
 * Copyright 2009 The Closure Compiler Authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.google.javascript.jscomp;

import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull;

import com.google.javascript.jscomp.parsing.parser.util.format.SimpleFormat;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.IR;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.Node;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

 * Generates goog.exportSymbol for test functions, so they can be recognized
 * by the test runner, even if the code is compiled.
public class ExportTestFunctions implements CompilerPass {

  private static final Pattern TEST_FUNCTIONS_NAME_PATTERN =
              + "(setUpPage|setUp|shouldRunTests|tearDown|tearDownPage|test[\\w\\$]+))$");

  private final AbstractCompiler compiler;
  private final String exportSymbolFunction;
  private final String exportPropertyFunction;

   * Creates a new export test functions compiler pass.
   * @param compiler
   * @param exportSymbolFunction The function name used to export symbols in JS.
   * @param exportPropertyFunction The function name used to export properties
   *     in JS.
  ExportTestFunctions(AbstractCompiler compiler,
      String exportSymbolFunction, String exportPropertyFunction) {

    this.compiler = compiler;
    this.exportSymbolFunction = exportSymbolFunction;
    this.exportPropertyFunction = exportPropertyFunction;

  private class ExportTestFunctionsNodes extends NodeTraversal.AbstractShallowCallback {
    public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
      if (parent == null) {

      if (parent.isScript()) {
        if (NodeUtil.isFunctionDeclaration(n)) {
          // Check for a test function statement.
          String functionName = NodeUtil.getName(n);
          if (isTestFunction(functionName)) {
            exportTestFunctionAsSymbol(functionName, n, parent);
        } else if (isNameDeclaredFunction(n)) {
          // Check for a test function expression.
          Node functionNode = n.getFirstFirstChild();
          String functionName = NodeUtil.getName(functionNode);
          if (isTestFunction(functionName)) {
            exportTestFunctionAsSymbol(functionName, n, parent);
        } else if (isNameDeclaredClass(n)) {
          Node classNode = n.getFirstFirstChild();
          String className = NodeUtil.getName(classNode);
          exportClass(parent, classNode, className, n);
        } else if (n.isClass()) {
          exportClass(parent, n);
      } else if (NodeUtil.isExprAssign(parent) && !n.getLastChild().isAssign()) {
        // Check for a test method assignment.
        Node grandparent = parent.getParent();
        if (grandparent != null && grandparent.isScript()) {
          //                                    NAME/(GETPROP -> ... -> NAME)
          // SCRIPT -> EXPR_RESULT -> ASSIGN ->
          //                                    FUNCTION/CLASS
          Node firstChild = n.getFirstChild();
          Node lastChild = n.getLastChild();
          String nodeName = firstChild.getQualifiedName();

          if (lastChild.isFunction()) {
            if (isTestFunction(nodeName)) {
              if (n.getFirstChild().isName()) {
                exportTestFunctionAsSymbol(nodeName, parent, grandparent);
              } else {
                exportTestFunctionAsProperty(nodeName, parent, n, grandparent);
          } else if (lastChild.isClass()) {
            exportClass(grandparent, lastChild, nodeName, parent);
      } else if (n.isObjectLit()
          && isCallTargetQName(n.getParent(), "goog.testing.testSuite")) {
        for (Node c : n.children()) {
          if (c.isStringKey() && !c.isQuotedString()) {
          } else if (c.isMemberFunctionDef()) {
            rewriteMemberDefInObjLit(c, n);

    private void exportClass(Node scriptNode, Node classNode) {
      String className = NodeUtil.getName(classNode);
      exportClass(scriptNode, classNode, className, classNode);

    private void exportClass(Node scriptNode, Node classNode, String className, Node baseNode) {
      Node classMembers = classNode.getLastChild();
      for (Node maybeMemberFunctionDef : classMembers.children()) {
        if (maybeMemberFunctionDef.isMemberFunctionDef()) {
          String methodName = maybeMemberFunctionDef.getString();
          if (isTestFunction(methodName)) {
            String functionRef = className + ".prototype." + methodName;
            String classRef = className + ".prototype";

            Node exportCallTarget =
                    compiler, exportPropertyFunction, maybeMemberFunctionDef, methodName);
            Node call = IR.call(exportCallTarget);
            if (exportCallTarget.isName()) {
              call.putBooleanProp(Node.FREE_CALL, true);

                NodeUtil.newQName(compiler, classRef, maybeMemberFunctionDef, classRef));
                NodeUtil.newQName(compiler, functionRef, maybeMemberFunctionDef, functionRef));

            Node expression = IR.exprResult(call);

            scriptNode.addChildAfter(expression, baseNode);

    private void rewriteMemberDefInObjLit(Node memberDef, Node objLit) {
      String name = memberDef.getString();
      Node stringKey = IR.stringKey(name, memberDef.getFirstChild().detach());
      objLit.replaceChild(memberDef, stringKey);

    // TODO(johnlenz): move test suite declaration into the
    // coding convention class.
    private boolean isCallTargetQName(Node n, String qname) {
      return (n.isCall() && n.getFirstChild().matchesQualifiedName(qname));

     * Get the node that corresponds to an expression declared with var, let or const.
     * This has the AST structure VAR/LET/CONST -> NAME -> NODE
     * @param node
    private Node getNameDeclaredGrandchild(Node node) {
      if (!NodeUtil.isNameDeclaration(node)) {
        return null;
      return node.getFirstFirstChild();

     * Whether node corresponds to a function expression declared with var, let
     * or const which is of the form:
     * <pre>
     * var/let/const functionName = function() {
     *   // Implementation
     * };
     * </pre>
     * This has the AST structure VAR/LET/CONST -> NAME -> FUNCTION
     * @param node
    private boolean isNameDeclaredFunction(Node node) {
      Node grandchild = getNameDeclaredGrandchild(node);
      return grandchild != null && grandchild.isFunction();

     * Whether node corresponds to a class declared with var, let or const which
     * is of the form:
     * <pre>
     * var/let/const className = class {
     *   // Implementation
     * };
     * </pre>
     * This has the AST structure VAR/LET/CONST -> NAME -> CLASS
     * @param node
    private boolean isNameDeclaredClass(Node node) {
      Node grandchild = getNameDeclaredGrandchild(node);
      return grandchild != null && grandchild.isClass();

  public void process(Node externs, Node root) {
    NodeTraversal.traverseEs6(compiler, root, new ExportTestFunctionsNodes());

  // Adds exportSymbol(testFunctionName, testFunction);
  private void exportTestFunctionAsSymbol(String testFunctionName, Node node,
      Node scriptNode) {

    Node exportCallTarget = NodeUtil.newQName(compiler,
        exportSymbolFunction, node, testFunctionName);
    Node call = IR.call(exportCallTarget);
    if (exportCallTarget.isName()) {
      call.putBooleanProp(Node.FREE_CALL, true);
        testFunctionName, node, testFunctionName));

    Node expression = IR.exprResult(call);

    scriptNode.addChildAfter(expression, node);

  // Adds exportProperty() of the test function name on the prototype object
  private void exportTestFunctionAsProperty(String fullyQualifiedFunctionName,
      Node parent, Node node, Node scriptNode) {

    String testFunctionName =
    if (node.getFirstChild().getQualifiedName().startsWith("window.")) {
      testFunctionName = node.getFirstChild().getQualifiedName().substring("window.".length());
    String objectName = fullyQualifiedFunctionName.substring(0,
    String exportCallStr = SimpleFormat.format("%s(%s, '%s', %s);",
        exportPropertyFunction, objectName, testFunctionName,

    Node exportCall = this.compiler.parseSyntheticCode(exportCallStr)

    scriptNode.addChildrenAfter(exportCall, parent);

   * Whether a function is recognized as a test function. We follow the JsUnit
   * convention for naming (functions should start with "test"), and we also
   * check if it has no parameters declared.
   * @param functionName The name of the function
   * @return {@code true} if the function is recognized as a test function.
  public static boolean isTestFunction(String functionName) {
    return functionName != null
        && TEST_FUNCTIONS_NAME_PATTERN.matcher(functionName).matches();