* Copyright 2008 The Closure Compiler Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* A directed graph using linked list within nodes to store edge information.
* <p>
* This implementation favors directed graph operations inherited from <code>
* DirectedGraph</code>.
* Operations from <code>Graph</code> would tends to be slower.
* @param <N> Value type that the graph node stores.
* @param <E> Value type that the graph edge stores.
public class LinkedDirectedGraph<N, E>
extends DiGraph<N, E> implements GraphvizGraph {
protected final Map<N, LinkedDirectedGraphNode<N, E>> nodes = new LinkedHashMap<>();
public SubGraph<N, E> newSubGraph() {
return new SimpleSubGraph<>(this);
public static <N, E> LinkedDirectedGraph<N, E> createWithoutAnnotations() {
return new LinkedDirectedGraph<>(false, false);
public static <N, E> LinkedDirectedGraph<N, E> create() {
return new LinkedDirectedGraph<>(true, true);
private final boolean useNodeAnnotations;
private final boolean useEdgeAnnotations;
protected LinkedDirectedGraph(
boolean useNodeAnnotations, boolean useEdgeAnnotations) {
this.useNodeAnnotations = useNodeAnnotations;
this.useEdgeAnnotations = useEdgeAnnotations;
public void connect(N srcValue, E edgeValue, N destValue) {
LinkedDirectedGraphNode<N, E> src = getNodeOrFail(srcValue);
LinkedDirectedGraphNode<N, E> dest = getNodeOrFail(destValue);
LinkedDirectedGraphEdge<N, E> edge =
? new AnnotatedLinkedDirectedGraphEdge<>(src, edgeValue, dest)
: new LinkedDirectedGraphEdge<>(src, edgeValue, dest);
// TODO(johnlenz): make this part of the general graph interface.
* DiGraphNode look ups can be expensive for a large graph operation, prefer this
* method if you have the DiGraphNode available.
public void connect(
DiGraphNode<N, E> src,
E edgeValue,
DiGraphNode<N, E> dest) {
LinkedDirectedGraphEdge<N, E> edge =
? new AnnotatedLinkedDirectedGraphEdge<>(src, edgeValue, dest)
: new LinkedDirectedGraphEdge<>(src, edgeValue, dest);
// TODO(johnlenz): make this part of the general graph interface.
* DiGraphNode look ups can be expensive for a large graph operation, prefer this
* method if you have the DiGraphNode available.
public void connectIfNotConnectedInDirection(N srcValue, E edgeValue, N destValue) {
LinkedDirectedGraphNode<N, E> src = createDirectedGraphNode(srcValue);
LinkedDirectedGraphNode<N, E> dest = createDirectedGraphNode(destValue);
if (!this.isConnectedInDirection(src, Predicates.equalTo(edgeValue), dest)) {
this.connect(src, edgeValue, dest);
public void disconnect(N n1, N n2) {
disconnectInDirection(n1, n2);
disconnectInDirection(n2, n1);
public void disconnectInDirection(N srcValue, N destValue) {
LinkedDirectedGraphNode<N, E> src = getNodeOrFail(srcValue);
LinkedDirectedGraphNode<N, E> dest = getNodeOrFail(destValue);
for (DiGraphEdge<?, E> edge : getDirectedGraphEdges(srcValue, destValue)) {
public Iterable<DiGraphNode<N, E>> getDirectedGraphNodes() {
return Collections.<DiGraphNode<N, E>>unmodifiableCollection(
public DiGraphNode<N, E> getDirectedGraphNode(N nodeValue) {
return nodes.get(nodeValue);
public GraphNode<N, E> getNode(N nodeValue) {
return getDirectedGraphNode(nodeValue);
public List<DiGraphEdge<N, E>> getInEdges(N nodeValue) {
LinkedDirectedGraphNode<N, E> node = getNodeOrFail(nodeValue);
return Collections.unmodifiableList(node.getInEdges());
public List<DiGraphEdge<N, E>> getOutEdges(N nodeValue) {
LinkedDirectedGraphNode<N, E> node = getNodeOrFail(nodeValue);
return Collections.unmodifiableList(node.getOutEdges());
public LinkedDirectedGraphNode<N, E> createDirectedGraphNode(N nodeValue) {
LinkedDirectedGraphNode<N, E> node = nodes.get(nodeValue);
if (node == null) {
node = useNodeAnnotations
? new AnnotatedLinkedDirectedGraphNode<N, E>(nodeValue)
: new LinkedDirectedGraphNode<N, E>(nodeValue);
nodes.put(nodeValue, node);
return node;
public List<DiGraphEdge<N, E>> getEdges(N n1, N n2) {
// Since this is a method from a generic graph, edges from both
// directions must be added to the returning list.
List<DiGraphEdge<N, E>> forwardEdges = getDirectedGraphEdges(n1, n2);
List<DiGraphEdge<N, E>> backwardEdges = getDirectedGraphEdges(n2, n1);
int totalSize = forwardEdges.size() + backwardEdges.size();
List<DiGraphEdge<N, E>> edges = new ArrayList<>(totalSize);
return edges;
public List<DiGraphEdge<N, E>> getEdges() {
List<DiGraphEdge<N, E>> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (DiGraphNode<N, E> node : nodes.values()) {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(result);
public GraphEdge<N, E> getFirstEdge(N n1, N n2) {
DiGraphNode<N, E> dNode1 = getNodeOrFail(n1);
DiGraphNode<N, E> dNode2 = getNodeOrFail(n2);
for (DiGraphEdge<N, E> outEdge : dNode1.getOutEdges()) {
if (outEdge.getDestination() == dNode2) {
return outEdge;
for (DiGraphEdge<N, E> outEdge : dNode2.getOutEdges()) {
if (outEdge.getDestination() == dNode1) {
return outEdge;
return null;
public DiGraphNode<N, E> createNode(N value) {
return createDirectedGraphNode(value);
public List<DiGraphEdge<N, E>> getDirectedGraphEdges(N n1, N n2) {
DiGraphNode<N, E> dNode1 = getNodeOrFail(n1);
DiGraphNode<N, E> dNode2 = getNodeOrFail(n2);
List<DiGraphEdge<N, E>> edges = new ArrayList<>();
for (DiGraphEdge<N, E> outEdge : dNode1.getOutEdges()) {
if (outEdge.getDestination() == dNode2) {
return edges;
* DiGraphNode look ups can be expensive for a large graph operation, prefer the
* version below that takes DiGraphNodes, if you have them available.
public boolean isConnectedInDirection(N n1, N n2) {
return isConnectedInDirection(n1, Predicates.<E>alwaysTrue(), n2);
* DiGraphNode look ups can be expensive for a large graph operation, prefer the
* version below that takes DiGraphNodes, if you have them available.
public boolean isConnectedInDirection(N n1, E edgeValue, N n2) {
return isConnectedInDirection(n1, Predicates.equalTo(edgeValue), n2);
* DiGraphNode look ups can be expensive for a large graph operation, prefer this
* method if you have the DiGraphNodes available.
public boolean isConnectedInDirection(
DiGraphNode<N, E> dNode1,
Predicate<E> edgeMatcher,
DiGraphNode<N, E> dNode2) {
// Verify the nodes.
List<DiGraphEdge<N, E>> outEdges = dNode1.getOutEdges();
int outEdgesLen = outEdges.size();
List<DiGraphEdge<N, E>> inEdges = dNode2.getInEdges();
int inEdgesLen = inEdges.size();
// It is possible that there is a large assymmetry between the nodes, so pick the direction
// to search based on the shorter list since the edge lists should be symmetric.
if (outEdgesLen < inEdgesLen) {
for (int i = 0; i < outEdgesLen; i++) {
DiGraphEdge<N, E> outEdge = outEdges.get(i);
if (outEdge.getDestination() == dNode2
&& edgeMatcher.apply(outEdge.getValue())) {
return true;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < inEdgesLen; i++) {
DiGraphEdge<N, E> inEdge = inEdges.get(i);
if (inEdge.getSource() == dNode1
&& edgeMatcher.apply(inEdge.getValue())) {
return true;
return false;
private boolean isConnectedInDirection(N n1, Predicate<E> edgeMatcher, N n2) {
// Verify the nodes.
DiGraphNode<N, E> dNode1 = getNodeOrFail(n1);
DiGraphNode<N, E> dNode2 = getNodeOrFail(n2);
return isConnectedInDirection(dNode1, edgeMatcher, dNode2);
public List<DiGraphNode<N, E>> getDirectedPredNodes(N nodeValue) {
return getDirectedPredNodes(nodes.get(nodeValue));
public List<DiGraphNode<N, E>> getDirectedPredNodes(DiGraphNode<N, E> dNode) {
List<DiGraphNode<N, E>> nodeList = new ArrayList<>(dNode.getInEdges().size());
for (DiGraphEdge<N, E> edge : dNode.getInEdges()) {
return nodeList;
public List<DiGraphNode<N, E>> getDirectedSuccNodes(N nodeValue) {
return getDirectedSuccNodes(nodes.get(nodeValue));
public List<DiGraphNode<N, E>> getDirectedSuccNodes(
DiGraphNode<N, E> dNode) {
List<DiGraphNode<N, E>> nodeList =
new ArrayList<>(dNode.getOutEdges().size());
for (DiGraphEdge<N, E> edge : dNode.getOutEdges()) {
return nodeList;
public List<GraphvizEdge> getGraphvizEdges() {
List<GraphvizEdge> edgeList = new ArrayList<>();
for (LinkedDirectedGraphNode<N, E> node : nodes.values()) {
for (DiGraphEdge<N, E> edge : node.getOutEdges()) {
edgeList.add((LinkedDirectedGraphEdge<N, E>) edge);
return edgeList;
public List<GraphvizNode> getGraphvizNodes() {
List<GraphvizNode> nodeList = new ArrayList<>(nodes.size());
for (LinkedDirectedGraphNode<N, E> node : nodes.values()) {
return nodeList;
public String getName() {
return "LinkedGraph";
public boolean isDirected() {
return true;
public Collection<DiGraphNode<N, E>> getNodes() {
return Collections.<DiGraphNode<N, E>>unmodifiableCollection(nodes.values());
public int getNodeCount() {
return nodes.size();
public List<GraphNode<N, E>> getNeighborNodes(N value) {
DiGraphNode<N, E> node = getDirectedGraphNode(value);
List<GraphNode<N, E>> result = new ArrayList<>(
node.getInEdges().size() + node.getOutEdges().size());
for (DiGraphEdge<N, E> inEdge : node.getInEdges()) {
for (DiGraphEdge<N, E> outEdge : node.getOutEdges()) {
return result;
public int getNodeDegree(N value) {
DiGraphNode<N, E> node = getNodeOrFail(value);
return node.getInEdges().size() + node.getOutEdges().size();
* A directed graph node that stores outgoing edges and incoming edges as an
* list within the node itself.
public static class LinkedDirectedGraphNode<N, E> implements DiGraphNode<N, E>,
GraphvizNode {
List<DiGraphEdge<N, E>> inEdgeList = new ArrayList<>();
List<DiGraphEdge<N, E>> outEdgeList = new ArrayList<>();
protected final N value;
* Constructor
* @param nodeValue Node's value.
LinkedDirectedGraphNode(N nodeValue) {
this.value = nodeValue;
public N getValue() {
return value;
public <A extends Annotation> A getAnnotation() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Graph initialized with node annotations turned off");
public void setAnnotation(Annotation data) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Graph initialized with node annotations turned off");
public String getColor() {
return "white";
public String getId() {
return "LDN" + hashCode();
public String getLabel() {
return String.valueOf(value);
public String toString() {
return getLabel();
public List<DiGraphEdge<N, E>> getInEdges() {
return inEdgeList;
public List<DiGraphEdge<N, E>> getOutEdges() {
return outEdgeList;
* A directed graph node with annotations.
static class AnnotatedLinkedDirectedGraphNode<N, E>
extends LinkedDirectedGraphNode<N, E> {
protected Annotation annotation;
* @param nodeValue Node's value.
AnnotatedLinkedDirectedGraphNode(N nodeValue) {
public <A extends Annotation> A getAnnotation() {
return (A) annotation;
public void setAnnotation(Annotation data) {
annotation = data;
* A directed graph edge that stores the source and destination nodes at each
* edge.
static class LinkedDirectedGraphEdge<N, E> implements DiGraphEdge<N, E>,
GraphvizEdge {
private DiGraphNode<N, E> sourceNode;
private DiGraphNode<N, E> destNode;
protected final E value;
* Constructor.
* @param edgeValue Edge Value.
LinkedDirectedGraphEdge(DiGraphNode<N, E> sourceNode,
E edgeValue, DiGraphNode<N, E> destNode) {
this.value = edgeValue;
this.sourceNode = sourceNode;
this.destNode = destNode;
public DiGraphNode<N, E> getSource() {
return sourceNode;
public DiGraphNode<N, E> getDestination() {
return destNode;
public void setDestination(DiGraphNode<N, E> node) {
destNode = node;
public void setSource(DiGraphNode<N, E> node) {
sourceNode = node;
public E getValue() {
return value;
public <A extends Annotation> A getAnnotation() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Graph initialized with edge annotations turned off");
public void setAnnotation(Annotation data) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Graph initialized with edge annotations turned off");
public String getColor() {
return "black";
public String getLabel() {
return String.valueOf(value);
public String getNode1Id() {
return ((LinkedDirectedGraphNode<N, E>) sourceNode).getId();
public String getNode2Id() {
return ((LinkedDirectedGraphNode<N, E>) destNode).getId();
public String toString() {
return sourceNode + " -> " + destNode;
public GraphNode<N, E> getNodeA() {
return sourceNode;
public GraphNode<N, E> getNodeB() {
return destNode;
* A directed graph edge that stores the source and destination nodes at each
* edge.
static class AnnotatedLinkedDirectedGraphEdge<N, E>
extends LinkedDirectedGraphEdge<N, E> {
protected Annotation annotation;
* Constructor.
* @param edgeValue Edge Value.
AnnotatedLinkedDirectedGraphEdge(DiGraphNode<N, E> sourceNode,
E edgeValue, DiGraphNode<N, E> destNode) {
super(sourceNode, edgeValue, destNode);
public <A extends Annotation> A getAnnotation() {
return (A) annotation;
public void setAnnotation(Annotation data) {
annotation = data;