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package org.apache.maven.model;

 *         The <code>&lt;CiManagement&gt;</code> element contains
 * informations required to the
 *         continuous integration system of the project.
 * @version $Revision$ $Date$
@SuppressWarnings( "all" )
public class CiManagement
    implements, java.lang.Cloneable, org.apache.maven.model.InputLocationTracker

     //- Class/Member Variables -/

     *             The name of the continuous integration system,
     * e.g. <code>continuum</code>.
    private String system;

     * URL for the continuous integration system used by the
     * project if it has a web
     *             interface.
    private String url;

     * Field notifiers.
    private java.util.List<Notifier> notifiers;

     * Field locations.
    private java.util.Map<Object, InputLocation> locations;

     //- Methods -/

     * Method addNotifier.
     * @param notifier
    public void addNotifier( Notifier notifier )
        getNotifiers().add( notifier );
    } //-- void addNotifier( Notifier )

     * Method clone.
     * @return CiManagement
    public CiManagement clone()
            CiManagement copy = (CiManagement) super.clone();

            if ( this.notifiers != null )
                copy.notifiers = new java.util.ArrayList<Notifier>();
                for ( Notifier item : this.notifiers )
                    copy.notifiers.add( ( (Notifier) item).clone() );

            if ( copy.locations != null )
                copy.locations = new java.util.LinkedHashMap( copy.locations );

            return copy;
        catch ( java.lang.Exception ex )
            throw (java.lang.RuntimeException) new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException( getClass().getName()
                + " does not support clone()" ).initCause( ex );
    } //-- CiManagement clone()

     * @param key
     * @return InputLocation
    public InputLocation getLocation( Object key )
        return ( locations != null ) ? locations.get( key ) : null;
    } //-- InputLocation getLocation( Object )

     * Method getNotifiers.
     * @return List
    public java.util.List<Notifier> getNotifiers()
        if ( this.notifiers == null )
            this.notifiers = new java.util.ArrayList<Notifier>();

        return this.notifiers;
    } //-- java.util.List<Notifier> getNotifiers()

     * Get the name of the continuous integration system, e.g.
     * <code>continuum</code>.
     * @return String
    public String getSystem()
        return this.system;
    } //-- String getSystem()

     * Get uRL for the continuous integration system used by the
     * project if it has a web
     *             interface.
     * @return String
    public String getUrl()
        return this.url;
    } //-- String getUrl()

     * Method removeNotifier.
     * @param notifier
    public void removeNotifier( Notifier notifier )
        getNotifiers().remove( notifier );
    } //-- void removeNotifier( Notifier )

     * @param key
     * @param location
    public void setLocation( Object key, InputLocation location )
        if ( location != null )
            if ( this.locations == null )
                this.locations = new java.util.LinkedHashMap<Object, InputLocation>();
            this.locations.put( key, location );
    } //-- void setLocation( Object, InputLocation )

     * Set configuration for notifying developers/users when a
     * build is unsuccessful,
     *             including user information and notification
     * mode.
     * @param notifiers
    public void setNotifiers( java.util.List<Notifier> notifiers )
        this.notifiers = notifiers;
    } //-- void setNotifiers( java.util.List )

     * Set the name of the continuous integration system, e.g.
     * <code>continuum</code>.
     * @param system
    public void setSystem( String system )
        this.system = system;
    } //-- void setSystem( String )

     * Set uRL for the continuous integration system used by the
     * project if it has a web
     *             interface.
     * @param url
    public void setUrl( String url )
        this.url = url;
    } //-- void setUrl( String )
