPLICATE_KEY,
          msgName, location.messageNode.getSourceFileName(),

   * Creates a {@link JsMessage} for a JS message defined using a JS variable
   * declaration (e.g <code>var MSG_X = ...;</code>).
   * @param builder the message builder
   * @param nameNode a NAME node for a JS message variable
   * @param parentNode a VAR node, parent of {@code nameNode}
   * @param grandParentNode the grandparent of {@code nameNode}. This node is
   *        only used to get meta data about the message that might be
   *        surrounding it (e.g. a message description). This argument may be
   *        null if the meta data is not needed.
   * @throws MalformedException if {@code varNode} does not
   *         correspond to a valid JS message VAR node
  private void extractMessageFromVariable(
      Builder builder, Node nameNode, Node parentNode,
      @Nullable Node grandParentNode) throws MalformedException {

    // Determine the message's value
    Node valueNode = nameNode.getFirstChild();
    switch (valueNode.getToken()) {
      case STRING:
      case ADD:
        maybeInitMetaDataFromJsDocOrHelpVar(builder, parentNode,
      case FUNCTION:
        maybeInitMetaDataFromJsDocOrHelpVar(builder, parentNode,
        extractFromFunctionNode(builder, valueNode);
      case CALL:
        maybeInitMetaDataFromJsDoc(builder, parentNode);
        extractFromCallNode(builder, valueNode);
        throw new MalformedException("Cannot parse value of message "
            + builder.getKey(), valueNode);

   * Creates a {@link JsMessage} for a JS message defined using an assignment to
   * a qualified name (e.g <code>a.b.MSG_X = goog.getMsg(...);</code>).
   * @param builder the message builder
   * @param valueNode a node in a JS message value
   * @param docNode the node containing the jsdoc.
   * @throws MalformedException if {@code getPropNode} does not
   *         correspond to a valid JS message node
  private void extractMessageFrom(
      Builder builder, Node valueNode, Node docNode)
      throws MalformedException {
    maybeInitMetaDataFromJsDoc(builder, docNode);
    extractFromCallNode(builder, valueNode);

   * Initializes the meta data in a JsMessage by examining the nodes just before
   * and after a message VAR node.
   * @param builder the message builder whose meta data will be initialized
   * @param varNode the message VAR node
   * @param parentOfVarNode {@code varNode}'s parent node
  private void maybeInitMetaDataFromJsDocOrHelpVar(
      Builder builder, Node varNode, @Nullable Node parentOfVarNode)
      throws MalformedException {

    // First check description in @desc
    if (maybeInitMetaDataFromJsDoc(builder, varNode)) {

    // Check the preceding node for meta data
    if ((parentOfVarNode != null)
        && maybeInitMetaDataFromHelpVar(builder, varNode.getPrevious())) {

    // Check the subsequent node for meta data
    maybeInitMetaDataFromHelpVar(builder, varNode.getNext());

   * Initializes the meta data in a JsMessage by examining a node just before or
   * after a message VAR node.
   * @param builder the message builder whose meta data will be initialized
   * @param sibling a node adjacent to the message VAR node
   * @return true iff message has corresponding description variable
  private static boolean maybeInitMetaDataFromHelpVar(Builder builder,
      @Nullable Node sibling) throws MalformedException {
    if ((sibling != null) && (sibling.isVar())) {
      Node nameNode = sibling.getFirstChild();
      String name = nameNode.getString();
      if (name.equals(builder.getKey() + DESC_SUFFIX)) {
        Node valueNode = nameNode.getFirstChild();
        String desc = extractStringFromStringExprNode(valueNode);
        if (desc.startsWith(HIDDEN_DESC_PREFIX)) {
        } else {
        return true;
    return false;

   * Initializes the meta data in a message builder given a node that may
   * contain JsDoc properties.
   * @param builder the message builder whose meta data will be initialized
   * @param node the node with the message's JSDoc properties
   * @return true if message has JsDoc with valid description in @desc
   *         annotation
  private static boolean maybeInitMetaDataFromJsDoc(Builder builder, Node node) {
    boolean messageHasDesc = false;
    JSDocInfo info = node.getJSDocInfo();
    if (info != null) {
      String desc = info.getDescription();
      if (desc != null) {
        messageHasDesc = true;
      if (info.isHidden()) {
      if (info.getMeaning() != null) {

    return messageHasDesc;

   * Returns the string value associated with a node representing a JS string or
   * several JS strings added together (e.g. {@code 'str'} or {@code 's' + 't' +
   * 'r'}).
   * @param node the node from where we extract the string
   * @return String representation of the node
   * @throws MalformedException if the parsed message is invalid
  private static String extractStringFromStringExprNode(Node node)
      throws MalformedException {
    switch (node.getToken()) {
      case STRING:
        return node.getString();
      case TEMPLATELIT:
        if (node.hasOneChild()) {
          return node.getFirstChild().getString();
        } else {
          throw new MalformedException(
              "Template literals with substitutions are not allowed.", node);
      case ADD:
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (Node child : node.children()) {
        return sb.toString();
        throw new MalformedException(
            "STRING or ADD node expected; found: " + node.getToken(), node);

   * Initializes a message builder from a FUNCTION node.
   * <p>
   * <pre>
   * The tree should look something like:
   * function
   *  |-- name
   *  |-- lp
   *  |   |-- name <arg1>
   *  |    -- name <arg2>
   *   -- block
   *      |
   *       --return
   *           |
   *            --add
   *               |-- string foo
   *                -- name <arg1>
   * </pre>
   * @param builder the message builder
   * @param node the function node that contains a message
   * @throws MalformedException if the parsed message is invalid
  private void extractFromFunctionNode(Builder builder, Node node)
      throws MalformedException {
    Set<String> phNames = new HashSet<>();

    for (Node fnChild : node.children()) {
      switch (fnChild.getToken()) {
        case NAME:
          // This is okay. The function has a name, but it is empty.
        case PARAM_LIST:
          // Parse the placeholder names from the function argument list.
          for (Node argumentNode : fnChild.children()) {
            if (argumentNode.isName()) {
              String phName = argumentNode.getString();
              if (phNames.contains(phName)) {
                throw new MalformedException("Duplicate placeholder name: "
                    + phName, argumentNode);
              } else {
        case BLOCK:
          // Build the message's value by examining the return statement
          Node returnNode = fnChild.getFirstChild();
          if (!returnNode.isReturn()) {
            throw new MalformedException(
                "RETURN node expected; found: " + returnNode.getToken(), returnNode);
          for (Node child : returnNode.children()) {
            extractFromReturnDescendant(builder, child);

          // Check that all placeholders from the message text have appropriate
          // object literal keys
          for (String phName : builder.getPlaceholders()) {
            if (!phNames.contains(phName)) {
              throw new MalformedException(
                  "Unrecognized message placeholder referenced: " + phName,
          throw new MalformedException(
              "NAME, PARAM_LIST, or BLOCK node expected; found: " + node, fnChild);

   * Appends value parts to the message builder by traversing the descendants
   * of the given RETURN node.
   * @param builder the message builder
   * @param node the node from where we extract a message
   * @throws MalformedException if the parsed message is invalid
  private static void extractFromReturnDescendant(Builder builder, Node node)
      throws MalformedException {

    switch (node.getToken()) {
      case STRING:
      case NAME:
      case ADD:
        for (Node child : node.children()) {
          extractFromReturnDescendant(builder, child);
        throw new MalformedException(
            "STRING, NAME, or ADD node expected; found: " + node.getToken(), node);

   * Initializes a message builder from a CALL node.
   * <p>
   * The tree should look something like:
   * <pre>
   * call
   *  |-- getprop
   *  |   |-- name 'goog'
   *  |   +-- string 'getMsg'
   *  |
   *  |-- string 'Hi {$userName}! Welcome to {$product}.'
   *  +-- objlit
   *      |-- string 'userName'
   *      |-- name 'someUserName'
   *      |-- string 'product'
   *      +-- call
   *          +-- name 'getProductName'
   * </pre>
   * @param builder the message builder
   * @param node the call node from where we extract the message
   * @throws MalformedException if the parsed message is invalid
  private void extractFromCallNode(Builder builder,
      Node node) throws MalformedException {
    // Check the function being called
    if (!node.isCall()) {
      throw new MalformedException(
          "Message must be initialized using " + MSG_FUNCTION_NAME +
          " function.", node);

    Node fnNameNode = node.getFirstChild();
    if (!fnNameNode.matchesQualifiedName(MSG_FUNCTION_NAME)) {
      throw new MalformedException(
          "Message initialized using unrecognized function. " +
          "Please use " + MSG_FUNCTION_NAME + "() instead.", fnNameNode);

    // Get the message string
    Node stringLiteralNode = fnNameNode.getNext();
    if (stringLiteralNode == null) {
      throw new MalformedException("Message string literal expected",
    // Parse the message string and append parts to the builder
    parseMessageTextNode(builder, stringLiteralNode);

    Node objLitNode = stringLiteralNode.getNext();
    Set<String> phNames = new HashSet<>();
    if (objLitNode != null) {
      // Register the placeholder names
      if (!objLitNode.isObjectLit()) {
        throw new MalformedException("OBJLIT node expected", objLitNode);
      for (Node aNode = objLitNode.getFirstChild(); aNode != null;
           aNode = aNode.getNext()) {
        if (!aNode.isStringKey()) {
          throw new MalformedException("STRING_KEY node expected as OBJLIT key",
        String phName = aNode.getString();
        if (!isLowerCamelCaseWithNumericSuffixes(phName)) {
          throw new MalformedException(
              "Placeholder name not in lowerCamelCase: " + phName, aNode);

        if (phNames.contains(phName)) {
          throw new MalformedException("Duplicate placeholder name: "
              + phName, aNode);


    // Check that all placeholders from the message text have appropriate objlit
    // values
    Set<String> usedPlaceholders = builder.getPlaceholders();
    for (String phName : usedPlaceholders) {
      if (!phNames.contains(phName)) {
        throw new MalformedException(
            "Unrecognized message placeholder referenced: " + phName,

    // Check that objLiteral have only names that are present in the
    // message text
    for (String phName : phNames) {
      if (!usedPlaceholders.contains(phName)) {
        throw new MalformedException(
            "Unused message placeholder: " + phName,

   * Appends the message parts in a JS message value extracted from the given
   * text node.
   * @param builder the JS message builder to append parts to
   * @param node the node with string literal that contains the message text
   * @throws MalformedException if {@code value} contains a reference to
   *         an unregistered placeholder
  private static void parseMessageTextNode(Builder builder, Node node)
      throws MalformedException {
    String value = extractStringFromStringExprNode(node);

    while (true) {
      int phBegin = value.indexOf(PH_JS_PREFIX);
      if (phBegin < 0) {
        // Just a string literal
      } else {
        if (phBegin > 0) {
          // A string literal followed by a placeholder
          builder.appendStringPart(value.substring(0, phBegin));

        // A placeholder. Find where it ends
        int phEnd = value.indexOf(PH_JS_SUFFIX, phBegin);
        if (phEnd < 0) {
          throw new MalformedException(
              "Placeholder incorrectly formatted in: " + builder.getKey(),

        String phName = value.substring(phBegin + PH_JS_PREFIX.length(),
        int nextPos = phEnd + PH_JS_SUFFIX.length();
        if (nextPos < value.length()) {
          // Iterate on the rest of the message value
          value = value.substring(nextPos);
        } else {
          // The message is parsed

  /** Visit a call to goog.getMsgWithFallback. */
  private void visitFallbackFunctionCall(NodeTraversal t, Node call) {
    // Check to make sure the function call looks like:
    // goog.getMsgWithFallback(MSG_1, MSG_2);
    if (call.getChildCount() != 3
        || !call.getSecondChild().isName()
        || !call.getLastChild().isName()) {
      compiler.report(t.makeError(call, BAD_FALLBACK_SYNTAX));

    Node firstArg = call.getSecondChild();
    String name = firstArg.getOriginalName();
    if (name == null) {
      name = firstArg.getString();
    JsMessage firstMessage = getTrackedMessage(t, name);
    if (firstMessage == null) {
      compiler.report(t.makeError(firstArg, FALLBACK_ARG_ERROR, name));

    Node secondArg = firstArg.getNext();
    name = secondArg.getOriginalName();
    if (name == null) {
      name = secondArg.getString();
    JsMessage secondMessage = getTrackedMessage(t, name);
    if (secondMessage == null) {
      compiler.report(t.makeError(secondArg, FALLBACK_ARG_ERROR, name));

    processMessageFallback(call, firstMessage, secondMessage);

   * Processes found JS message. Several examples of "standard" processing
   * routines are:
   * <ol>
   * <li>extract all JS messages
   * <li>replace JS messages with localized versions for some specific language
   * <li>check that messages have correct syntax and present in localization
   *     bundle
   * </ol>
   * @param message the found message
   * @param definition the definition of the object and usually contains all
   *        additional message information like message node/parent's node
  protected abstract void processJsMessage(JsMessage message,
      JsMessageDefinition definition);

   * Processes the goog.getMsgWithFallback primitive.
   * goog.getMsgWithFallback(MSG_1, MSG_2);
   * By default, does nothing.
  void processMessageFallback(Node callNode, JsMessage message1,
      JsMessage message2) {}

   * Returns whether the given JS identifier is a valid JS message name.
  boolean isMessageName(String identifier, boolean isNewStyleMessage) {
    return identifier.startsWith(MSG_PREFIX) &&
        (style == JsMessage.Style.CLOSURE || isNewStyleMessage ||

   * Returns whether the given message name is in the unnamed namespace.
  private static boolean isUnnamedMessageName(String identifier) {
    return MSG_UNNAMED_PATTERN.matcher(identifier).matches();

   * Returns whether a string is nonempty, begins with a lowercase letter, and
   * contains only digits and underscores after the first underscore.
  static boolean isLowerCamelCaseWithNumericSuffixes(String input) {
    return CAMELCASE_PATTERN.matcher(input).matches();

   * Converts the given string from upper-underscore case to lower-camel case,
   * preserving numeric suffixes. For example: "NAME" -> "name" "A4_LETTER" ->
   * "a4Letter" "START_SPAN_1_23" -> "startSpan_1_23".
  static String toLowerCamelCaseWithNumericSuffixes(String input) {
    // Determine where the numeric suffixes begin
    int suffixStart = input.length();
    while (suffixStart > 0) {
      char ch = '\0';
      int numberStart = suffixStart;
      while (numberStart > 0) {
        ch = input.charAt(numberStart - 1);
        if (Character.isDigit(ch)) {
        } else {
      if ((numberStart > 0) && (numberStart < suffixStart) && (ch == '_')) {
        suffixStart = numberStart - 1;
      } else {

    if (suffixStart == input.length()) {
      return CaseFormat.UPPER_UNDERSCORE.to(CaseFormat.LOWER_CAMEL, input);
    } else {
      return CaseFormat.UPPER_UNDERSCORE.to(CaseFormat.LOWER_CAMEL,
          input.substring(0, suffixStart)) + input.substring(suffixStart);

   * Checks a node's type.
   * @throws MalformedException if the node is null or the wrong type
  protected void checkNode(@Nullable Node node, Token type) throws MalformedException {
    if (node == null) {
      throw new MalformedException(
          "Expected node type " + type + "; found: null", node);
    if (node.getToken() != type) {
      throw new MalformedException(
          "Expected node type " + type + "; found: " + node.getToken(), node);

  static class MalformedException extends Exception {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    private final Node node;

    MalformedException(String message, Node node) {
      this.node = node;

    Node getNode() {
      return node;

  private static class MessageLocation {
    private final JsMessage message;
    private final Node messageNode;

    private MessageLocation(JsMessage message, Node messageNode) {
      this.message = message;
      this.messageNode = messageNode;