
// =================== DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE ====================
// Generated by Modello 1.9.1,
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package org.apache.maven.model;

 * This elements describes all that pertains to distribution for a
 * project. It is
 *         primarily used for deployment of artifacts and the site
 * produced by the build.
 * @version $Revision$ $Date$
@SuppressWarnings( "all" )
public class DistributionManagement
    implements java.io.Serializable, java.lang.Cloneable, org.apache.maven.model.InputLocationTracker

     //- Class/Member Variables -/

     * Information needed to deploy the artifacts generated by the
     * project to a
     *             remote repository.
    private DeploymentRepository repository;

     *             Where to deploy snapshots of artifacts to. If
     * not given, it defaults to the
     *             <code>repository</code> element.
    private DeploymentRepository snapshotRepository;

     * Information needed for deploying the web site of the project.
    private Site site;

     *             The URL of the project's download page. If not
     * given users will be
     *             referred to the homepage given by
     * <code>url</code>.
     *             This is given to assist in locating artifacts
     * that are not in the repository due to
     *             licensing restrictions.
    private String downloadUrl;

     * Relocation information of the artifact if it has been moved
     * to a new group ID
     *             and/or artifact ID.
    private Relocation relocation;

     *             Gives the status of this artifact in the remote
     * repository.
     *             This must not be set in your local project, as
     * it is updated by
     *             tools placing it in the reposiory. Valid values
     * are: <code>none</code> (default),
     *             <code>converted</code> (repository manager
     * converted this from an Maven 1 POM),
     *             <code>partner</code>
     *             (directly synced from a partner Maven 2
     * repository), <code>deployed</code> (was deployed from a
     * Maven 2
     *             instance), <code>verified</code> (has been hand
     * verified as correct and final).
    private String status;

     * Field locations.
    private java.util.Map<Object, InputLocation> locations;

     //- Methods -/

     * Method clone.
     * @return DistributionManagement
    public DistributionManagement clone()
            DistributionManagement copy = (DistributionManagement) super.clone();

            if ( this.repository != null )
                copy.repository = (DeploymentRepository) this.repository.clone();

            if ( this.snapshotRepository != null )
                copy.snapshotRepository = (DeploymentRepository) this.snapshotRepository.clone();

            if ( this.site != null )
                copy.site = (Site) this.site.clone();

            if ( this.relocation != null )
                copy.relocation = (Relocation) this.relocation.clone();

            if ( copy.locations != null )
                copy.locations = new java.util.LinkedHashMap( copy.locations );

            return copy;
        catch ( java.lang.Exception ex )
            throw (java.lang.RuntimeException) new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException( getClass().getName()
                + " does not support clone()" ).initCause( ex );
    } //-- DistributionManagement clone()

     * Get the URL of the project's download page. If not given
     * users will be
     *             referred to the homepage given by
     * <code>url</code>.
     *             This is given to assist in locating artifacts
     * that are not in the repository due to
     *             licensing restrictions.
     * @return String
    public String getDownloadUrl()
        return this.downloadUrl;
    } //-- String getDownloadUrl()

     * @param key
     * @return InputLocation
    public InputLocation getLocation( Object key )
        return ( locations != null ) ? locations.get( key ) : null;
    } //-- InputLocation getLocation( Object )

     * Get relocation information of the artifact if it has been
     * moved to a new group ID
     *             and/or artifact ID.
     * @return Relocation
    public Relocation getRelocation()
        return this.relocation;
    } //-- Relocation getRelocation()

     * Get information needed to deploy the artifacts generated by
     * the project to a
     *             remote repository.
     * @return DeploymentRepository
    public DeploymentRepository getRepository()
        return this.repository;
    } //-- DeploymentRepository getRepository()

     * Get information needed for deploying the web site of the
     * project.
     * @return Site
    public Site getSite()
        return this.site;
    } //-- Site getSite()

     * Get where to deploy snapshots of artifacts to. If not given,
     * it defaults to the
     *             <code>repository</code> element.
     * @return DeploymentRepository
    public DeploymentRepository getSnapshotRepository()
        return this.snapshotRepository;
    } //-- DeploymentRepository getSnapshotRepository()

     * Get gives the status of this artifact in the remote
     * repository.
     *             This must not be set in your local project, as
     * it is updated by
     *             tools placing it in the reposiory. Valid values
     * are: <code>none</code> (default),
     *             <code>converted</code> (repository manager
     * converted this from an Maven 1 POM),
     *             <code>partner</code>
     *             (directly synced from a partner Maven 2
     * repository), <code>deployed</code> (was deployed from a
     * Maven 2
     *             instance), <code>verified</code> (has been hand
     * verified as correct and final).
     * @return String
    public String getStatus()
        return this.status;
    } //-- String getStatus()

     * Set the URL of the project's download page. If not given
     * users will be
     *             referred to the homepage given by
     * <code>url</code>.
     *             This is given to assist in locating artifacts
     * that are not in the repository due to
     *             licensing restrictions.
     * @param downloadUrl
    public void setDownloadUrl( String downloadUrl )
        this.downloadUrl = downloadUrl;
    } //-- void setDownloadUrl( String )

     * @param key
     * @param location
    public void setLocation( Object key, InputLocation location )
        if ( location != null )
            if ( this.locations == null )
                this.locations = new java.util.LinkedHashMap<Object, InputLocation>();
            this.locations.put( key, location );
    } //-- void setLocation( Object, InputLocation )

     * Set relocation information of the artifact if it has been
     * moved to a new group ID
     *             and/or artifact ID.
     * @param relocation
    public void setRelocation( Relocation relocation )
        this.relocation = relocation;
    } //-- void setRelocation( Relocation )

     * Set information needed to deploy the artifacts generated by
     * the project to a
     *             remote repository.
     * @param repository
    public void setRepository( DeploymentRepository repository )
        this.repository = repository;
    } //-- void setRepository( DeploymentRepository )

     * Set information needed for deploying the web site of the
     * project.
     * @param site
    public void setSite( Site site )
        this.site = site;
    } //-- void setSite( Site )

     * Set where to deploy snapshots of artifacts to. If not given,
     * it defaults to the
     *             <code>repository</code> element.
     * @param snapshotRepository
    public void setSnapshotRepository( DeploymentRepository snapshotRepository )
        this.snapshotRepository = snapshotRepository;
    } //-- void setSnapshotRepository( DeploymentRepository )

     * Set gives the status of this artifact in the remote
     * repository.
     *             This must not be set in your local project, as
     * it is updated by
     *             tools placing it in the reposiory. Valid values
     * are: <code>none</code> (default),
     *             <code>converted</code> (repository manager
     * converted this from an Maven 1 POM),
     *             <code>partner</code>
     *             (directly synced from a partner Maven 2
     * repository), <code>deployed</code> (was deployed from a
     * Maven 2
     *             instance), <code>verified</code> (has been hand
     * verified as correct and final).
     * @param status
    public void setStatus( String status )
        this.status = status;
    } //-- void setStatus( String )
