* Copyright 2009 The Closure Compiler Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import static;
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
* An abstract representation of a source file that provides access to language-neutral features.
* The source file can be loaded from various locations, such as from disk or from a preloaded
* string.
* @author (Nick Santos)
public class SourceFile implements StaticSourceFile, Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static final String UTF8_BOM = "\uFEFF";
/** A JavaScript source code provider. The value should
* be cached so that the source text stays consistent throughout a single
* compile. */
public interface Generator {
public String getCode();
* Number of lines in the region returned by {@link #getRegion(int)}.
* This length must be odd.
private static final int SOURCE_EXCERPT_REGION_LENGTH = 5;
private final String fileName;
private boolean isExternFile = false;
// The fileName may not always identify the original file - for example,
// supersourced Java inputs, or Java inputs that come from Jar files. This
// is an optional field that the creator of an AST or SourceFile can set.
// It could be a path to the original file, or in case this SourceFile came
// from a Jar, it could be the path to the Jar.
private String originalPath = null;
// Source Line Information
private transient int[] lineOffsets = null;
private transient String code = null;
static final DiagnosticType DUPLICATE_ZIP_CONTENTS = DiagnosticType.warning(
"Two zip entries containing the same relative path.\n"
+ "Entry 1: {0}\n"
+ "Entry 2: {1}");
* Construct a new abstract source file.
* @param fileName The file name of the source file. It does not necessarily need to correspond to
* a real path. But it should be unique. Will appear in warning messages emitted by the
* compiler.
public SourceFile(String fileName) {
if (isNullOrEmpty(fileName)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("a source must have a name");
if (!"/".equals(File.separator)) {
this.fileName = fileName.replace(File.separator, "/");
} else {
this.fileName = fileName;
public int getLineOffset(int lineno) {
if (lineno < 1 || lineno > lineOffsets.length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Expected line number between 1 and " + lineOffsets.length +
"\nActual: " + lineno);
return lineOffsets[lineno - 1];
/** @return The number of lines in this source file. */
int getNumLines() {
return lineOffsets.length;
private void findLineOffsets() {
if (lineOffsets != null) {
try {
String[] sourceLines = getCode().split("\n", -1);
lineOffsets = new int[sourceLines.length];
for (int ii = 1; ii < sourceLines.length; ++ii) {
lineOffsets[ii] =
lineOffsets[ii - 1] + sourceLines[ii - 1].length() + 1;
} catch (IOException e) {
lineOffsets = new int[1];
lineOffsets[0] = 0;
private void resetLineOffsets() {
lineOffsets = null;
// Implementation
* Gets all the code in this source file.
* @throws IOException
public String getCode() throws IOException {
return code;
* Gets a reader for the code in this source file.
public Reader getCodeReader() throws IOException {
return new StringReader(getCode());
String getCodeNoCache() {
return code;
void setCode(String sourceCode) {
this.setCode(sourceCode, false);
void setCode(String sourceCode, boolean removeUtf8Bom) {
if (removeUtf8Bom && sourceCode != null && sourceCode.startsWith(UTF8_BOM)) {
code = sourceCode.substring(UTF8_BOM.length());
} else {
code = sourceCode;
public String getOriginalPath() {
return originalPath != null ? originalPath : fileName;
public void setOriginalPath(String originalPath) {
this.originalPath = originalPath;
// For SourceFile types which cache source code that can be regenerated
// easily, flush the cache. We maintain the cache mostly to speed up
// generating source when displaying error messages, so dumping the file
// contents after the compile is a fine thing to do.
public void clearCachedSource() {
// By default, do nothing. Not all kinds of SourceFiles can regenerate
// code.
boolean hasSourceInMemory() {
return code != null;
/** Returns a unique name for the source file. */
public String getName() {
return fileName;
/** Returns whether this is an extern. */
public boolean isExtern() {
return isExternFile;
/** Sets that this is an extern. */
void setIsExtern(boolean newVal) {
isExternFile = newVal;
public int getLineOfOffset(int offset) {
int search = Arrays.binarySearch(lineOffsets, offset);
if (search >= 0) {
return search + 1; // lines are 1-based.
} else {
int insertionPoint = -1 * (search + 1);
return Math.min(insertionPoint - 1, lineOffsets.length - 1) + 1;
public int getColumnOfOffset(int offset) {
int line = getLineOfOffset(offset);
return offset - lineOffsets[line - 1];
* Gets the source line for the indicated line number.
* @param lineNumber the line number, 1 being the first line of the file.
* @return The line indicated. Does not include the newline at the end
* of the file. Returns {@code null} if it does not exist,
* or if there was an IO exception.
public String getLine(int lineNumber) {
if (lineNumber > lineOffsets.length) {
return null;
if (lineNumber < 1) {
lineNumber = 1;
int pos = lineOffsets[lineNumber - 1];
String js = "";
try {
// NOTE(nicksantos): Right now, this is optimized for few warnings.
// This is probably the right trade-off, but will be slow if there
// are lots of warnings in one file.
js = getCode();
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
if (js.indexOf('\n', pos) == -1) {
// If next new line cannot be found, there are two cases
// 1. pos already reaches the end of file, then null should be returned
// 2. otherwise, return the contents between pos and the end of file.
if (pos >= js.length()) {
return null;
} else {
return js.substring(pos, js.length());
} else {
return js.substring(pos, js.indexOf('\n', pos));
* Get a region around the indicated line number. The exact definition of a
* region is implementation specific, but it must contain the line indicated
* by the line number. A region must not start or end by a carriage return.
* @param lineNumber the line number, 1 being the first line of the file.
* @return The line indicated. Returns {@code null} if it does not exist,
* or if there was an IO exception.
public Region getRegion(int lineNumber) {
String js = "";
try {
js = getCode();
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
int pos = 0;
int startLine = Math.max(1,
lineNumber - (SOURCE_EXCERPT_REGION_LENGTH + 1) / 2 + 1);
for (int n = 1; n < startLine; n++) {
int nextpos = js.indexOf('\n', pos);
if (nextpos == -1) {
pos = nextpos + 1;
int end = pos;
int endLine = startLine;
for (int n = 0; n < SOURCE_EXCERPT_REGION_LENGTH; n++, endLine++) {
end = js.indexOf('\n', end);
if (end == -1) {
if (lineNumber >= endLine) {
return null;
if (end == -1) {
int last = js.length() - 1;
if (js.charAt(last) == '\n') {
new SimpleRegion(startLine, endLine, js.substring(pos, last));
} else {
return new SimpleRegion(startLine, endLine, js.substring(pos));
} else {
return new SimpleRegion(startLine, endLine, js.substring(pos, end));
public String toString() {
return fileName;
public static List<SourceFile> fromZipFile(String zipName, Charset inputCharset)
throws IOException {
final String absoluteZipPath = new File(zipName).getAbsolutePath();
List<SourceFile> sourceFiles = new ArrayList<>();
try (ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(absoluteZipPath)) {
Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> zipEntries = zipFile.entries();
while (zipEntries.hasMoreElements()) {
ZipEntry zipEntry = zipEntries.nextElement();
String entryName = zipEntry.getName();
if (!entryName.endsWith(".js")) { // Only accept js files
sourceFiles.add(fromZipEntry(zipName, absoluteZipPath, entryName, inputCharset));
return sourceFiles;
static final String BANG_SLASH = "!/";
static final String JAR_URL_PREFIX = "jar:file:";
private static boolean isZipEntry(String path) {
return path.contains(".zip!/") && (path.endsWith(".js") || path.endsWith(""));
private static SourceFile fromZipEntry(String zipURL, Charset inputCharset) {
String[] components = zipURL.split(BANG_SLASH);
try {
String zipPath = components[0];
String relativePath = components[1];
return fromZipEntry(zipPath, zipPath, relativePath, inputCharset);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public static SourceFile fromZipEntry(
String originalZipPath, String absoluteZipPath, String entryPath, Charset inputCharset)
throws MalformedURLException {
String zipEntryPath = JAR_URL_PREFIX + absoluteZipPath + BANG_SLASH + entryPath;
URL zipEntryUrl = new URL(zipEntryPath);
return builder()
.withOriginalPath(originalZipPath + BANG_SLASH + entryPath)
public static SourceFile fromFile(String fileName, Charset charset) {
return builder().withCharset(charset).buildFromFile(fileName);
public static SourceFile fromFile(String fileName) {
return fromFile(fileName, UTF_8);
/** @deprecated Use {@link SourceFile#fromPath(Path, Charset)} */
public static SourceFile fromFile(File file, Charset c) {
return builder().withCharset(c).buildFromFile(file);
/** @deprecated Use {@link #fromPath(Path, Charset)} */
public static SourceFile fromFile(File file) {
return fromFile(file, UTF_8);
public static SourceFile fromPath(Path path, Charset c) {
return builder().withCharset(c).buildFromPath(path);
public static SourceFile fromCode(String fileName, String code) {
return builder().buildFromCode(fileName, code);
* @deprecated Use {@link #fromInputStream(String, InputStream, Charset)}
public static SourceFile fromInputStream(String fileName, InputStream s)
throws IOException {
return builder().buildFromInputStream(fileName, s);
public static SourceFile fromInputStream(String fileName, InputStream s,
Charset charset) throws IOException {
return builder().withCharset(charset).buildFromInputStream(fileName, s);
public static SourceFile fromReader(String fileName, Reader r)
throws IOException {
return builder().buildFromReader(fileName, r);
public static SourceFile fromGenerator(String fileName,
Generator generator) {
return builder().buildFromGenerator(fileName, generator);
/** Create a new builder for source files. */
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
* A builder interface for source files.
* Allows users to customize the Charset, and the original path of
* the source file (if it differs from the path on disk).
public static class Builder {
private Charset charset = UTF_8;
private String originalPath = null;
public Builder() {}
/** Set the charset to use when reading from an input stream or file. */
public Builder withCharset(Charset charset) {
this.charset = charset;
return this;
public Builder withOriginalPath(String originalPath) {
this.originalPath = originalPath;
return this;
public SourceFile buildFromFile(String fileName) {
return buildFromFile(new File(fileName));
* @deprecated Use {@link #buildFromPath(Path path)}
public SourceFile buildFromFile(File file) {
return buildFromPath(file.toPath());
public SourceFile buildFromPath(Path path) {
if (isZipEntry(path.toString())) {
return fromZipEntry(path.toString(), charset);
return new OnDisk(path, originalPath, charset);
public SourceFile buildFromUrl(URL url) {
return new AtUrl(url, originalPath, charset);
public SourceFile buildFromCode(String fileName, String code) {
return new Preloaded(fileName, originalPath, code);
public SourceFile buildFromInputStream(String fileName, InputStream s) throws IOException {
return buildFromCode(fileName, CharStreams.toString(new InputStreamReader(s, charset)));
public SourceFile buildFromReader(String fileName, Reader r) throws IOException {
return buildFromCode(fileName, CharStreams.toString(r));
public SourceFile buildFromGenerator(String fileName, Generator generator) {
return new Generated(fileName, originalPath, generator);
// Implementations
* A source file where the code has been preloaded.
static class Preloaded extends SourceFile {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
Preloaded(String fileName, String originalPath, String code) {
* A source file where the code will be dynamically generated
* from the injected interface.
static class Generated extends SourceFile {
// Avoid serializing generator and remove the burden to make classes that implement
// Generator serializable. There should be no need to obtain generated source in the
// second stage of compilation. Making the generator transient relies on not clearing the
// code cache for these classes up serialization which might be quite wasteful.
private transient Generator generator;
// Not private, so that LazyInput can extend it.
Generated(String fileName, String originalPath, Generator generator) {
this.generator = generator;
public synchronized String getCode() throws IOException {
String cachedCode = super.getCode();
if (cachedCode == null) {
cachedCode = generator.getCode();
return cachedCode;
// Clear out the generated code when finished with a compile; we can
// regenerate it if we ever need it again.
public void clearCachedSource() {
public void restoreFrom(SourceFile sourceFile) {
this.generator = ((Generated) sourceFile).generator;
* A source file where the code is only read into memory if absolutely necessary. We will try to
* delay loading the code into memory as long as possible.
static class OnDisk extends SourceFile {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private transient Path path;
private transient Charset inputCharset = UTF_8;
OnDisk(Path path, String originalPath, Charset c) {
this.path = path;
if (c != null) {
public synchronized String getCode() throws IOException {
String cachedCode = super.getCode();
if (cachedCode == null) {
try (Reader r = getCodeReader()) {
cachedCode = CharStreams.toString(r);
} catch (java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException e) {
throw new IOException("Failed to read: " + path + ", is this input UTF-8 encoded?", e);
super.setCode(cachedCode, Objects.equals(this.getCharset(), inputCharset));
// Byte Order Mark can be removed by setCode
cachedCode = super.getCode();
return cachedCode;
* Gets a reader for the code in this source file.
public Reader getCodeReader() throws IOException {
if (hasSourceInMemory()) {
return super.getCodeReader();
} else {
// If we haven't pulled the code into memory yet, don't.
return Files.newBufferedReader(path, inputCharset);
// Flush the cached code after the compile; we can read it off disk
// if we need it again.
public void clearCachedSource() {
* Store the Charset specification as the string version of the name,
* rather than the Charset itself. This allows us to serialize the
* SourceFile class.
* @param c charset to use when reading the input.
public void setCharset(Charset c) {
inputCharset = c;
* Get the Charset specifying how we're supposed to read the file
* in off disk and into UTF-16. This is stored as a strong to allow
* SourceFile to be serialized.
* @return Charset object representing charset to use.
public Charset getCharset() {
return inputCharset;
private void writeObject( out) throws Exception {
// Clear the cached source.
out.writeObject(inputCharset != null ? : null);
out.writeObject(path != null ? path.toUri() : null);
private void readObject( in) throws Exception {
String inputCharsetName = (String) in.readObject();
inputCharset = inputCharsetName != null ? Charset.forName(inputCharsetName) : null;
URI uri = (URI) in.readObject();
path = uri != null ? Paths.get(uri) : null;
// Code will be reread or restored.
* A source file at a URL where the code is only read into memory if absolutely
* necessary. We will try to delay loading the code into memory as long as
* possible.
* <p>
* In practice this is used to load code in entries inside of zip files.
static class AtUrl extends SourceFile {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private final URL url;
// This is stored as a String, but passed in and out as a Charset so that
// we can serialize the class.
// Default input file format for the compiler has always been UTF_8.
private String inputCharset =;
AtUrl(URL url, String originalPath, Charset c) {
this.url = url;
if (c != null) {
public synchronized String getCode() throws IOException {
String cachedCode = super.getCode();
if (cachedCode == null) {
URLConnection urlConnection = url.openConnection();
// Perform the read through the URL connection while making sure that it does not internally
// cache, because its default internal caching would defeat our own cache management.
InputStream inputStream = urlConnection.getInputStream();
cachedCode = CharStreams.toString(new InputStreamReader(inputStream, this.getCharset()));
// Must close the stream or else the cache won't be cleared.
super.setCode(cachedCode, Objects.equals(this.getCharset(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
// Byte Order Mark can be removed by setCode
cachedCode = super.getCode();
return cachedCode;
* Gets a reader for the code at this URL.
public Reader getCodeReader() throws IOException {
if (hasSourceInMemory()) {
return super.getCodeReader();
} else {
// If we haven't pulled the code into memory yet, don't.
return Resources.asCharSource(url, StandardCharsets.UTF_8).openStream();
// Flush the cached code after the compile; we can read it from the URL
// if we need it again.
public void clearCachedSource() {
* Store the Charset specification as the string version of the name,
* rather than the Charset itself. This allows us to serialize the
* SourceFile class.
* @param c charset to use when reading the input.
public void setCharset(Charset c) {
inputCharset =;
* Get the Charset specifying how we're supposed to read the URL
* into UTF-16. This is stored as a string to allow SourceFile to be
* serialized.
* @return Charset object representing charset to use.
public Charset getCharset() {
return Charset.forName(inputCharset);
private void readObject( in) throws Exception {
// Code will be reread or restored.
public void restoreFrom(SourceFile sourceFile) {
this.code = sourceFile.code;
private void readObject( in) throws Exception {
code = "<UNAVAILABLE>";